Helldivers 2 - NEW Major Order Update, HUGE Bile Titan Glitch & Ship Upgrades!

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Hey, let's talk Helldivers 2 News & Latest Update, New Major Order Update, Bile Titan and Chargers Glitch & More Ship Upgrades!
0:00 Overview
0:20 Bile Titan & Charger Bug
1:52 The Armor Shop
2:37 Joel & Major Order Update
4:21 PSN Link & Player Report
5:37 More Ship Upgrades Coming
6:37 City Biomes

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I faced a traitor today. I went to estanu to take a break from fighting bots non stop for the last few days . I said "taking a break from the mo lol" in the chat .the level 150 host said "screw the mo" and he would " burn super earth down to the ground" and killed me. I respawned and killed him, then he kicked me. I faced an actual lore accurate dissident . Stay vigilant helldivers.


Pelican can now do barrel rolls through concrete, shut its hatch, hide underneath 5 feet of concrete just to do a backflip and take off empty. I think with morale augmentation we are just getting our crews drunk.


City maps would be amazing. I believe it will only happen once the enemies reach super earth or the sectors directly bordering it. However, this could go both ways, as the final worlds of the enemy factions would likely be heavily fortified and populated. Imagine that instead of a human city/normal boring map we’re going through a gigantic bot factory encompassing the entire planet, or one of those terminid towers that have been mentioned in the previous order’s victory text


I honestly feel like that hitbox issue has been around forever, it’s infuriating, especially when you’re using varied loadouts that need to rely on different weak points to be effective.


I knew i wasnt tripping when my shots from my auto cannon would ricochet off the bile titan when the armor was removed cost me so many lives


Has anyone noticed that the Hulk will sometimes nonstop karate chop, making it impossible to shoot the visor?


I don’t know why but this game has been recently overtaken by friendly-firing assholes. First it happened to me on Gatria. A dude took all barrages, threw them down the moment we spawned in and started shooting us with his breaker incendiary amidst the chaos of four orbital barrages going off.
Another time, also on Gatria, there was a dude who stayed at the main objective without the sub objectives being completed, and was then spamming chat about how we’re all noobs, can’t do the mission in time (24 minutes left as we did the last sub objective FYI) and how we’re not worth reinforcing after death.
And lastly, on Aesir pass, largely the same event as the first one but with a scorcher and denying friendly fire after killing two of us.

Divers, kick these undemocratic automaton spies the moment you spot them.


Id like to see cheaper upgrades to compensate for all the extra upgrades coming out this is going to become far too grindy more than it already has


Better would be to add cave/bunker systems with somekind of small bugs on mass inside. Also different idea to rescue crash landed pelican/eagle pilot - just imagine this eagle miss pilot without legs carried like a data storage unit :D


I would like a dried out ocean planet as a new biom. Skeletons of huge sea creatures and razor sharp coral everywhere.


Totally thought you were gonna mention something new. That armor glitch on BTs and chargers has been around from my experience for months.


The fully upgraded ship model was leaked a long time ago when the game released. We will be getting a lot more ship upgrades over time


With the mention of cities and large buildings i instantly think of the defence missions from HD1, man those were great.


I think a city biome would be absolutely kick ass. Imagine a previously controlled super earth metropolis that’s been overtaken by bugs/bots, and is now a desolate smoking ruin. The bottom halves of skyscrapers remain with the tops blown off, still tall enough to hide the 30 foot tall bile Titan that just came around the corner at the next block. I would hate to see super earths finest cities demolished, but I would have the time of my life fighting to take it back 🌎✊🏻


I feel like the armor hit box after being broken has been around for a long time bc it seems not a lot of people even try to shoot their open weak spots when they are available and I do but it always feels hit or miss even tho I’m not missing lol but glad to see it’s not just me


I come back to this game once a week to see if they have fixed all the annoying shit, but alas its issues persist and I still can't be bothered.


The charger armor break body not showing the correct armor pen indicator has been broken since the infamous railgun nerf, it simply was ported to the behemoth and bt now. You can tell you still do massive damage if you use the plasma punisher on the new exposed flesh.


I think Charger butts are bugged similar to Bile Titan heads. I just switched from being an Arc Thrower main to a Grenade Launcher main. Over the past couple days, there have been multiple occasions where I've unloaded an entire clip of Grenade Launcher into a Behemoth butt without it taking any damage.

Also, there are no hit markers with the Grenade Launcher.


are people finally noticing the bugged broken armor??


That explains why i killed the titan with 2 shots with the commando once and after that i has to shoot it more than 4 times
