What to do if tenant is denied California rent relief | Struthers Legal

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#RentRelief #COVID19 #LosAngelesRealEstate

California and Los Angeles' rent relief programs are meant to help low income families. These programs have limited funding and many tenants will be denied. I discuss some of the possible outcomes I foresee in the event a tenant is denied the rent relief.

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I want everyone who has been through this B's with this rent relief company that was disbursing money for California to write the senator the representatives and the president and complain about the unprofessionalism that was disbursed in abundance. Anything but the Money that was promised by the people who hired them to help us when we needed it the most.


Bs i applied for housing is key (because they extended there application time) to be denied and referred to my cities own rent relief program which I couldn't apply for before because they were not taking any applicants anymore. What do I do now. Isnt Housing is key on a federal level??


I was awarded not dispersed, then waited 5 weeks, then recieved disqualified letter (surpassed period) that makes zero sence! I appealed it natrully but remain confused on the reason


I applied in Aug 2020... My case went for almost 8 months! I was never given a case worker. I called customer service number every week to see how my case was going only to be told " your case looks good just be patient. I asked if I had all the correct papers submitted. I was told yes there are no problems on this side. These phone calls went on for 7 Months. I was told they do not have case workers phone numbers and could not connect me with one. My case sat at " under review" for months! Around march- April. A woman called me because I complained so much. She told me " your case I s fine just please be patient. We hung up... A week later I received an email stating I was denied because if inconsistencies! They never explained what the inconsistencies we're! I sent in an appeal and I have no idea what I was appealing!!! I'm still waiting for any type of word about my appeal; it's been 3 weeks.
I am 65 years old... I'm on a fixed income! I receive snap benefits and medical!
My LL opted out at the very beginning of the rental program! He wanted nothing to do with it! I am one step away from being homeless! He wants me out! I don't know what to do this was not fair the way I was treated.


Fun fact. I was the head chef of a fine dining Italian restaurant in Monterey California and was denied housing from bratty and bluhm in Pacific Grove California. At the time I had over 20 grand in my bank account as well as a luxury SUV. They kept the unit on the market for almost an entire year without housing anyone. I know this because I specifically followed that unit. They charged two times rent for the deposit. 50 dollars app fee no refund. Criteria was as follows: 2 positive rental references. (So if your parents died recently and you're alone or with a sibling, you will not be housed by bratty and bluhm, or anywhere in America. As 2 positive rental references is now the permanent criteria for rental without co signer.) 3.5 times the rent. Mandatory for every individual in the apartment. So not just you, but anyone you're living with must also make 3 and a half times rent to be considered. And a positive bank statement. Yes. I had to show my bank info to bratty and bluhm. Despite having a positive bank account and making 3 times the rent in California, I was still denied housing. I needed my boss to co sign for a broken apartment in Monterey. Bratty and bluhm went to Pacific Grove city hall meetings to foam and froth at the mouth like a rabid wolf saying there was no need.... NO NEED.... To provide or create affordable housing, because they themselves provide affordable housing.... Again, I was the head chef of a fine dining Italian restaurant. I served too short the rapper. The entire production team of the Mazda Miata mx5 Japan. John Madden. The entire crew of the deadliest catch TV show the time bandit and other boats. That's just a small idea of the clientele I had fed and seen. I was disrespected by real estate agencies from here to Washington. And private land owners and property owners renting out. This is a serious problem I'm surprised noone is addressing. I'm a fiscal conservative and even I am saying the government needs to strip real estate agencies and property owners of their property. And that's even more dangerous than anything to say. But actual people are too greedy to own property. They all sit around arguing about who has the better Lamborghini or Mercedes. And if one property owner feels a certain way, the tenant suffers because of the property owners greed.


This really needs an update cuz the inept city of LA ran out of money in April but the rest of California is up and running with a straightforward process. I should've moved to Burbank or something when I moved back in Feb and I'd be in a much better position.


Thank you so much for the advice . I have been sitting here stuck in fear after being denied rent relief . I need to get unstuck and start packing because I've lived in this house for ten years .


I have a situation that my landlords property that I was renting got condemned and then also she was terminal and recently died. Sounds suspicious...but it's true. Please help they denied my second assistance money and gave me my first no problem.?


Up and leave to where the streets do you not understand people can you people do math does it add up we got billions . If the maximum a tenant gets is $24, 000 and they only approved 500, 000 how much is that billions . Man so do you work for the city or what write your senators write your congressman write the president .


Question I was denied Rental Relief because they said I “altered documents” I appealed this decision and was again denied and they said “all options have been exhausted”. I asked for proof and or showing me where this so called “altered document” is, they never gave me any proof. How is this okay ? How can they say I did this and deny me assistance without any type of said proof. Please help


Good luck with your channel Just subscribed


Wish I had someone like you to explain things to my landlord. He will not sit down and talk things out with me. I would like to pay him 20% that he will not be getting so he is 100% compensated. He just will not sit down and talk and he responds to my text messages with an unhelpful attitude. If he doesn't apply he will only get 25%, that 75% will be fought over in court and I will use the fact that he did not accept the 100% compensation plan against him in court. He has the right not to apply but not at my expense. Please correct me if I'm wrong, the fact that he chose not to apply damages my ability to repay my debt. Is that something I can use in court? BTW, great info, you seem to know a lot about this. $100k in back rent for a mansion? CRAZY!


Sasha this is very helpful. You really look at the issue from all angles 360°. Thank you 👍


Great info, Sasha! Question - What is a landlord unlawfully files for an eviction (unlawful detainer) solely to harass a tenant? You mention in your video that it's now on court record, however, if the landlord filed this in spite, will it show up on my record if I rent another property? And even if the judgement is in my favor...? How good/bad does this look to a property owner? Thanks!


What if the tenant don’t want to sign the paperwork. And asking money to sign. What can I do.


I'm living in ghetto ass apartments in a ghetto ass area !! And still got denied rent relief program 2022. Smh this is crazy!!
