How To Become A Millionaire (Step by Step Guide)

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Honestly, this concerns me and has left me uneasy. Especially this potential depression, no more a recession. I'm unsure about my $130K account strategy, considering the uncertainty of this whole recession mostly.


After 5 years I'll come back to this video again to see how much I have progressed in life. I have one BIG GOAL and that is to be a MILLIONAIRE by 27. I have written down all my future goals and gonna take it step by step no matter how hard it gets. As long as we have mentors like Jose, we are on the right path.❤️💯


Audio went out at 20:28-22:07
Thank you for the video. Something worth mentioning the oil field is perfect for people straight out of high school looking to grind hard and to get ahead. It’s slave work but also you can juggle the remote jobs and freelance or delivery on your days off. I worked a schedule 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and did construction on my off time. I’m currently educating myself with real estate and self Improvement


"You won't do that"
"your not that guy"
"it's gonna be a hard and painful road full of sacrifices"

For some people this may sound as demotivating, but for me this is the best motivation I can get.


Hey Jose,

I’m only halfway through this and this has already spoke to me and reminded me I’m already on my way.

Two years into being self employed with my digital marketing agency and I still do doordash almost every night and every weekend. Close to 100 hours a week now.

Really close to scaling the agency but DoorDash has allowed it to be possible. Everyday I do it I’m listening to a business podcast or audible book and it’s helped me in my business.

Thank you for giving me this reminder!


You must do more videos like this one. It is the best piece of advice I've ever heard about how to make more money. Thank you, Jose and I love how honest you were through the entire video.


Hey Jose,
I have watched you for years and you have been my role model at time. Even though many of your videos have been amazing this one is truly a masterpiece. Thank you, you deserve to achieve your 1B goal!
People who haven't been in this situation, would not relate as much, but for us, who have been there, we know the value of this video!
Keep pushing forward, what you are doing with this channel has changed lives!!!


Hey Jose,

I’m 13 years old and im starting to build my mindset and collecting all the info i needed to know which step to take when i leave my parents home and you helped me decide that step. 

Thank you for everything your doing and i hope to see you very very soon.


I'll become a millionaire in next 3 yrs


I'm in the middle of some uncertain times, and let me say this: This video just changed my life. Thank you, José


When you invest, you're buying a day you don't have to work


You work for 40yrs to have $1M in your
retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K in a meme coin from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires.


Damn the honesty is brutal and it should be . This is the reality of work, the reality of money . Thank you Jose . No filter and no bs . No one could've said this better . You definitely nailed the topic .


Wooo Zuniga with another home run. 👏 I love this content. I love the calling out of people too lazy, too full of excuses, too blind!! Keep up the great work and you’ll soon be a Billy Jose.


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 💰 The Difficulty of Becoming a Millionaire
01:23 📚 First Step: Get a Job, Finish College, Work on Your Body
04:53 💼 Alternative Path: Skip College but Earn $70K to $100K
07:35 🌟 Making Progress: Scaling from $100K to a Million
12:23 🔥 Facing Challenges: Embracing Failure and Persistence
15:56 🕰️ Extending the Timeline: Patience and Long-Term Perspective
16:50 🧠 Sustaining Momentum and Perseverance
19:24 🪶 Evolution and Adaptation


This video trully showed me that I will get there. Just when you started talking about that 12H days I was like lets get it. This is my flow. I have been working on my businesses for the past 5-6 years, but this video got me to reconsider som part of my life and approach. Thank you for that💪🏻


Hey Jose. you have always been a inspiration to me in life. You have taught me things that i would not have learned any where else and for all the You Tubers out there you were one of the first that i looked up too. I have been really trying to focus on my self and start a buisness but have had no luck but watching this video opened my eyes and made me realize that it is a process but you have to keep putting in the hard work in order to succceed. I won't ever stop thank you ‼️💯


I think the muted parts means that the path to the top is a path you can only walk by yourself. No matter how many guides, courses or motiavational videos you watch in the end it´s just you who has to do the work. Thanks for the video!


Thanks for the inspiration man! I moved from Russia to the US and didn’t speak english at all. It was hard but I started uploading videos on YouTube, talked with the locals and this is how I started video production. Not everything goes very cool now but you really inspire me with all this content. I'm tired of weak men around or people who don't have any mission in their life - this is sad. But this is why we have to find the way to get as best future as possible. Lets go!


Hey jose...
I jus wanna say thank you for bein the big brother that I never thought I needed, I love you man all the way from Tanzania Africa❤
