Delphi Programming Tutorial - Introduction To Programming with Delphi

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Delphi Programming Tutorial - Introduction To Programming with Delphi:

Learn Delphi Programming - Introduction To Programming with Delphi

Whether you’re just beginning or expanding your skill set in Delphi programming, the Delphi video tutorials in this playlist gives you access to the basic Delphi programming concepts you will need.

These Delphi tutorials are easy-to-understand and concise - it provides hands on exercises to build your future.

Although these lessons are developed in Delphi 7, you will be able to apply all the concepts in later versions of Delphi too - for as long as there is Delphi to learn, these lessons are still valid.

These Delphi video lessons are designed with school-going students (teenagers) in mind, but anybody interested in pursuing a programming career can benefit from our courses. Learners find our online video courses fun to watch and easy to understand.

The popularity of our Delphi programming e-learning courses is literally growing by the day. Grade 10 to 12 scholars currently enrolled in the program acknowledge the program as a first of its kind on the Internet.

Furthermore, our learners enjoy the convenience of having animated, visual tutorials that not only guide them towards success but also help them take responsibility for implementing, coordinating and managing their learning efforts.

Our programme beats other ridiculously expensive educational programmes hands-down! And this is not just us saying so. Our learners and their parents agree.

This just confirms the tremendous need learners have for animated, visual coaching and not just advice and/or classroom training.

With our online Delphi courses, you never have to match your schedule with that of your extra-class teacher. You can do our courses where ever and whenever you want – at your own pace and convenience!

Our courses are designed to optimise your learning experience. You will not only follow theoretical video tutorials – these courses are also packed with demonstrations and practices to enforce your knowledge and skills. You also get excellent tips and tricks to save you time and prepare you for exams and school assignments!

Even teachers find our courses very helpful. If you are a programming teacher, we are also looking forward to adding your name and the names of your learners to our ever-growing list of satisfied users like Louisa Briedenhann, IT Teacher at Cornerstone College:

“Thank you Gerhard. These lessons are really helpful to me as a teacher and to my students. The kids were involved in the lessons and attention was kept all the way through!”

You may also want to visit the following resources for more information:

Рекомендации по теме

procedure TForm1.btnOutputClick(Sender: TObject);
iRadius : integer;
iMeter : integer;
iCircumference : integer;
iArea : integer;
iTrimmingCost : integer;
iRadius := StrToInt(edtRadius.Text);
iMeter := StrToInt(edtMeter.Text);

iCircumference := 2 * Pi * iRadius;
iArea := Pi * iRadius * iRadius;
iTrimmingCost := iCircumference * iMeter;

pnlOutput1.Caption := 'The amount of trimming required:' + IntToStr(iCircumference);
pnlOutput2.Caption := 'The area the carpet will cover:' + IntToStr(iArea);
pnlOutput3.Caption := 'The cost for trimming is R:' + IntToStr(iTrimmingCost);

I needhelp with iCircumference and iArea calculation on Pi I am getting errors


hello sir, can refer any book in which all topics clear about delphi..?


this is last chapter 26 or it will be continue


Will Chapter 2 be uploaded to YT too, then?
