Ignoring Properties when reading & writing JSON

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When serializing C# objects to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), by default, all public properties are serialized. If you don't want some of them to appear in the resulting JSON, you have several options. In this video, James and Matt show you all of the built in options you can use to control this.

00:00 - What are extra JSON properties
01:30 - Ignoring a single property with JsonIgnore
04:00 - Ignoring read only fields and properties
05:30 - Ignoring default and null values
09:08 - JsonIgnore Conditions
12:40 - Always ignore everything
14:00 - Wrap-up


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i have a question just take an example i have a model class as Symbol and i had given a JsonPorpertyName as s and it should be show s="yash" like this when we fetch json data but i have a porblem in my project in many places i had used this model but not used JsonSerialiazer.serliaze and deserialize and without using serialize and deserialize its not fetching s="yash" instead of this it is taking the propertyname Symbol, so is there any way to solve this and i need to make this globally means i can use this in any project


good one.
but I've a question;
how about in my model-class I have a property of type IFormFile and I want to avoid serialization on it but I need the property value.?


How can i ignore fields for serialization at the runtime? I wish to get the field names as an argument to my method and serialize only thoss. Something like GraphQL


If you need a property that will never be serialized. but you want to include this property to be deserialized, can we do this with System.Text.json
