Do this if your tenant ignores written notices

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As Landlords, you've probably learned that some Tenants simply do not follow the rules. Your job is not to make your Tenant follow rules. Your job is to enforce the rules, and sometimes that means delivering written notices to your Tenant. But what should you do if you send notices but the Tenant is clearly ignoring them? You need a plan of action.

The Law Office of Ernie Garcia stands out for its unparalleled expertise in landlord-tenant law, providing essential support to Texas landlords, apartment communities, and real estate investment firms. Whether it’s delivering legal notices, filing lawsuits, or defending landlords against tenant lawsuits and HOA or tax foreclosures, Ernie’s firm has done it all. Ernie Garcia, a distinguished landlord attorney with over 14 years of real estate law experience.

Additionally, The Law Office of Ernie Garcia assists clients with drafting Leases, Deeds, and Notices. He routinely delivers Notice to Vacate, Notice of Lease Termination, or Notice of Non-renewal for Landlords seeking to end a Lease relationship with a bad tenant. Ernie Garcia shows clients how the Eviction process can improve Tenant cooperation and reduces the potentially enormous losses that come from continued instances of partial and late payments.

Who you choose to work with really matters. Experience the difference of partnering with an attorney who truly cares. We are proud to deliver top-notch service to help our clients reach their business and personal goals. Whether you're looking to file an eviction, update your lease, or need help with a difficult tenant, The Law Office of Ernie Garcia, PLLC is here to shoulder the burden of tough litigation to put you in the best possible legal position to win, win win!

The information and materials made available on this video are provided by The Law Office of Ernie Garcia, PLLC for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. The transmission and receipt of the information in this video does not form or constitute an attorney-client relationship. Individuals receiving said information should not act upon it without seeking professional legal counsel. "
Рекомендации по теме

Paying my apartment rent on time is my number one priority in 2023.


I once sent a small UPS box, signature req'd for such a letter to disguise it, in addition to regular mail. The tenant received and signed for the box. He contacted me by text, all upset about the notice. His signing for the box doesn't prove it, but that angry text documented that they received the notice.
Or, in Ohio, a process server or LEO can be hired to personally deliver. More costly, but it gets the job done.


Rent needs to be free! It's a basic right like do you get charged to breathe? To sleep?

I went to a gas station and grabbed a bottle of water without paying. Told the employee water is a natural resource.


Mr. Garcia!
I really appreciate for your input and support a small business landlords!
Great job!
Thanks you!❤😂🎉❤❤❤


Thank you for the info .I had a tenant evicted We gave her 90 days notice and after the 90 days she said to continue with the eviction process, it took 4 months after that to finally get the apartment back


Ernie....another great video and thanks for all of the great information.


I'm in Washington. Evictions cannot begin until after 14 days. I delivered and mailed a 14-day notice to pay or vacate. But Washington tenant law has made it much more difficult to go through the eviction process. I'll be using a lawyer who specializes in evictions.


A year ago I purchased a home in New Mexico after the owner passed away and it has a back house which had renters living in it on month to month payments (no lease) When my husband and I bought the home we had no intention of being landlords and we actually want to turn the back house into a garage. We planned to remodel the main house and since it was in the middle of Covid we verbally told the renters that they are welcome to stay in the apartment for a year, while we remodel. Well fast forward to 2023, we gave a written notice to the renters 3 months in advance as a reminder of the upcoming move out date. Then we gave them another written notice 30 days prior to the move out date. All notices were handed to the renters in person. Well, move out date came and the renters refused to move and started becoming hostile. I quickly got an attorney who wrote up a 3 day eviction notice and we had a police officer deliver it to the renters. Well, they still have refused to move. Fast forward to now 2 months later and we are waiting for the court date which is finally set in August. Its been such a nightmare. We are still not living in the main house out of the awkwardness it is having people who we do not want there essentially living in the back yard. I have been so stressed on this, buying a home with no intention of being a landlord and doing what we thought was nice by giving the renters up to a year to find a new place.. Is there any way the court would rule in the favor of the renter? I'm so scared of that happening, I have no idea what we would do..


The music in this video is terrible! It's very loud and off putting. Might I suggest taking it out completely?


I was on here before I had mentioned that I was taking my renter to court well she decided to all of a sudden wanted to give the keys to my nephew to give to me she didn't give up the place so by her doing that can I go and change the locks since I already got the key from her I still is scheduled to go to court on the 30th I am still going to go but I was wondering since I already have possession of my home and on my paperwork that I submitted I was asking for rent so I was wondering can I ask even though I've already got position of my house by her returning the keys


I have a renter that is behind in February rent they're supposed to pay the other portion in March along with March rent she kept on saying she was waiting on her income tax and to me she sounded as though she was just prolonging her stay. So I want to served her on the 15th of March she is behind in late charges as well so I gave her until the 1st of April a eviction letter was that enough time to give her. I know that you can give a 3-day notice but let me know if I I served her the eviction letter and I sent her a certified letter


Question: On the day of termination of tendency, can the landlord show up and knock on the door of the tenant to see if they have vacate the property? Or I still have to give a 24 hours notice to to the tenant that I will be at the property (even if they are or are not at the rental property). If I have to sent a notice to show up, can it be text or email? Resident is in California.


I filed eviction on my Renner she has been in my house for 2 months where are due to go to court on the 30th of April she just contacted me yesterday 4 days before we go to court she contacted me in a text and asked me to send my nephew over and she was going to turn over the keys so so I am going to still keep my court date and appeared in court but I was wondering since I got my house back like that how can I get the amount that she owes me and rent can I ask for the rent even though I got my house already and when I go do I have to let the judge know that she has already surrendered the keys to me


I have a tenant that haven’t pay rent and I have not be able to get in contact with him, it’s been 15 days he doesn’t pick up the phone or answer text, I even when and wait at the property but nobody seems to be there, can I enter the property and removed his stuff if he has abandoned the property


They need to change these laws.. if you dont pay your rent, you get a 10 day notice to quit.. if you're not out by those 10 days, you are now trespassing and will be arrested and taken off the property. Therefore, the landlord should be able to withhold their property until past owed rent or lease agreement is paid for up to 60 days.. if they don't pay within 60 days, the landlord should be able to sell their property to pay back owed rent... It's ridiculous what some good honest landlords have to go through.


Many of the things you talk about in this video vary from state to state
Virginia where I live is considered a landlord-friendly state.
Then the simple fact that there will always be Texas and it will always be Texas. some Texas laws are unique'
I won't go int specifics because if there is on state with no room to talk when it comes to weird laws it's Virginia


I have a hold over tenant, who I have evicted twice, won both judgements. They appealed, first time dismissed due to court serving and still waiting for second verdict. Dallas county has some of the most ridiculous judges.


As a retired window clerk at a very busy financial USPS Window operation, insurance companies would come in with handfuls of official letters with no markings on the face of the letter but those letters were listed in a ledger book and additional postage paid for the service of Proof of Mailing.
This PoM held up in Court too as well if people thought they would be able to say they didn't receive it. They were usually cancellation notices.


i have a tenant who hasn’t paid last months rent now we are in the next month, they have a habit of this. The lease ends this june, Can i not agree to keep them and find new tenants to avoid eviction?


What happens if the tenant doesn't show up for the trial?
