Chords of the Minor Scale

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Using minor scales musically means knowing how they relate to the harmony that accompanies them. Most often, this means understanding the relationship between the scale and the chords that belong to it. In this video, Andre will shows you how to build the proper triads and seventh chords so that you can improvise and compose in minor keys.

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Hello everyone! Just to remind you that every Saturday I do a Live Masterclass on the channel. Each week I teach a different subject, and then open it up for questions. There's a great group of people attending from all over the world and we'll be thrilled to have you. Hope to see you there! Andre 


you manage to convey the info needed. Others do not by sticking to the major diatonic only. thanks.


i love it man all my hours of searching are now over thanks bro


Minor, diminished, major, minor, minor, major, major, thats the pattern folks (:


Thanks for the lesson, really to the point & simple, all the best Peter 👍


Thanks Andre! Looked at several Videos and yours was the clearest and got straight to it. Why do others need to make it more difficult than it is I don't know. Got me to Subscribe immediately 😎🙂.


Small packet big boooommmm.
Great bro


I have a question. Sometimes we play the major chord of the 5th note instead of minor in some songs which are in minor scale. For example Boulevard of Broken Dreams. It is in the key of Fm. And the 5 note in Fm scale is B flat. However in the song B flat major chord is used not minor. Can you please clarify why does it sound good that way also? Thanks for the video.


Hey, so I have been thinking about this: In a major chord progression, you got it like this: 1st chord=ionian (Maj7) 2nd chord= dorian (minor7)(3rd=phrygian minor7) but here is the thing now the fourth chord is lydian which sounds best with a Maj7#11 chord, and after that you got your dominant chord, which sounds with mixolydian.

Short said. I find your video a bit too much for the beginner as I was hoping to find more information than just: Min Dim Maj Min min Maj Maj Min.

I think I am going to look at the scale for each chord, and make the ''real'' chords.

Love to hear what you think


Why dimishied chord come in minor scale ? It's based on intervals or its extracted from 6th degree from major scale
