Is a one sided pinching feeling implantation?

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You've been experiencing mild cramping and an on and off pinching feeling on one side and you're wondering if this is implantation that you're feeling? Are you actually pregnant this cycle?

✅ Watch my playlist of really early pregnancy symptoms (I had 7 pregnancies so I really got in touch with all of those early symptoms and just knew I was pregnant before any test)

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🖐🏼 Our body gives us 5 clear signs when we are ovulating.

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I am not a medical professional. Everything I talk about is from my own personal experience. Always consult a doctor for medical advice.


#onesidedcrampsimplantation #pinchingononesideimplantation #implantationcramps

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Totally had a left side pain out of nowhere today! 6 dpo! Praying to have baby #2! ❤ I love your explanations and holistic approach!


Yep! Just felt this 6dpo. Out of nowhere felt like pin pricks on my left side - I know I ovulated on this side bc I’m being monitored with ultrasounds.


I got pinching pain right side for 3 days sudden one day got pain in left side... After ovulation.. is this sign of pregnancy?


Ma’am I am 34 years old and I am quite worried . ( I married late) it has been six months since we are trying to conceive.


I chart my BBT and I want to know will there be a dip if you implant after you take temperature?


Okay so I just tried like three weeks ago I’m on the third week and Thursday night I had some cramping and some spotting and yesterda I had pink spotting again today I didn’t but now I’m having tons of bathroom problems also I drank some apple juice and it tasted rubbery like the after taste so idk if this means I had implantation Please help !!???? 😢


I think I am going to get my periods because usual creamy discharge at 12 dpo. Slightest twinges in right ovary . This is what I experienced last month as well before Periods . This month I had two dominant follicles in the right ovary . One ruptured at 13th day. But I am sure I am going to get my periods. 😢 I don’t have any other symptoms.


I have punching exactly where you have pointed on my left side it’s been going on all day I’m 3dpo


I had a pinching pain at 2dpo it happened twice back to back and stopped and on my 4th day slight bleeding just from me peeing one time but went after that one time of peeing is that implantation or is that two early?


So I had pinching pain on the left Saturday night. Sunday morning, I felt the same pinching pain on my right. Sunday evening I felt a a dull ache at the back. Since then every symptom has been increasing. But my period isn’t due until next week. I wasn’t actually tracking my ovulation, so I’m wondering if it’s possible I ovulated early and feeling pregnant sooner.. any thoughts?


Idk why but I just felt like screaming (My appendix ruptured and I hard a sharp pain like someone shot me in my left side :, ) )
