DJi Phantom 4 Pro+ vs. Inspire Pro vs. Mavic Pro in 4K

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Let me break this down:

DJI Spark is for casual use. Or some would say, 'a hobbyist drone'. There are obviously more affordable and better drones available than the Spark. But what you are paying here for is the reliability, portability, and the brand. The Spark is something like what a Point and Shoot camera is considered in the camera world.

Next up, The DJI Mavic Pro. I wouldn't call it a "hobbyist" drone. Its more of a prosumer drone. It is for shoots that don't demand crazy quality. Its the perfect YouTuber drone. Its something that a vlogger can throw in his/her backpack and they can get amazing cinematic shots for their vlogs. In short, its the must-have every-day YouTube drone. The Mavic is something like what a Canon 80D and Sony a6500 are considered in the camera world.

The DJI's new Mavic Air sits between the Spark and the Mavic Pro. Like the Spark, its also made for casual use but it has a higher video resolution. So its kinda like what a high-end Point-and-shoot camera is considered in the camera world.

Next up is the Phantom 4 Pro. While the Mavic is a prosumer drone, the Phantom is a PROsumer drone. Its something that you would use when you're shooting something like a professional YouTube video. It's great to use in YouTube short films. In short, its a professional drone for YouTubers. Phantom Pro is something like what the Canon 5D and Sony A7s are considered in the camera world.

The last but not the least, the DJI Inspire drones. These are made to use in high end shoots, like when shooting a commercial. Its something that makes a lot of sense in indie production houses, since DJI has another line of even more expensive drones for hollywood films. The DJI Inspire is something like what the Canon C200 and Sony FS7 are considered in the camera world. While the more expensive drones are something like what the RED Epic and RED Weapon are considered in the camera world.

Sorry for all the nerdy camera references.

Hope this helps. :)


I knew you couldn't stay away from Vlogging! Glad to have you back man!


Casey neistat: THE only person who spends more than 4000 $ on drones but can't afford a mirror.


Dude, I love your editing. You keep the dialog short and sweet, you get to the point. You don't drone (no pun intended) on and on about unrelated things. Thanks, keep it up. I don't usually give many kudos out to youtubers, but, you're worth it.


That cracked mirror tho.
Love the little nuances of Casey's videos.


After you crash them all, you should let us know which can handle the most abuse.


Call me an idiot, but in my opinion the Mavic looked the best..


Thing is most people commenting here are enthusiasts. Unless you're a perfectionist or getting paid to shoot drone footage the Phantom 4 pro and Inspire are both too big to carry around. You won't realise how much of a hassle it is until you've been lugging it around all day.

The Mavic is the most portable by far and will be the one that gets used the most. Like a smartphone it's the one that most people will carry on a day to day basis.


Inspire 1 Pro had the best quality video for sure.

Thumbs up if you agree!


You're review of the Mavic Pro and your obvious liking of it a few months back was the reason I got the same drone. Your today's review just proved that I made the right choice. Among the three, it's the only one that has the highest rating for two out of three essential factors. A drone is a drone and, it should be easy to use, and not that expensive to lose in case it crash or something. Now with regards to camera quality, that's where creativity of a vlogger/filmmaker sets in. Even images from camera phones can be enhanced to look like excellent shots. I have a free e-book available for download for those who wants to produce quality results like those produced by using expensive pro cams, even if you're just using a low-end cam or iphone. :)


Real question is: Does Lightning McQueen have life insurance or car insurance? OR DID HE GET THE BUNDLE FROM


this is already almost about to be 8 years old. Love drones and you sparked my interest in them in 2017 Casey ❤


i can't afford any of those but i watched the entire video anyways


I'm so happy we have regular Casey content again ❤️


I'm kind of missing the vlogs, my poop routine isn't the same anymore


We just bought the Mavic and I'm so excited to get it. I think it's image quality will go great with our main vlogger the g7x


I thought both drones sucked until i realized I was at 240p


😂😂 that moment Casey remembered he's sponsored by Samsung


I'm not buying a drone any time soon and I still watched the whole thing. Casey videos are addicting.


Casey just purchased the Mavic Pro and stumbled into your videos. Super glad I did, really appreciate all the great insight you give. Can't wait to fly this sucker
