How to Become a Millionaire When You’re Broke

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Taking notes for myself
1. Time is the most important thing
2. Focus: not distracted (avoiding shiny object syndrome)
Takes about 5-7 years to become a millionaire. Being a millionaire is an effect. It’s a marathon not a race
I had no idea this video was an hour, so not taking notes on here lol


I better like these non edited videos. They feel more authentic and are actually more enjoyable to watch.


I recognize that I have been using my time and energy on nonsense and stupidity for many years. Thank you for clarifying my whole picture, my brother.


Never heard anyone place so much emphasis on time. Extremely underrated.


Fable: Many years ago, in ancient Greece, a traveller met an old man on the road and asked him how to get to Mount Olympus. The old man, who happened to be Socrates, replied by saying, “If you really want to get to Mount Olympus, just make sure that every step you take is in that direction.”


I am 17, and by choice of my youtube algorithm, I found this video. This has been a real eye-opener for me it's shown me the habits i need to continue growing and what is necessary to achieve success. Like you, my true goal is to be a billionaire. Thank you for this changed my life.


I spent 14 years of my life in solitude working on my craft as a neurofunk drum&bass music producer (very niche subgenre). I reached all of the goals I had from back when I was 18 but now I'm broke and empty. I put all my focus into something that doesn't make money and even though I am respected by my idols, peers and listeners, my life is in a pretty pathetic state but most of them don't know this. I have been working on my mindset, doing the shadow work for a good amount of years now. But those 14 years have taken their toll on me and I have no damn clue where to go with my life. Money has been painted as an enemy throughout my childhood, so now it frightens me. I keep working on myself, but have no direction in life for success or where to look. I can make dope music. That's about it.


In my opinion, a housing market crash is imminent due to the high number of individuals who purchased homes above the asking price despite the low interest rates. These buyers find themselves in precarious situations as housing prices decline, leaving them without any equity. If they become unable to afford their homes, foreclosure becomes a likely outcome. Even attempting to sell would not yield any profits. This scenario is expected to impact a significant number of people, particularly in light of the anticipated surge in layoffs and the rapid increase in the cost of living..


Keep this in mind everyone, on your way to becoming a millionaire your income will start to increase. You will be able to quit your job and replace it with the income coming from your business. You will slowly make 10k per month, then 20k per month, and you get the idea. That’s why it’s important to only focus on your progress and trust the process. The greatest self-improvement is making more money. Stay focused.


I love how he breaks these concepts down into a kind of formula using a hermetic/philosophical vocabulary. At the end of the day it is just a formula, just different people plug in different variables based off circumstances. Time (+) consistency = Results |


Summary Notes

- Time is Crucial: Success takes about 7 years. It's not about quick schemes but consistent effort over time.

- Hard Work and Focus: The journey involves hard work, often in isolation, focusing on a single goal.

- Money and Time Relationship: Understand the close relationship between money and time. Look at how billionaires' net worth grows over time.

- Cause and Effect Principle: Every financial outcome (effect) has a cause. Understanding this relationship is key to success.

- Hegel's Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis. Combining different elements over time leads to desired outcomes.

- Knowledge and Consistency: Continuously acquire knowledge and stay consistent. Personal experience: Reading extensively helps in the long run.

- Focus on One Path: Concentrate energy and resources on a single, well-chosen path to success.

- Manage Energy and Time: Use your energy and time effectively, focusing like a magnifying glass to start a fire.

- Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome: Don't get distracted by multiple ventures. Focus on one area to make significant progress.

- Long-Term Perspective: Be patient and maintain a long-term view on your journey to becoming a millionaire.


I prefer this kind of videos, instead of those heavily edited ones, this is very authentic and genuinely gives more value. It takes few or none editing efforts, but me as the audience would prefer that (im not sure about the majority though)


I will forever appreciate this channel, you’ve helped me and my family a lot, your videos, advice and lessons are inspirational helpful to us,
I now earn every week. You’re such a blessing to this generation, we all love you


Able down to break down meaningful business concepts on these raw, not edited videos. This is genuine value. Thanks Charlie👏


I don’t like hearing it takes this long and the isolation part but it is what I need to hear. Something most YouTubers will not tell you honestly. Thank you Charlie 🙏🏾


1. Concentration (FOCUS)creates wealth, diversification helps to keep it.

2. NO willl make you more money than any other word.

3. It's about PAIN.

Really valuable guidance.


Very helpful information that I honestly was trying to find. This one hour video probably saved me 20 + hrs of my time trying to figuring out what's the right way. The Biggest struggle is trying to find your niche and sticking with it, figuring out what to do, which is probably where you have to spend most of your energy. Thank you for posting and sharing this golden video.


As someone who already sits in a room alone with barely any social interaction, I see this as an absolute win


Sam Ovens regen 😂Smart that you're trying this format of video when everyone is trying to do Iman style videos. Plus, I believe they hit home for a lot of people by drawing and explaining these business concepts on a board like Sam used to do. Great vid!


Please please please keep going with these Sam Ovens-style videos. Love this format
