How to build an Autonomous UAV for Long Range FPV & Autonomous Missions

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How to build a UAV for Long Range FPV & Autonomous Missions

I've linked the electronics down here

Alternative's to the F405-WING & Recommended Flight Controllers:

My Radio, FPV Goggles & Antenna's:

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*I've linked the electronics down here*

My Radio, FPV Goggles & Antenna's:


Nice! Really like the look of that plane.


This is what a lot of channels lack. Explaining how to build it. Other RC channels could learn from this.


I'm not someone but I'm somebody who just subscribed to your channel. Tremendous work. Keep it up the potential applications are ground breaking. Can't wait to get in the air. Snow is all melting and wind is calming down. Thanks for the video.


Fantastic project. You are going to be an impressive engineer! I started my robotics journey 30 years ago but didn’t have all the off-the-shelf resources you folks have today. I am envious and excited for you :) Keep up all the great work on the channel.


Hello, you have the most informative videos about the long-range V-shaped FPV aircraft.
But I would like to have attached to the video description a pdf file with drawings and all dimensions of the aircraft, as well as its electronic components (each component that was used in your video), it will be very convenient for everyone, I hope you will do so 🧡
Thank you so much for the video, such content deserves a lot of likes and views!


Totally love the desing! maybe you get more effficiency if you tweak a bit the FPV gear aerodynamics, as for example getting the camera embedded inside the nose cone


Really flies nice. Awesome build. Stock Inav PIDs are great. I just increase the I gain a bit since I like a more robotic feel.


Congratulations, good engineering knowledge, pragmatic implementation and a great result. That's how it has to be. And a hope that the younger generation can still be enthusiastic about such tasks. Hats off!


With your talents, I'm surprised that you haven't built a small CNC router to build your aircraft. I've designed and built an extremely accurate desktop mill and two router and have nowhere near your skills. I understand if you like the speed and challenge of how you are doing it currently but, maybe keep the CNC in mind. There's a world of resources out there to help.


Love this twin-boom pusher design ... it's my long-time pending project and after getting motivation from your video .. let me restart my work with twin-boom. I always love the twin booms .. started from Abrams P-1 Explorer.


Stone coat , has diverse uses in wet or different temp . And many videos on you tube . When you mentioned the pink backing that is also used as well . For a light coat it can even be used on floors and counter tops . With a massive choice collection of colors that can be blended to look like different stones as well as artistic touches to diverse products and uses in and out of home and many videos free to study the easy to use coating . That are smooth as counter tops or can add fillers to allow more grip for slippery floors that are wet . The product costs only about 5 dollars a square foot . But they also allow specials that reduce the cost . And in aircraft even motor oil from engines will affect the flight . So the very low friction drag of a micro silicate aspect with counter top harness in all weather use . As well as very amazing color blends . That even radar resistant additions are what might be something to test with your flights . Thank you for your videos and for sharing in your success . And hope to see more of your videos !


Really enjoyed the build, but a helpful comment....the duct tape will add a TON of weight. Something like a colored straping tape or packing tape will add the rigidity you are looking for while not adding an abundance of weight.


If my son was like this guy, I would be so proud!😃


Looks real nice in the air over those fields.


Excellent video and very straight to the point! I did not realize how accessible it is to build something like this until I saw this video.


Outstanding design and craftsmanship. Matter-of-fact when I first saw your video promo in my recommendations, I clicked on it looking for a link to buy it.
I'd pay good money for the plane if you offered it in a airframe materials only build kit. Like the old Balsa Wood kits us old timers grew up building. The correct foam and plans, for convenience because for some people, sourcing the right Depron etc. can be a hassle.


I loved the step-by-step build and parts list. Instant subscribe.


I have build a bigger version of this plane with a wingspan of 2, 5m. today was its maiden flight and it worked great! Your video was really helpfull even tough i didn't build exactly your plane.


Good looking design and very cost effective! Happy youtube recommended this video to me.
