US Plans for a Nuclear Attack

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A nuclear attack on US soil would send the country into code red. But how is the US government planning to deal with a nuclear catastrophe? Check out today's epic new video to find out the government's plan in case the United States is hit by a nuclear bomb!


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My Dad was a nuclear ordinance officer. There was a time in 3rd grade when things were escalating a bit with The USSR, and we’d had a “duck and cover” kind of thing at school, and that night, I asked my Dad what I should do if I was at school and the sirens went off. Should I try to run home, wait under the plywood desk, what? And he looked at me, very seriously, and told me to go outside to this one huge oak tree on the playground—it had to have predated the base, the thing was massive. He said he would send someone for me — Mom would be in the basement where she worked, and I’d get taken there. I was ok with that, filed it away, all was going to be ok. Fast forward to when The Day After came out, and after we watched it, I asked Dad why he’d told me to go outside — we were a first strike target, and nobody was going to be sending cars for anyone. He said he couldn’t stand the thought of me being trapped in the burning rubble of the base school, and outside would have been quicker. It was a quiet night after that. I miss you, Daddy. Please be at peace.


I’m a domestic Cold War historian, home shelters were never meant to withstand a blast, just the fallout. Even early fed shelters were not necessarily intended to withstand a direct hit but to outlast the fall out. Studies were done on to determine if construction of bomb shelters were the best plan but they were too expensive to build. Thus the emphasis on fallout shelters instead. 🙂


It's so enlightening to hear that ones who pushed the buttons will be safe while the rest of us will die a thousand horrible deaths. Well they have to come out eventually.


We all used to think the U.S. had solid plans in place for a pandemic too. We all saw how that went.


Its so gross that the very people who are responsible for destroying the world in a case like this, are the same ones who get squirreled away for protection.


It brings me great comfort to know that the government officials whose incompetency and stupidity got us into a nuclear war will be safe and well fed while I die in the anguish of nonstop vomiting and diarrhea from radiation poisoning. ☹


To our brothers and sisters in the USA, I hope this never comes to pass. God bless Australia and USA.


I remember having the false alarm here in Hawaii. I was freaking out a bit because there was no where to go. Hawaii has basically no basements or anything underground, so the whole time I sat in my room reading a book (as my parents and brother weren’t home) waiting for the end. The dude who tripped the alarm got fired. After I remember the super bowl was like a week later and talking about it amongst everyone. It was truly one of the most terrifying moments of my life.


The closest we ever got to nuclear war was in 1956. An Air Force radio traffic analyst in Japan ( I knew him) saw the Soviet Union launch all of their bomber call signs toward the U.S. simultaneously. He got the officer of the day and showed him the evidence. They called NORAD. The general there called President Eisenhower, who ordered a full Strategic Air Command retaliatory nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. There was no "Fail Safe" line back then, the bombers, once launched, were on their way to their targets. Meanwhile all of the Analysts looked at the recorded data about the Soviets and confirmed it. After a couple of hours one of the Soviet bombers landed in Siberia, then a second. A French traffic analyst shouted "Those idiots." This wasn't a Soviet attack, it was their springtime resupply of Siberia by civilian airplanes. The Soviets had stupidly switched their military and civilian call signs. The analysts called NORAD, who called the president, and he ordered the bombers recalled. The lead B-52s were over Soviet Air Space when they got the recall message. We were one bad vacuum tube in a bomber radio away from WWIII. As a result of this event, the government established a "Hot Line" to the Kremlin to talk misunderstanding out, and SAC adopted a fail safe line. There used to be a Wikipedia page about this event, but it appears to have been erased.


The government couldn't even handle Hurricane Katrina and they had advance warning. We're probably going to be on our own.


I went through army basic training just before the end of the Cold war. I don't remember all the steps they told us to take in case of a nuclear blast, but it was basically take cover, then complete the mission before you die of radiation poisoning.


So when the nuclear bombs start falling, only the government and military gets the majority of the protection to continue living, and you know they will want to bring their family along like in the movies. This is why the average person in the USA needs to find the best possible way to protect themselves from a nuclear attack and not to depend on the government and military to protect them because they will be focused on protecting themselves and family members.


My Dad (rest in peace) told me this story about when he was a graduate student in math at the Illinois Institute of Technology, working on his Phd. Just a regular day in October, 1962, and he left his mom and dad's house in Garfield Park to head downtown with his backpack and an egg salad sandwich--he was concerned about the tension between America and the Soviets, but his parents knew nothing about politics, just didn't interest them. Turns out it was the most critical day of the Cuban Missle Crisis when tensions were so high and nuclear war was averted by one Soviet sub officer who decided not to launch--of course, my Dad didn't know that at the time. All he knew was that nuclear war was imminent, and it seemed like everyone else was just going about their day, oblivious to oblivion. Around noon, he went outside and sat on a bench and ate his egg salad sandwich, with his eyes toward the skyline. He said he expected any minute to see a flash, have a second or two more of consciousness, and that would be it. But then he realized that he likely wouldn't even have the time to process the event since he was only a couple miles away from downtown. So he just went back to eating his egg salad sandwich. "Like everyone else, " he finished. That was it. I think there's a very quiet moral in the story, even if it is quite disconcerting.


Stopping a nuclear weapon is often quoted as “shooting a bullet with a bullet”


Where did people get the idea that “duck and cover” was about protecting you from radiation? After a bombing a blast wave would blow out the windows. Duck and cover was to hopefully keep kids from being sliced to ribbons by flying shards of broken glass. It’s possible that they may also be prevented from going blind by the brightness of the flash burning out their optical nerves. Yes, I was around in those days. I practiced those drills and knew why. 🙄

BTW, a home shelter was meant to provide protection against radiation, not bomb blasts. No shelter can protect from a direct hit. Blast shelters provide some protection once you’re a few miles away from ground zero. The size of the nuke determines how far out that goes.


The amount of nuclear videos I’ve been seeing is so unsettling 😂


I'm sorry but I'm sick and tired of everybody hitting at Trump. Despite the other presidents he did not start any wars! Despite any mean tweets. let that sink in. Unsubscribed


I read awhile back that Switzerland has nuclear bomb shelters for all of their people, but not for foreigners.


I had an incident yesterday where a car was blocking a private car park and we were waiting with the police for a couple of hours for the car to be moved. I got talking with one of the officers, he told me that over 20 officers who were ex military have been called back to the military because of the situation. There is a serious problem with a lack of police but they still find it necessary to pull them out of their positions to go to the military. Mostly air force. That shows how serious the situation is. We are not really being told this but it is happening.


The Infographics show is just a little bit apocalyptic sometimes
