India’s Superpower Status Wishful Thinking! Here’s Why!!

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Many observers of India and China will tell you there are more questions than there are answers when it comes to India’s economic and demographics projections. While many, for example, wonder whether India could surpass China as the world's biggest minerals buyer, others suggest that India is a global power…
In this vid, I’m going to provide my analysis highlighting key factors that will prevent India from becoming the next global superpower anytime soon.

About David:
Dr. Oualaalou served a fifteen-year career in the United States Armed Forces in support of the US government’s security agencies in Washington DC and around the world. His primary roles include security policy, intelligence analysis, security operations advice including leadership and managerial operations. He advised high-profile U.S. military and civilian officials on security issues, economic trends, and foreign military threat information. He has written many articles and books including his latest, The Dynamics of Russia’s Geopolitics: Remaking the Global Order.

About Elizabeth:

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Рекомендации по теме

More people in China = more consumers, more workers, more opportunities, a better economy
- More people in India = more mouths to feed, more unemployment, more social unrest, more headaches


Indian media like to report on China's "supposed" massive debt crisis but most Indians couldn't even explain why China's credit ratings at AA+ while India's at BBB-


India does have many bigmouth channels like WION, Gravitas, FirstPost, TFI, and some commentators on The Press, etc.


When Indians have a plan, they would first of all tell the whole world about their plan, congratulate themselves about the plan, boast about their plan, dream about their plan, compare others with their plan, ridicule others with their plan and in the end, can't even recall what was the plan 😉

- Make in India
- Self-reliant India
- Astronauts to space by 2015
- Replacing China as the factory of the world by 2025 (according to Modi at the launch of Make in India 2015)
- $5 trillion economy by 2025
- Manufacturing to contribute 25% of India's economy by 2020 (it's now only 12%, down from 16% in 2016)
- 20 million jobs creation a year (only 7 million as of today and only 2 million of those are formal employments)
- HSR by 2023 (now postponed to 2028. To be postponed again by 2028 to 2033, then 2037, after that 2045)


Sorry to disappoint y'all Indians but listen here carefully. China enjoyed almost 40 years of nonstop, uninterrupted, continuous progress through industrialization and export led growth in an era of globalisation and free trade. Only now is India longing to follow China's footsteps, at a time of protectionism and AI assisted automation in manufacturing?

India missed the train and it's the last train!

Something for you Indians to think about: half of India's population is under 20 years of age. THEY NEED JOBS and not Modi's false promises


Listen carefully Indians!
China has $3.5 trillion dollars worth of forex reserves. Plus China has $2 trillion dollars worth of loans to BRI countries. On top of that, China has $3 trillion dollars worth of assets globally like mineral rights, ports, start-ups, stocks, sovereign wealth funds etc. Add to that, China recorded $880 billion dollars worth of trade surplus last year alone. While India only got $500 plus billion forex reserves and India wants to counter China? This is not even a David vs. Goliath kinda thing, this is an ant taking on a T-rex 😂


I was watching Gravitas, Parka said that India's road system now has surpassed China's, and I thought wow, big congratulations to India! Then someone said that most of the roads were unpaved, and that China has 165, 000 km of highspeed highways while India has 4, 000 km. I think the problem with the Indian mindset is that they want to surpass China so desperately that they have lost their real focus.


The China collapse theory was circulating in the west since 1990s but never happened because the leaders never abandoned the people at the bottom.


India is 5th largest economy only because of 1.4+ billion population and nothing else. GDP is defined as the total value of goods/services produced for a certain period. I ask you this question. How much goods/services can a single person produce versus 10 person, assuming they are using the same type of labor? Obviously, 10 person will be able to produce more goods/services as compared to a single person. Ratio is 1 : 10, 1 person versus 10 people and that is why India easily and ought to beat the GDP of countries with significantly lesser population.

Now, what happens if you were to make a more meaningful and fair comparison by comparing a 1.4+ billion population country India versus another 1.4 +billion country Why is India's GDP merely 3.18 trillion whereas China's GDP is 17.73 trillion (2021 World Bank data)?

Thus, don't give me nonsensical comments such as being the 5th or 6th largest economy in terms of GDP and don't even try bragging about it. A country of their size of 1.4 billion ought to be at least half the GDP of China because they have approximately the same population. They're not even 20% of China's GDP, yet they like to think themselves as superpower and throw their weight around🤣🤭🤣😂China only exposes the weakness of India: *quality versus quantity.* 🤭🤣

There are simply too many over proud Indians making false propagandas that they are the world fastest growing economy nowadays all over the internet 🤡 lol. Can you Indians even see the gap? 6495% growth > 1140% growth🤭🤣 Read more below 👇

*For the purpose of having a fair and meaningful comparison, * I will compare 1.4+ billion population India versus 1.4+ billion population China* (same GDP potential)

India's independence year = 1947
India's GDP on year 1987 = 279.03 billion
India 's GDP on year 2021 = 3.18 trillion
India's growth from 1987 to 2021 = 3180/279.03 X 100 = 1140%

China's independence year =1949
China's GDP on year 1987 = 272.97 billion
China 's GDP on year 2021 = 17.73 trillion
China's growth from 1987 to 2021 = 17730/272.97 X 100 = 6495% growth

Can you even see the gap? 6495% growth > 1140% growth🤭

Referring to World Bank Data, China grew from 14.69 trillion on year 2020 to 17.73 trillion on year 2021. It basically grew 3.04 Trillion in just 1 year, almost *the entire economy size of India.* India took 34 years to grow 2.9 trillion from a 279.03 billion economy to a 3.18 trillion economy. India is "world fastest growing economy"? 🤭

Before you accuse World Bank's data as not reliable, you need to understand that the entire world borrows money from World Bank. Yes, it is the same bank that India trusted and thus borrowed money from them to finance their Swachh Bharat toilet mission 2014 (The mission includes making 110 million toilets for 600 million Indians over a period of 5 years to end open defecation) 🤭

Truth and reality hurts the most😆

Indians hate the Chinese because the very existence of China is a perpetual reminder that China has succeeded whereas India has failed. The entire world is always comparing this 2 largest countries because they have the same population and because of this, Indians have a hard time coping being the inferior one. Thus, India have developed this defense mechanisms psychology that they cannot lose out to China.


America: Nano Chips
China: Critical raw materials
Europe: Recycling metarials
India: we have curry powder


IF india's objectives are to overtake China, it might be a difficult task for them although indias population growth has overtaken China's BUT indias infrastructure isn't as good as China's, and neither is their technology advance.

Even IF China and indian talents work in other countries, the Chinese talents will always return to China with their new experiences and wealth of knowledge to improve their home while indians top talents tend to stay in other counties and NOT contribute back to their home.


Deng Xiaoping's strategy:
1. Attract foreign factories
2. Adopt their knowhow
3. Adopt their technologies
4. Create Chinese brands
5. Venture out globally
Results: China is today the world's 2nd largest economy, largest trading nation, 130 countries have China as their largest trading partner, 90% of all cranes in the world are in China and the list goes on and on and on

Modi's strategy:
1. Talk
2. Boast
3. Blame Congress
4. Target China
5. Talk more
Results: After several years, DENY EVERYTHING, never admit to the old talk, talk new ones so people will forget the old ones


If there is a sport "BLA, BLA" at the olympics, India would take the first 10 places.


Seems to me that India's number one industry is telemarketing scam calls. What a pain in the azz they are!


Many Indians think that if foreign factories were to move out of China, it would be the end of China as the manufacturing hub of world 😂 Sorry to disappoint y'all Indians, a decade ago foreign enterprises comprised up to 78% of Chinese exports. Today, that figure is just 11%! Meaning: Chinese exports are now mostly done by Chinese factories 😂


I’ve always wondered why the people from India love to compare themselves with China. Now you’ve made it clear


the problem with India is they act like they are already a superpower, when China was opening up back in the 80s they are very humble they learn and they take in all the hardwork and garbage that stronger nations now the tables has turned they can throw back the crap that the bullies has thrown at them


Indians like Modi's promises, they do not remember what Modi said it when he got elected.
"Prime Minister Modi launched the Make in India programme in 2014 with great fanfare. The programme has three key objectives: 1) increasing manufacturing growth to 12-14%, 2) increasing the share of manufacturing in GDP from 16 to 25% by 2022, and 3) creating 10 crore jobs in manufacturing by 2022.The manufacturing growth rate has averaged 6% over the last eight years, the share of manufacturing in the GDP has stagnated at 16%, and manufacturing jobs have been reduced by half."


Quite a few commentators have pointed out that doing business/investments in India is very risky. Many investors, after having started the projects in India find themselves in trouble. Their Indian partners will come up with stories to break contracts or for non payment for work done. Xiaomi, CITI Bank, HSBC Bank and Deutsche Bank are just some examples.


China is already an economic superpower and in many aspects militarily also. There is no comparison between the two.
