A Basic Introduction to Krishna Consiousness with Dr. Graham M. Schweig

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Graham M. Schweig is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Christopher Newport University as well as Distinguished Research and Teaching Fellow at the Center for Dharma Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He has three masters degrees and a PhD in comparative religion from Harvard University. He is the author of several books and hundreds of articles on Chaitanya-Vaishnava theology, published with premier academic presses.

In this video he will give a basic overview of the theology of the Hare Krishna movement. On this channel we cover a lot of philosophy of religion topics and mention ways in which Hare Krishna theology relates to those topics, but this will be our first overview of Krishna Consciousness.

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Thank you so much, God bless you even more and more and more.
Glories to you all, glories to Shrila Prabhupad.


I really respect his viewpoints. He has obviously pondered the most difficult questions with a sense of humility. Sláinte.


Wow! Dr. Graham is the sort of person who I want from a guru. Someone who understands the heart of religion and knows how to hold a dialogue.


The answer to the question of "What do Hare Krishna's believe?" begins around the 59 minute mark. 🙏


1:05:37 I am.not from iskcon. The example Prof Graham said is excatly the same one black iskcon devotee gave in his interview in Prabhupada Memories : the father had a different relationship than that of my sister.

I am very much by the black devotee. He said whatever he is today it is all due to meeting with a living guru.


I absolutely love Garuda das! Thank you for having him on.


Hey Arjuna for debating with Atheists you should call Monk Chaitnya Charan Das ....


Hey Arjuna thank you for having these discussions, the scholar is right when he says we must have conversations about these things, whatever it is so that we can learn more and continue to change. If I may suggest to please have more discussion with Christians on your channel. Thank you man have a great day


Hey Arjuna, please call Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya of Dharma Nation youtube channel too. He is also one of the authentic Vedic scholars, have been seeing his videos from last 2 months and he explains things very well by scriptures. Have not heard him talking about atheism etc.., so would be interesting to know his views about it..and general arguments


Great example of one spoon talking to another spoon.


Sadly, ISKCON has begun inviting a lot of bogus people who deny evolution, make extremely odd historical claims and allow just about any line of reasoning to "prove" that the stories of Mahabharata actually happened as described here on Earth, that some of the vedic kathas are way older than they actually are, and that certain people lived a way longer time ago than what is commonly accepted.


Is celibacy necessary for the methods of yoga described in the Gita and to gain liberation after death? Can one properly be engaged in these yogic methods and still enjoy sex in a monogamous married relationship? How does one know for certain that one will be reunited with God/Krishna when one dies? Thank you!


I am sorry the discussion seems deviating from scriptures from where the word dharma was introduced. Definition of Dharma according to scscriptures is ones eternal occupation, which is service to tge Supreme.What is in our heart is what has been collected in material world since time immemorial abd that has to be cleansed.Otherwise nothing worthwhile is coming outof the heart and Hare Krishna practice chanting which purifies our heart.If one does not understand this than no point in trying to give introduction to Krishna Conciousness. May Lord bless everyone.


Hare Krishna Prabhujis. Eastern and Western. Why discuss like that, it is like discrimination. Study the individual as H.G. Garuda Prabhuji suggests. Not see white or dark colored body, eastern, western, this nation or that nation. A good devotee from any religion will be loving, in real time also means eco-friendly, not hurt other living beings, free from envy, broad minded etc. Good podcast, Thank you.


It's best to listen and not watch. The sound doesn't match the speaker's faces. Also, Arjuna looks bored sometimes when Dr. Schweig is speaking. He probably isn't, but that is how it looks, and it's distracting, at least to me.


Is this an iskon channel or a neutral podcast open to exploring all viewpoints?


Can an understanding of God be compared with an Art - which is not absolute?

Isn't the very premise that's taken - that whatever gives you ectasy and makes you feel good, that's the truth - undefendable.


You know when you brought up Jordan Peterson earlier in the conversation I considered that a bit of a red flag, but this bit at 1:37:35 where you seem desperate to defend Conservatism was a real turn off.

I suspected that you had Conservative political leanings and felt validated when you started commenting on athletes and their political opinions... it's a common argument about guys like Kaepernick who used their platform to protest unarmed black men being murdered in the streets by police...not a political opinion but a lived experience from within his own community. Why should he not speak on it? Very disappointing.
