Make Manganese Dioxide Electrodes - Revisited

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We show how to make Manganese Dioxide electrodes.

Warning: Nitric acid is corrosive and nitrogen dioxide is toxic. This experiment should be performed outside or in a fume hood.

Take 1 gram of highly highly pure manganese dioxide and add 1.45g of oxalic acid dihydrate. Then add in 5 mL of water. The oxalic acid will react with the manganese dioxide to form manganese carbonate along with water and carbon dioxide. When the reaction slows down, carefully add in 1.7mL of nitric acid a few drops at a time. The nitric acid will neutralize the manganese carbonate and produce manganese nitrate and carbon dioxide. Pipette the liquid to another container, away from the excess manganese dioxide.

Evaporate the solution until it just starts to precipitate/crystallized.

To make the electrodes take a sanded titanium strip and immerse in concentrated hydrochloric acid until it bubbles evenly. Wash off the excess acid with distilled water. Apply a layer of manganese manganese solution to the titanium and then place the titanium on the hot plate set to least 300 celsius. Press down with a rod or spatula and as the electrode heats up the manganese nitrate will decompose into manganese dioxide and release nitrogen dioxide. When the electrode stops belching out brown nitrogen dioxide, immerse the electrode in water and wipe away any loosely bound manganese dioxide. Then apply another layer of manganese nitrate and repeat the process as many times as necessary.

Eventually you'll have a manganese dioxide on titanium electrode.
Рекомендации по теме

i don't do drugs or bombs. they compose about 1% of chemistry, i want to focus on the other 99%.


Due to the restriction of sales of oxidizer around the world, this video is absolutely crucial for thousands of researchers. Very good work for us. But at the end of the video is not clear from the translation of this: How long was the anode been tested? Hour? 3 days ? A week?
It is same important as preparation the whole procedure. The MnO2 surface looks pretty awful. So I am afraid that it will fall out from titanium after 2 hours. Thanks for the reply.
I know, even looks pretty awful anode will better than pure titan (instant passivation)
Next thing, how is concentration hot HCl 30 % ? Or dilute 10% ? Thanks...Dr.


most metals (copper, tin, steel, platinum, lead, zinc, etc.) as well as graphite can be used as cathodes.


you can choose to do both or one sided, If you plan to only use it with one other cathode the just coat the side facing the cathode. but if you're using a multiple electrode setup with alternating anodes and cathodes then you coat both sides.


Excellent! Nothing is more fascinating than chemistry. Love your novel approaches and tenacity in solving problems few others write about.


This makes me really excited about starting my Chem Phd next fall! I seriously love your videos!!


You are my absolute favorite channel that teaches me how to make Manganese Dioxide electrodes.


I'm an electronics engineer, but liked chem class in school. Most of what you do is a mystery for me, but I like the videos and judging based on the comments below, I think you get the job done of getting people exited for chemistry or just science. Forget the insults, do what you do best. It's your thing. Don't let people destroy that.


I don't think i'd ever do these experiments myself, but i do enjoy watching your videos. They are interesting and intriguing.


I don't understand half the stuff you're saying or doing...but I find your videos extremely addicting and enjoyable to watch!


I am glad to see you put up another video. I am getting bored with all the make-up tutorials. Hope you're not too busy to keep making more!


1. i'm not sure, i recommend recrystallizing a coupld of times to be sure.
2. Yes you can plate both sides, the aluminum doesn't seem to hurt anything.


I'm not a chemist, but your videos really fascinate me, cheers Mr NurdRage!


Well done Mr.NurdRage. I would do these experiments if I knew anything about chemistry, I will stick with electronics but your videos are still fun to watch! These and periodic videos are my favorite chemistry vids.


Thank you for the time and effort you put into these videos.


This is why I love science :D Its so interesting


Use a 5w% sol. of Mn(NO3)2 with 0.1w% NH4NO3 in Water to achive best conductivity. Wait for evaporation of the water before heating to 300°C to avoid bubbling. After decomposition heat another h at 350C to get better conversion. This yields excellent electrodes with high conductivity and low degradation.


I got mine from ebay, but there are lots of online metals stores you can check.


I love chemistry and find it fascinating how particles can interact in such unique and amazing ways. please keep up the excellent work, these videos keep the imagination growing and really does push me to go on to a university level chemistry education after recently finishing high school.

PS: My grade 12 chem teacher loves your videos.


I've seen the show, and i agree that chemistry is used as a tool and ultimately its the characters that are responsible for their own actions.

Unforunately chemistry is still portrayed as a tool to commit crime. And its those people that "misunderstood the subtle underlying theme" that we have to deal with and fight in advocating scientific literacy, academic freedom and chemical education.

Just take a look at that guy asking how to cook meth.

Ofcourse i blame him more than i blame the show.
