3 Texts To Send Your Ex-Girlfriend (And Win Her Back!)

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Hey there, YouTube! Welcome to this video. My name is Kate Spring, and I’m a relationship and dating coach. Some of you may know me and some of you may not. If you don’t, now you do, and hopefully your life will be different after this video.

Alright, a lot of people have been contacting me to create some videos or articles on getting your ex back. So I thought I would deliver the goods in this video. Some of you might have already seen my more in depth video on how to get you ex back. But, today, I have a video solely devoted to texting your ex back. I’m going to outline a few text messages to send to your ex-girlfriend to win her back. So let’s get started.

Before we get started, if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below, and I’ll be sure to get back to you, personally, as soon as I can.

Okay, so first of all let’s cover some things to avoid when texting your ex. First, avoid texting her right after the breakup. Give her and yourself some room to breathe. Don’t blow up her phone with sappy messages saying how much you miss her or beg her to take you back! Avoid sending her mean messages telling her that you never loved her anyways or that she isn’t all that pretty and that you prefer your ex before her. This is just adding fuel to the fire and will make getting back together that much more difficult.

Avoid the how’s it going text. You know, “Hey, how have you been?” text. That’s a dull and forgettable message that she will probably skim over and one that warrants a one word answer. In order to get your ex back, you need to excite her again. You need to create that feeling that if she doesn’t hear from you soon, she will scream, if not cry!

The next thing to cover is when to text your ex and that is ideally after you have completed a one month period of no contact. The rule of absence.

What is the rule of absence? I’m glad you asked. I’ll briefly outline it for you. The rule of absence is to become absent in your ex’s life for a period of about a month or so where you have zero contact with your ex. That means no phone calls, no texting, no emailing, no sliding into her dms, no matching with her on Tinder, no liking her Instagram pictures, no watching her Snap Chat stories, no commenting on her Facebook pictures or connecting through Facebook messenger.

This is important because it gives your ex space to miss you and to heal from the breakup, and it also lets you get some clarity on the situation for yourself. You know that saying, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” The rule of absence allows your ex to romanticize your past relationship and have more positive, happier thoughts on the matter. Not ones of resentment or sorrow. This gives you each time to heal any wounds that your breakup caused.

It’s important to have a clear goal in mind and work towards that. Do not get side tracked or take short cuts! They will work against you and all your hard work. And your goal is not to talk to her for a month, which might drive her crazy, but, in the end, that will create an anticipation in her to want to hear from you.

The best time to start texting your ex back is after the no contact period when enough time has passed that your...

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The Rule of Absence is a real thing. I was with a girl for over a year and a half. We had a horrible break up, but the chemistry was right or something. The break up was so bad the absence lasted almost 2 years, but now we are working to get back together.


There’s no clear cut way to get anyone back. If a person wants you back and you don’t mess it up you can get the person back. If they don’t want you, then nothing you can do will win them over. Nice video! Love the graphic editions but this isn’t the blueprint because nothing is guaranteed.


A text with a statement that brings back a fond memory, that still has a open ended question works the best IMO.


3 years since our breakup, and I still miss her so much. She hasn’t blocked me from instagram but she’s blocked me from everything else. We started talking again 2 months ago but then we fought and went back to our old ways. I miss her so much.


I watch these videos and I sincerely thank you for offering us hope. My ex recently left me because I had a problem drinking. I drank because of our situation. I couldn't take her anywhere. I couldn't help with the bills or put food in the refrigerator. I felt absolutely WORTHLESS. I accepted all her faults but she claims she couldn't understand why I felt the way I did. I didn't even have a decent pair of underclothes to put on. Life is very unkind.


Love friends! My ex and I watch the whole series together almost twice


Awesome adviser you are on dating and relationship! Thumbs up!!👍👍(you look great too)😉


Kate: strong eye contact, touch..
Me: touch 😏
Kate: when appropriate
Me: ahhh...


Crazy that this shit would lowkey work... wish I would've seen this a couple months ago. I butchered the no contact rule 😭


Kate thats a very sweet message considering I was the one who dumped her a year ago, this literally killed her. I dumped her as there was a possibility I would have to move out of EU and she would not have come along.

She met a guy soon after we broke up and has been with him ever since. When I finally got a job in Dec-18 I contacted her, 3 weeks ago I apologized (but not needy) informing her that I would like to have her back. Probably it was too quick and fast to absorb. She blew me away in short mentioning that she is happy with someone else. I responded saying "I'm cool and would be there for her if she needed anything", rather needy I would say as it was in a week moment.

I am now employing the rule of no contact / absence. I think that your commentary would have no effect on the present situation as I would be coming across as more desparate subsequent to the 30 days no contact rule!


Thank you Kate! Another great video!! You look amazing as usual 😊❤


Thank you. Your advise is fantastic. Thank you for taking up time to help out those in dire need of good advice.


Ok. So I tried to follow the no contact rule.. FAILED! We still kept contact. Sometimes we argued..I'd ask her out, she'd ask me out...I did go to therapy for my own benefit. Anyways long story short. She's really sweet to me again and wants to see me. When we are together she laughs at everything I say and even make jokes...I asked her what her goal was and she said that she wants to work on our relationship. That she thinks we can do it. I know we can do it but I'm like "ttthpt"..I don't know what to do now. It's been six months and I feel awesome! We were married for 6 years and have a daughter...anyways I don't know if this stuff really works but you should definitely not initiate contact. And don't be needy. Be a strong independent man and put yourself together damn it!


I subscribed, thank you.. Going through some tough times right now, 2 weeks out of a breakup.


I thought I will not fall in love with any girl after break up....but saw you and I realise I was wrong ;-)


This has actually worked. I got her back. We're in regular contact now. Thanks so much Kate. Ill be sure to recommend you. xx


Thank you kate spring. This was a big help in my situation and my feelings I just wish there was more like you and I hope I'm not saying this wrong but I guess the word would be rationalized like you do... awesome job


Hey Kate! Seen your video and i loved every bit of it. My scenario is little bit different from everyone actually. How can i mail you personally everything ?


Omg! Kate!!! I was crying because I wanted my ex back, but now I just want to watch more of your videos. You are gorgeous!


i really needed this video. thank you! </3
