Unique symptoms associated with the omicron variant

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Doctors at hospitals and urgent cares are seeing more patients are coming in reporting newer symptoms associated with the omicron variant of COVID including night sweats.

“Night sweats. I got night sweats, which I did not know was a symptom of COVID. I went and looked online to see if that was a symptom. And it turns out that it is,” said Jason Borgmann, an Escondido father.

Doctors say night sweats weren't a common symptom with previous COVID variant cases but are with omicron.

“Since the beginning of this pandemic with COVID 19 it's always been a bucket of crazy symptoms,” said Dr. Davey Smith, UCSD Chief of Infectious Diseases and Global Health.

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Night sweats and joint pain were brutal


How the hell are sweating and weird dreams unique? That's pretty common with a cold, flu or fever. Lol


I have omicron and i have huge fever. No cough no sweating just big muscle pain and back pain.


My symptoms started with a sore lower back, exhausted for 2 days. 104 degree fever. Headache like no tomorrow. No coughing, clear sinus. Feeling so much better after 2 full days. I recommend drinking lots of water and sponge bath to reduce fever. Kicked my butt for a couple but i will come back stronger than ever. PS i am a healthy, active 35 year old vegan with no health issues and i did not get the jab, nor will i. Good luck and a speedy recovery to all who get infected.


My favourite COVID sign so far has been the night sweat. It’s allowed me to finally answer the question ‘what position do I sleep in?’ I woke up last night dripping with sweat and got up to find a perfect wet imprint of myself in the foetal position.


Mine began with a sore throat that felt like razors were in it (like some others have said), and then progressed to mild fever and chills, followed by congestion and then a cough. I still have the cough 21 days after testing positive but it is getting better. I have been vaccinated and boosted. Felt like a mix between a cold and the flu with a cough that lingers. So happy to be getting better!


I am experiencing depression symptoms. Am I the only one?


Night sweats….unusual…

And that anchor “night sweats” was said in a such a dramatic way I cant stop laughing. 😂


My starting symptoms was extreme lethargy and lack of attention. Then an unproductive cough, headache, sweating, weird dreams and intense eye discomfort. The initial symptoms popped up three days prior to the more severe ones. Also had a Low grade fever, no body aches. I am at day 6 and slight upper respiratory discomfort, I tested negative today.


I got it. The headaches and fever are insane! Has me curled up into a ball. 😭


Yeah, except at our hospital, they now posted a sign saying, "This is not a covid testing site". We know that. We have insurance and we came in to be seen by a doctor due to our symptoms, to figure out what was wrong. They said, "Even though you have a terrible headache, watery eyes, scratchy throat, have problems breathing, a stomachache, and lots of coughing, those are considered mild symptoms. Go to a covid testing site".


Headache leg aches, stuffed up, body pain, coughing


My husband and I had a brutal headache for about 36hrs, then bad body aches. Along with sweats, mild stuffy nose, mild dry cough. I had nausea my husband didn’t.
But the headache was the worst!!


I have omicron I slept for 16 hours last night, I have severe anxiety and when I found out I had it started to panic but it’s been ok, I have had worse colds, my symptoms are, bit of a runny nose, headache, fatigue, brain fog, mild night sweats but I can breathe just fine which I never can when I get a cold so I am exceptionally thankful . I have had 2 Pfizer vaccines but not the booster . Don’t panic if you have it you will most likely be ok, I am 21 female btw .


I had horrible lower back pain and sciatica nerve pain. Other than that, it was like a mild cold. I have had colds 1000x worse than this. I have my 2 shots.


My whole family got covid last year. I completely lost taste and smell, it was super weird. I couldn't taste food... I'm glad I have my senses back


Woke up soaked in sweat, could ring my shirt out literally!


I feel dizzy as hell... I got it 3 weeks ago and got better but now I'm feeling dizzy for the past week especially when I lay down...


"To stop the spread you do need to isolate." 🤣🤣🤣🤣 My parents caught it from me because it took 7 days for my symptoms to begin. I had no idea I was spreading it or that I even had it!


Eye pain, leg pain, fever, fatigue, 3am chills and shivering, cough, lost of appetite
