How I Became a Millionaire By 30 - Carrie Green

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For so many years I struggled with feeling stuck and confused about what my purpose in life was. I was sleepwalking, not knowing where I was going or what I even wanted for myself.

This is the story of how I moved past those blocks, decided to become the author of my own story, and in the end, how I became a millionaire and brought some of my wildest dreams into reality.

The She Means Business show is all about helping you to have confidence in yourself, to have clarity around your vision and to help you realise that you can live an amazing life and build a successful business.

If you’re new to the Female Entrepreneur Association, this platform and community is all about showing you exactly how to do that - how to build a successful business and create the life of your dreams.

But mostly it’s about helping you to see the value that you have in yourself and that you bring to this world… The fact that you have a powerful message to share, whatever it may be.

So in this episode I want to share my whole story with you, all the way back to 2005 when my entrepreneurial journey started. I'm talking about:

- How I started my first business (it was that or selling ice-creams at Cirque Du Soleil!)
- How my first work experience after graduation made me realise that I didn’t want to be a lawyer and chose to grow my business instead.
- Why I had to quit that first business and the quest I went on to find my purpose in life.
- How I came up with the idea for the Female Entrepreneur Association in 2008 and why it took me 3 years to pluck up the courage to do something about it.
- The moment I realised what I needed to do to create the life and business of my dreams.
- How I conditioned myself for success with a Mission Success challenge.
- The struggles, doubts and money blocks I faced on the way and how I overcame them (and the rituals I still do to this day that condition my mind for success).
- How to open yourself up, turn ideas into reality and allow abundance and success to flow into your life.

If you loved this episode, I would love your help in getting more people to discover this podcast! My mission is to inspire and empower as many amazing women as possible, so it would be great if you could help me to spread the word!

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#shemeansbusiness #carriegreen #millionaire
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Start to walk on the way, and the way will appear :) xx


Carrie, I discovered you 7 years ago here on YouTube. I feel embarrassed as I write this, but at the same time I am grateful because I have reached a point of realisation how much time I have wasted. I have always wanted to start my own brand, but the fear of not knowing all the in's and outs of how to do it, and skills required put a big "full stop" to it. Yesterday the 18th January 2021 I decided to take a look back at some sketch books that I had hidden away in a box and slowly came to the realisation that I must have some talent to create all these drawings and that I need to start commit and start my brand. I originally wanted to start my brand back in 2012 but I let a few of my life issues get in the way of that and lost focus. The truth is I decided to use those issues as an excuse as to why I wouldn't yet the truth was it was down to FEAR. Fast forward to today your video popped up and please bare in mind, although I am subscribed to you I have not watched any of your videos in quite a few years but for some reason your video was in my top feed. Wow! It hit hard when you said who long it took you to achieve the success you have yet here I am and sat here that is time I have wasted. Who knows where my brand would be had I had the same courage as you had. :((((


THANK YOU CARRIE, I will start to walk on the way today and the way will appear unto me, to be blessed and a greater blessing to others. This is my promise to me!
March 21, 2024🎉
Here I come🙏😊


I'm at stage where the "l don't know how". I'm glad you mentioned it.


This popped into my email Inbox. I decided to open it, sit and listen tentatively. I loved every word you spoke. I am driven but more driven and determined by this that whenever I encounter, doubts as to how my business and dreams are progressing or not, I will listen to this because there is so much richness and life serving quotes. I must read the E Myth by Michael Gerber because, did you know that a poor person living an impoverished life in Slauson, California, USA, read the book and became a Millionaire from what had resonated with him. Thank you, Carrie.


Inspiring stuff. If everyone "could" somehow spend a year trying out an entrepreneurial idea before committing to jobs they may not like, the world would be different.


Thank you! This episode was awesome! I am ready to live my best life. I have broken the glass ceiling over my head. I have kicked down the walls. I am ready. I will no longer hold myself back. Two weeks ago I made the statement that I want to be a millionaire and live the life that I’ve always envisioned. That now has come into focus as I outlined everything to make this dream a reality. Thank you for being a part of my journey!


Thank you Carrie, I’m broke to my bone and really don’t know what to do with my life with no college certificate… I am always afraid cause I feel I don’t have the certificate or knowledge to make my life useful but now I’m ready to push forward no matter what!!! Thank you


You've just said everything I've been thinking about myself.. I'll have to listen to this on repeat. I forget to believe in myself. Great video xx


I searched “ how to become a businesswoman “ in the search bar and chose your video. I’m a hairstylist and want to get from behind the chair. I’m studying, taking notes and letting this informational sink in. I want my dream home and I have to become a millionaire to attain it.


Yes Yes Yes! I CHOOSE my amazing life! 2021 was my best year yet but I am FAR from done! Thanks Carrie!


Hey Carrie! I saw this video today and definitely push me to value my life. I want to create my own way without off the light of others and On the light of My Life. Thank You So Much!


Your story is admirable! Thanks for sharing! Right now, I am taking a step to fulfilling my mission and purpose in life. I’m actually very excited where this new journey will take me.


It's really been amazing watching the progress of the FEA and your business journey the last six years that I have been a member! Amazing!


Thank you! I will make that step today ❤


You triggered me in a good way I started tearing because I feel exactly like this


Really enjoys llthe video. Trust the process and everything will elign 😊


Great story to tell. So inspiring. Thanks for sharing.


This was soo good..I wanted to cry as I drifting off to sleep listening to Carrie. Thank u. X I do wonder sometime was is my purpose, how to push thru now as I am now over 50 & time is scary. I want to leave things in place for my daughter & encourage her to start early so she does not have to worry financially.


I just discovered your channel and recently your podcast. Thank you so much for sharing your relatable experiences and overall advice! I've been thinking about starting my own business for several years and you've really inspired me to begin taking more action and to believe in myself more. I really needed to hear this message- thank you so much!
