Delphi Programming Tutorial - Lesson 24: Tips And Tricks

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Delphi Programming Tutorial - Lesson 24: Tips And Tricks:

Learn how to save time by taking advantage of Delphi's design-time features and shortcut commands.

This lesson summarizes all the tips and tricks (and more) that you learned in previous lessons. You can also visit the following resources for more information:
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I think the nicest trick I learned as a new Delphi user was "Shift Cntrl I" and "Shift Cntrl U" to shift a block of code to the right and left. Thanks for the video!


I want to thank everybody that participated in discussions - also to subscribers that sent "thank you's" and words of encouragement. I'm a full-time Microsoft Certified Trainer at an IT college during the day, where I teach various programming languages and software development technologies. So, I only develop these videos lessons after-hours and in my free time - sometimes well into the night and early-morning hours.
YOUR words of appreciation and encouragement is what is driving me to want to continue with this service. YOU are the reason why I enjoy sharing my knowledge and skills - and for that, I THANK YOU!
PLEASE: If you enjoyed a video lesson, show your appreciation by clicking/tapping the "LIKE" button or link!! You are also welcome to leave a comment. These videos are for the world to see, so I will also appreciate it if you share it with all your friends and classmates! Please also "LIKE" our Facebook page at:

What's next!? I'm already busy with the plans for the next chapter of the DelphiSchools Video Coaching Programme!! This is what you can expect:
Lesson 27:           Input, Processing and Output
Lesson 28:           Drawing an IPO Table
Lesson 29:           Exercises - Drawing IPO tables
Lesson 30:           Understanding Data Types
Lesson 31:           Understanding Variables
Lesson 32:           Naming Variables
Lesson 33:           Declaring and Using Variables
Lesson 34:           Numeric Operators
Lesson 35:           Data Compatibility
Lesson 36:           Order of Precedence of Operators
Lesson 37:           Formatting Real Numbers
Lesson 38:           Receiving Input in an InputBox
Lesson 39:           Exercises - Working with Variables
Lesson 40:           Understanding Constants
Lesson 41:           Variable Duration
Lesson 42:           Variable Scope
Lesson 43:           Exercises - Working with Class-level Variables
Lesson 44:           Understanding TOE Charts
Lesson 45:           Drawing a TOE Chart
Lesson 46:           Exercises - TOE Charts
Lesson 47:           Tips and Tricks
Like the lessons in Chapter 1, I will publish these videos on a lesson-by-lesson basis - in other words, when I'm finished developing a lesson, and after testing it, I will load it on YouTube. I try to complete at least one lesson a week, but sometimes you may have to wait a little longer. The lessons in Chapter 2 will also be jam-packed with easy-to-understand analogies, high resolution graphics and animations, and fun-to-follow practices!
If you have not subscribed to this channel yet, I hope you will do so immediately - please join me in all the fun!
All the videos in Chapter 1 is available in the following playlist:

Kind regards
Gerhard Visagie



I'm glad you enjoy the DelphiSchools Video Coaching Programme. These video tutorials are designed to teach the fundamentals of Delphi programming to teenagers.

I will cover database development in a future lesson, but there are many other topics that must be covered first.

I hope that you will enjoy them in the meanwhile.


hey thank you for your work keep going
and i want ask you about database how i build app that i can store my file or pic...
i hope make lessons about it
