What if the Ottoman Empire NEVER collapsed?

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The Ottoman Empire, often called the Sick Man of Europe famously collapsed after the First World War. They would be left with just these territories, but the Ottoman Sultanate would continue to rule. Mustafa Kemal didn’t like this one bit, so he took over and managed to reclaim many territories, giving birth to the Turkish nation.

But what would happen if the Ottoman Empire never collapsed and remained as a powerhouse in the Middle East and the Balkans up until the modern day? The most important question is how they would achieve this, and I bet I’ve thought of the best possible way for this to happen.

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As one of the 14% who voted for the Ottomans on the poll, seeing this is a HUGE Relief.


Bro Bosnia was Turkey's favourite european elayet why did you split it like that 💀


Making the Ottoman Empire in a federation was an option I wouldn’t have thought of, but it works effectively! Great video!


Fun fact, the crown of Carol I of Romania was made out of a canon from the battle of Pleven


We did it boys we gotta a alt history where the ottomans survive


The creation of a Jewish state as part of an Ottoman federation is interesting though unrealistic. I imagine the partition of the holy land within the federation would be almost as thorny as the partition issue in our timeline.


Cue Habsburgs sweating VERY nervously.


Ive been waiting for a timeline like this for about a Year or Two. This Pleases my Eyes


Love this channel, it’s so underrated keep going.


A lot of people don't seem to realize that this video isn't made to be realistic, he wasn't even gonna make this video so you should be happy he did


This is the opposite of peace in our time


Ofcourse, This timeline could only be true with

1)RewritingHistory fails art school in Bulgaria and joins the Fr*nch army and after the great war becomes the Br*tish prime minister and leads the br*tish empire to Glory.

2)Rewritng History 2:00 doesn't post Alt history from Hungary


Great video, but just a very small correction I would like to make is, greek population wasn't that present in western anatolia. Greeks made the majority in only certain places So if there was to be a federation I think the greek state wouldn't have that much land in anatolia. But that's a very minor thing and other than that, it was a nice video.


10:49 highly doubt that even in this scenario i


This timeline is incredibly difficult to predict an outcome. One of the biggest reasons for WW1 was the slow collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the Balkan states. So in this timeline of Ottoman federalization one of the big three reasons for the WW1 is completely gone. Although I think we would have a more peaceful timeline depending on if the federation can survive. There is dissolving the caliphate, so there is more a central authority for Islam and is more likely to become more tolerant under this system. However the Kurds and Palestinians will probably seek their own state. Their will likely also be a lot of conflict between the Sunni and the Shia Muslims in this system. Another thing would be if the Suez Canal is even built, and if it is what is the policy for international trade. Lastly this would make the Ottomans a very close western ally as they know control a massive oil supply, along with being a tolerant and reform minded nation.


Amazing take on preventing the collapse of the Ottomans! A really interesting scenario! Can’t wait to see what must be next!


The parliement was the reason the Ottoman Empire went to war against Russia. Also there was a revolution to remove Abdulhamid in March 31.


A bit hard to imagine a minority of 10% validates the creation of an autonomous Jewish state, and expansion was very restricted in first world War due to Wilsonian idealism so its a bit hard to imagine expansion to entirely separate ethnicities and religions besides maybe Armenian parts & border territories.

Tunisia being exchanged for French support would also be likely, and WW1 might last longer as the Germans wouldn't need to worry for food at least (though the Ottomans could perhaps occupy much of Serbia by the time the war begins, if it even does since they don't wait to invade).


Cool scenario, a 7/10!
I only have a small problem with it. The US didn't really turn the tides in any of the world wars, the wars wouldn't have changed without their intervention, they sent a really small amount of troops and did little to nothing, arriving near the end of the war in both wars, fighting an exhausted Germany with little troops while France and the UK did the real fighting after exhausting Germany (in ww1, the USSR did 80% of he work in ww2, the British did the rest, fighting Germany since the very beginning of the war).


Great video but i think there is a bit of an inaccuracy, the russians only menaged to capture Plevna after the romanian king was given full control over the russian regional army. It is quite an intersting and notable fact
