Pike Doesn't Know History or Math in Star Trek Strange New Worlds

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Riddle me this, Grin. How is it that we have entire websites, like Memory Alpha, as well as hundreds or more super nerds, all of which record even the smallest details of trek lore, yet the writers can’t take the five minutes to research the specific major events they are using?


So about 6 billion people just biffed it in order to get to that 30% figure.
They simply had to add a line about ecological collapse causing food scarcity, leaving many countries with massive starvation. They could have even gone as far as to say that the resource shortage caused WW3, which would be very plausible as most of the large wars in human history started with a lack of food (e.g. Mongol invasion of China).

But on top of that: "we called it the second civil war". So they just ignored the fact that most people do not live in the USA. They could have talked about a breakup of the European Union, causing Europeans to once again go to war with each other; droughts and famines in Africa, central Asia, and the middle east; East Asia becoming and unstable mess over national rivalries such as between india and china or Japan and china.

But no. Somehow the USA is all that matters apparently. Very lazy, tbh.


Says the second civil war lead of the eugenics war and shows footage of January 6th 2021 even though the eugenics war was 1992-1996


If a writer doesn't understand math or history, it is no surprise that their characters don't understand these things ether. You can only write what you know.


The Isaac Newton clips were perfectly timed, once again well done Major Grin. LOL


I always thought the 600 million for WW3 to be very low. Perhaps that was the initial death toll, then billions more died as a result of famine, disease, etc during the chaos that followed. That to me makes more sense and a 30% death toll makes a lot more sense than "only" 600 million for a global war fought with nukes


They keep pushing the timeline, trying to push it forward. Early 21st Century was supposed to look more like in DS9 when they went back. Voyager sorta kept canon by having their time travel to what they think is present day but you know what they didn't do? Constant commentary on present day shit.


Boy, this stuff kinda just writes itself for you.


They literally retconned shit to shoehorn in Jan 6th. This is absolute proof they don't give a fuck about Star Trek


Here's what I think happened: They originally wanted to use the 600 million figure, but for some reason someone wrote 600, 000 instead and whoever took a second look at the script though: "Only 600, 000 died in WW3? Doesn't make sense. Maybe those were animal species. A nuclear war would kill like 1/4 or 1/2 of the entire planet! So I'll just round it to 30%". And then no one else checked the script for any mistakes. You can see that Anson Mount pauses a bit after he says "600 thousand". Maybe he remembered that line about 600 million from a few years ago and though it was a typo at first.
That, or someone really wrote 600, 000 and the actor was like "no way it's that low" and instead ad-libed "species of animals and plants" and then added "30% of Earth's population" as he though those were more dramatic figures. And then the director decided not to redo the scene, which seems to be common in NuTrek.


This is what happens when 'everyone is a winner' is implemented in schools.


Honestly the most surprising part of this whole clip was Burnham having the correct info in that Discovery clip. I'm legit shocked the writes didn't fumble it entirely


Remember, who wrote the script...for the actors.


I wish Cochrane was around for this scene.
His negotiation would've involved classic tunes.


I’m afraid nobody on the Kurtzman team knows much of ANYTHING when it comes to Star Trek…


SNW doesn't drop in the UK until the end of June and I can't wait not to watch it.


How do you become a starship captain despite failing astrophysics? That seems like *the* critical skill that anyone operating a space vessel absolutely must know


I don't see an inconsistency here. First Contact is set in 2063. According to DS9, the last baseball World Series was played in 2042. Thus the conflicts are already underway today, according to SNW, escalated gradually and probably didn't reach the level of civilization-disrupting nuclear warfare until between 2043 and approximately 2053.


Seems like whoever did the homework swapped and misread the figures. I'm assuming Pike's line should have been 600m people and 30% of species.
Edit: In fact, I bet the progression went something like this...
- Writer found the old 600m people figure
- Writer wrote 600m species and added 30% of people by mistake
- Editor realizes there aren't 600m plant and animal species, knocks it down to 600k


Math is a dish best served to intelligent people. It's not very bright in space, anymore.
