How to disable the new Adobe Acrobat Reader layout | Get the old Adobe Acrobat layout back!

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Learn how to EASILY revert your Adobe Acrobat program back to it's previous layout. I find the new Adobe Acrobat Reader style hard to figure out and use . Changing this simple setting made all of the confusion go away! :)

My main issue with the new Acrobat layout was that it I couldn't easily find the view that shows the thumbnails of each page down the left side column. I clicked around searching for it for a while and then started Google searching for a way to get the old menus and layout back. Now I am happy with the program again.

Hopefully this will help you too. Please subscribe to my channel if I just made your life easier.
Cheers -- Jason

Background Song in this video: ----
Song: Balynt - Campfire
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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After 10 minutes of research to get my old Acrobat Reader layout, I found your video. Cheers from France. Thanks for saving me time.


I was less than a minute away from figuratively throat punching the new Adobe Acrobat Reader layout. Thank you for the post.


I can't thank you enough! I didn't realize that Adobe came up with a new layout and thought I was losing my mind and couldn't figure out how to get the familiar layout back. Now I know it's Adobe that's gone mad by changing the layout to something out a nightmare for PDF users and creators.


Thank you! This just pushed for our customers and lots of people are not happy about this. There's no reason to change this stuff!! Thanks for this!


Bless you! Didn’t even know this was an option. I’m so glad I found this video!


Man i love you, the newer version doesnt let you keep the tools panel closed which is really annoying when you open hunderds of pdfs a day


I am Marian from India... thank you for your valuable video which saved a lot of time


Thankyou, was searching for the solution for an hour


Thank you so much! I was such a stupid feature.


Thank you so much for this helpful video. I have several functional disabilities with processing information, managing tasks, ADHD, etc., just to name few, and so when I opened up one of my PDFs and suddenly found everything so completely screwed up and mashed all about by their unexpected layout / interface changes, etc., it kind of really screwed me up and sent me into a tirade for a while. Needless to say, your video's been a great help, and believe me, when they asked why I reverted back to the old layout after doing so, I tore into 'em w/my response. Such total disregard and lack of consideration on their part for the impact that their doing these things can have on their customers is, I'm sure, immensely unappreciated, by many. MY ONLY FEAR NOW IS THAT THEY MAY AT SOME POINT DECIDE TO "FORCE" THESE CHANGES ON EVERYONE AND OVERRIDE OR DENY THE ABILITY TO REVERT BACK TO THE PRIOR LAYOUT / INTERFACE STYLE . . . and if so - when they do that, I will most likely be GONE - probably along w/a bunch of others. WOULD YOU KNOW IF THEY HAVE ANY PLANS LIKE THAT IN STORE? I've already purchased a user license for an alternative PDF program called Wondershare PDFelement, as a precautionary measure. And I've also already used that program for a while, as well, so am already used to it, too.


Thank you!!! I just spent a half hour trying to figure out what the heck I was doing wrong.


Thank you so much! New layout is pathetic


Thank you, the bookmarks being on the right side of the screen didnt make sense to me at all in the new format


Thank you!!! This is as bad as apple forcing a U2 album on you that I could care less about!!


You just saved me from months and months of neurodivergent agony. Now I just need to get windows 11 to look and act like windows 98 and we'll be all set lol


Thanks so much, that worked quite well. After the switch, Reader noticed it and asked me what they needed to do to make it better. LOL, isn't that obvious?!?


Holy shit, thanks alot! God hate the new Layout and the old is MUCH more userfriendly! So thanks alot my buddha! :)


downloaded itself to my new macpro ... had to search around for this option and I disengaged it hopefully forever ... do not need the tools on the left and the panel on the right as all I do is use as a reader and use the note function to add my thoughts do not want any paid version for my little needs thanx to you at least for now I appreciate your quick and easy suggestion


Yes. Thank you.
The new layout is annoying. The + Create on the top bar is not necessary and annoying.


New Adobe Acrobat is an absolute mess! Its like it was designed by several different committees that never spoke with each other.
