Hard Questions on God, the Bible, and Ethics (ft. Craig/Moreland)

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What are your toughest questions about God? For this livestream, we are joined by two leading Christian philosophers––William Lane Craig and JP Moreland. Put your tough questions below, or join us with your questions LIVE (1pm PT, Thursday, July 27)

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3 All-Stars of Christian apologetics, who also happen to be 3 of the best professors at BIOLA/Talbot, and are among the most humble and gracious men I've ever met. Thank you all for taking the time to do this Q&A session and for all you've done (and continue to do) for the Christian community.


JP, I was your student 25 years ago. Thank you so much for what you do. I count you one of my favorite profs. Blessings, Roxane


These guys have helped me so much over the years in my walk! I remember some of JP Moreland's books and tracts I gave out at our book table at KU back in the 1990s...and I still remember finding Dr Craig's debates and his lectures and how much it accelerated my faith many years ago! Thank you gentlemen and thank you Sean for being such a great voice and using this channel to really reach out!


Thank you so much, Dr. Moreland, for addressing my question regarding substance dualism and the transgender debate. I'm preparing to write a thesis on the moral epistemology of gender identity and I'm hoping there's a way to buy your new book in time for my research!

Dr. Moreland and Dr. Craig are giants in my mind. Thank you for having them on Sean, and thank you all the important work that you yourself are doing as well!


Awesome video. Please more videos with the two of them. Very helpful answers and it was very nice to see how the two agree with each other.


Love listening to you all!!! Got my Biola MA in Christian Apologetics in 2005 and use it every day. Praise God for giving us minds to reason and learn and communicate.


Thank you for the answers to these hard questions. I am greatly encouraged listening to these answers. God is good.


I have learned so much from these two brilliant and humble scholars, both from their writings, and especially Dr. Craig, from his debates and lectures as well. 
We live in a time when this level of apologetic and philosophic sophistication is desperately needed. I just pray that more Christians will "get with the program" and "come up to speed" in their efforts to defend the Christian worldview. May God bless you gentlemen and may He prosper your ministries for years to come.


Wonderful treat to hear all my profs! Thanks so much... praying for you all. Paul


I submitted the question about preserving Scripture on fired clay tablets. Dr. Moreland’s answer is a good one. It’s related to another question I submitted but that wasn’t answered in this program, understandably.

Actually, Dr. Moreland’s answer relates to an argument I make to LDS missionaries that come to my house.

Joseph Smith assumed that something like a central repository of Scripture existed in the times of the Chur Fathers and that the church leaders were able to change the Scriptures by removing “plain and precious” parts without anyone else noticing. Or if anyone did, their claims did not survive. .

Joseph Smith claimed that his movement arose to restore Christianity to its original form. This involved restoring to Scriptures the deleted parts, which became the “Joseph Smith Translation.

The argument I make to my LDS friends is that the copying and wide distribution of multiple copies to the Roman world already in the Apostolic Age made the changes Joseph Smith claim impossible to pull off and to do it without it being widely noticed.

So, what Dr. Moreland argues makes sense and actually prevented the “abominable church” from m doing what Joseph Smith claims it did.

I believe this argument against the Scriptures being changed so Joseph could “restore” them is a fatal blow to the very reason for being of the LDS.


Love Dr Craig, and he is one of my favorite philosophers and theologians. But sometimes his facial expressions when he is listening crack me up lol


As always, an edifying conversation. Professor Moreland's shout our to Beckett Cook and his book Change of Affection to answer the question of whether Christians should disagree about same-sex relationships, so good! This video has it all from duality to UFOs. Nothing but net Sean! Thanks for bringing our questions to these gentlemen. I downloaded their book to work through.


I really appreciate how respectful you are with the two wonderful guests!!!! God Bless!!!


It’s really interesting and enlightening to hear learned men discuss and elucidate on “facts” for which there is absolutely no evidence. Great work well done.


You three are such a blessing. God bless you.


Thank you so much for hosting this Q&A!


They are literally the best ❤ I feel like if I ever met any of you I would be star struck 🤩 Thank you for all you do and contribute to the continued sanctification of many Christians!


Thanks Sean for hosting this Q&A with two of my favourite Christian apologists: JPMoreland Chase (aka Jimmy Page Moreland) and Billy Zane Craig.


This was an amazing video. All the firepower in one room!


I have learned things from all of these men so I count them all as Rabbis/teachers. Shalom
