Minecraft: How to make Protection Tower

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Minecraft: How to make Protection Tower

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You can replace the snow golem for a skeleton if you need to ward off other players


Thank You so much for this video, this was very useful for my jagged peak village, especially since zombies keep trying to get my villagers


Same stuff but you need to use command blocks, its still a snowman turret but instead they will also shoot evocation fangs that can kill any hostile mob in 4 hits, it also has an area splash kind of damage which is very useful against a horde of zombies.


rip netherrack, the overworld will miss you.


Iron bars! Is there even a smaller hitbox? Very ingenious, and it's a small price to pay for the esthetics of not having the roof just floating. Thank you for the inspiration!


Works perfectly, using lit netherack works fine instead of soul sand, def wouldn't put it so high though, and a simple lava pit around it


Put a block above the one you’re placing the snow golems at or they will immediately disappear


It worked for me i have done to my base 4 like these and i dont have problem with mobs anymore


They are trying really hard and so I'm looking through to the very end


A cool fix for mobs getting close is dig a 5 x 4 x 5 hole so 5 around and 4 down place soul sand in the bottom and lite it and trap doors around the edge (use warped it looks cool with the blue) and leave them opened mobs will drop down and burn and im pretty sure you can modify this to make it collect the loot, hypothetically you could place signs at feet level then lava at head level then minecart hoppers below the blocks ther standing on


If you add a trap and walls around the tower then it’s super helpful against creepers and zombies


if you put the soul sand one block further out with a stone one before it they won’t kill each other 😂


There are three problems with this.

1. If mobs get too close, the snow gollems can no longer attack.

2. Skeletons can kill them from a distance greater than the gollem range.

3. Depending on the amount of gollems, they can kill each other with their own snowballs.


For fucks sake just merge Java and Bedrock together. I’ve wasted so much time trying to build neat things in bedrock just to waste my time and materials. Nice video tho, it isn’t your fault


Same tower different video and it still don’t work built it block from block the same they don’t lock onto mobs


it's not really that efficient tbh cuz when the mob is too near they won't be able to shoot them


Trying this on ps5, doesn’t seem to work. Snowmen won’t throw and fire is not blue. I tried making it shorter. Woulda been cool if it worked


It's just such a waste that this defence Tower can't kill mobs. It would be so nice because that would give us players a whole different level of savety. It just does not make sense that the fire on the snowballs does not take over to the mobs to kill them. I mean snowballs on fire also aren't that realistic but when you can light them you should at least be able to light mobs with it on fire... thank you microsoft...


My snowman just dies instantly.. ion know if it’s from the sun to something but I can’t do the tower


My snow golem are dying just after spanning them, what should I do ?
