What If The Ottomans Colonized America? | Alternate History

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What If The Ottoman Empire Had Conquered Morocco And Gained Direct Access To The Atlantic, Allowing It To Establish Colonies In The Americas?
#AlternateHistory #MonsieurZ #History

New Videos Every Wednesday At 2:30 PM EST


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Our next video on What If Technocracy Succeeded is scheduled for Wednesday, as always you can expect it at 2:30pm EST.
Today's video was a little rushed only because the error with our last video cost us a day of work, and I got sick the next day which put us behind schedule, so apologizes for any audio glitches or mix-up of words.


now I want to play EU4 as the ottomans with an aggressive emphasis on colonization.


What if Rome conquered persia
What if Spain joined the axis
What if Japan never isolated
What if Mexico became communist
What if the Qing dynasty never fell


the discovery of the americas felt like a dlc to the world, while it was leaked in 1000AD


What if Paraguay won the war of the triple alliance?


What if France invaded Germany in 1936 after the militarization of the Rhineland?


I can see New Turkey allying itself for the United States in a war in order to expel the Spanish Empire from the Americas. Afterwards, a treaty would be signed by the U.S recognizing the New Turkish Sultanate. Through trade with the United States the sultanate would slowly absorbed the ideals of the Enlightenment. This likely means that Turkish would be a common second language in the US for Traders and Merchants.
Also you might have a Greek colony start up by Greeks immigrating to the new world for ethnic and religious freedom.


Kind of happy this didn’t happen since I’m Guyanese American and my country wouldn’t have existed if it did 😃🇬🇾


If the ottomans had sufficient naval power to pass through the Cape of Good Hope unmolested by the Portuguese, they surely could take some Iiland on the Caribbean, just as the English did later on Jamaica. That would be actually a good idea, because they could disrupt that shipment of gold and silver from Mexico to Spain. That would probably help them conquering the Habsburgs, because they would have less money to pay soldiers. The Spanish Empire looks like a Bohemoth, but if you take the Caribbean Islands, they're done. Just like the Americans did with the Japanese on WWII.


What if Puerto Rico gained independence by 1917 and joined the Central Powers


*Ottoman Colonizes America*
Spain Britain France and Portugal: OOOOH NOOO


What if “Olympus Has Fallen” actually happened?


The New Turkish state surviving for long as an independent Sultanate unaffected by enlightenment ideals is VERY sketchy. Because it was still have traditional enmity with the surrounding Catholics, both historically and ancestrally. Even if the anti-imperial sentiments rose up in the same manner they did in our timeline, solidarity with the new Turks would never go beyond political expedience, at best some of the natives and slaves might convert... If the New Turkish state didn't almost certainly engage in massive slave trading as well, why wouldn't it? Slaves in neighboring countries wouldn't flee to the New Turkish state, they'd try to get away from both it and their Christian masters, if not moreso by comparison, as the hub of piracy would also make it a hub of the slave trade in South America. But going forward, surrounding Venezuela and interior Brasil would be nothing but hostile to the 'Turks up North'.


What if the Mongols discovered America by going through Russia into Alaska?

What if the Rurikids stayed true to Rurik's original goal and never adopted Slavic culture and religion instead trying to Germanify the region and establish an Eastern Norse realm?

What if the British Celts defeated the Anglo Saxons?

What if Atilla the Hun didn't die early?

What if the First Earth Battalion was fully embraced by the U.S. Army?


What if the Carolingian Renaissance during Charlemagne's reign became the de facto European Renaissance rather than the one during the 15th century?


instead of cheeseburgers it’s shawarma


What if Germany won the eastern front?
What if China won the Sino Japanese War in 1937?
What if South Korea won the Korean War?
What if Axis won the North African front?


If Morocco was an ottoman province then it would've been beneficial for the empire the trade routes the domestic production and military units would've been integrated into the empire


I actually think, the Christian coalition would really have widened the war with the Ottomans to a crusade. It would therefore, also considering Russias ambitions on the balkans and in the caucasus, have forced out the Ottomans out of the hole balkans and Constantinople, since that was a major trade route in the region and also highly sombolical for the orthodox church. The Ottoman empire would therefore have had a lot of rebellions in its' Arab provinces. The Persians would probably have come and taken Eastern parts of the empire, Egypt would have become independent. The Ottomans would have fallen from the strongest empire since the days of Rome to a smaller regional power, only being able to hold Anatolia and Palestine + Syria.
The situation of the European countries afterwards is highly unsure, hoever, because so much land would have to be devided up into smaller states and partially also to the bigger powers like Spain, Russia and Austria.


What if the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact evolved into the Soviets signing the Tripartite Pact?
