'We all have been tuning our guitars wrong' | Can you hear the difference?

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According to Taylor this method: "Seems to adres some of the conflicts that are part of the instrument"

Check it out or try it yourself!
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It must be awesome to have a brother that you can jam along with. So much you can learn from one another.


All this shows is that if my tuning is within 10cents i’m ok 😂


You are correct that the guitar, all fretted instruments actually, are imperfect. It is in fact impossible for a fretted instrument to be perfectly in tune everywhere on the neck at the same time. If you want to see how the frets need to be installed in order to be in perfect tune everywhere, search "microtonal guitar". It's nuts. There is a better way. I learned this long ago from my instructor at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. Your guitar is in tune at the fret you tune it at. If you tune the open strings, they are in tune but the farther up the neck you go the farther out it is. Using a tuner, tune it in the middle of what you will be playing. If you are playing the most common chords pretty much all at the 5th fret down, tune your strings at the 3rd fret. If you're going to be all over the neck, tune at the 6th through 10th fret depending on where (higher or lower) the majority of your playing will be. Instead of being in tune at one end of the neck and out of tune at the other, you will be in tune in the middle and only a little out higher and lower. This is especially helpful when recording on a multi-track unit. Tune the guitar in the middle of the chords you will be playing for the rhythm track and retune it up higher in the middle of your leads to record that track. Also be aware that when you pick a string it is at one note and it goes slightly flat as it sustains. You'll notice this on your tuner. If you are going to be playing short note runs, tune at the moment you pick the string. If you are going to be playing sustaining chords, tune it a little later, after it sustains for a second or two. Beginners may not notice what a difference this method makes, but those with a good ear will be astonished.


I've been an Acoustician/Recording Engineer since '85, so I have a pretty good ear. When playing with the capo on it was a no brainer. The Taylor tuning had a warmer, fuller sound that was more pleasing to the ear. The standard tuning was crisp but a little too crisp. An engineer would have put a filter on it, not on the taylor. Without the capo was a lot harder to tell. At times I almost thought you didn't change the tuning at all. There is a difference though.. It can really be heard at certain frequencies and like you said "when the strings are hit Great Vid! I've been playing with this idea for years, this confirms to me I'm not crazy


To achieve this tuning easily just drop your guitar on the floor


My issue was that he did not use a lot of open chords near the nut (E, C, G, D, etc)


The taylor tuning just has that little extra soul to it, I can't really hear the difference but yet there is.. Weird..


Does this explain how some days when I pick up a guitar that should be out of tune slightly, it sounds amazing sometimes


If Obi Wan tells you to tune your guitar lower, you do it, he has the higher ground.


Honestly, if I went into the A/B without knowing what the difference was, I'd have just said the Taylor tuning had a new set of strings and standard an old and dead af


3) 3:03 Speak Your Heart - Lizz Wright
Thank you Paul


Get us playing like that and we'll happily use either tuning :)


I know what you mean, I thought the other shoes were better too.


Your playing is excellent as always but I love the editing in this vid... the dual playing edit is flawless... well done brother I'm seriously impressed... so much so that i just subscribed :D


Thank you Obi Wan Kenobi for this lesson.


It is simple physics and psycho-acoustics that piano tuners have know for a couple hundred years.


“Taylor” tuning sounded more warm for me


Very interesting! It does sound better in my opinion (the Taylor Tuning)


The real question here isn't if you gonna notice the difference, but if the *audience* will notice. Many of us (me included) didn't notice anything, but we still try to prove we heard a difference. In a live show or studio record, no one will try to analyze if you're using the standard tuning or Taylor's tuning. Just saying.


I really enjoyed the fluid transition between the 2 guitars in this video. Much nicer than the stops and fade outs on some of your other videos. Really helped me hear the slight differences.
