How To Remove A BAD Tenant (Without Having To Evict!)

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Ever wonder how to remove your bad tenant without having to evict? Let's discuss some options that you can use to take a more peaceful approach.

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The caption is misleading. If she does not vacate, you WILL have to go through the courts to take possession of the property


I have a clause in my leases that states: that if tenant allows any "pet or person", not authorized on the lease, tenant will pay $50 per day until the "pet or person" vacate, are removed or authorized by us in writing to stay.
I have found that monetizing their lease violations is win and win for us.


Good luck with that. You will still need to evict her through the courts as is her right by law. That can take 18 months or longer if she fights you on it.


all landlords whether you have 3 units or 500 units... let your attorney do everything when it comes to eviction.. one call and let them deal with it... i live in probably the most tenant friendly state and its useless trying to represent yourself in housing court..laws always changing in tenants favor... SCREEN..SCREEN AND SCREEN AGAIN TO AVOID PROBLEM PEOPLE.


I spoke to a Lawyer here in Pennsylvania (who is also a real estate investor) who states he does not use leases at all and keeps all his tenants on a month-to-month, Tenancy at will basis because it is easier to have them ousted on a "tenancy at will" basis than trying to prove they violated a lease- Not sure if this is a good idea- But that was from a Lawyer/Real estate


I have a tenant that has two daughters she only claimed that it was only her in one daughter and I that was fine with that she brought along two medium-sized dogs and her other daughter and their daughter's boyfriend I did not know what to do


In North Carolina, you can evict for no reason. You don't need a reason, you just give a notice ending the tenancy by the end of the term and then go file for the eviction. You can also note how much rent is owed and sue for that.


What happens if there is no contract???


Anyone have advice on how I can make sure my roommates leave when I do; they are not on the lease and the agreement we made was they have to move when I leave unless they make a lease themselves with the this wasn't under the radar I absolutely got permission from the landlord to have them. But they are acting sketchy as in they have lead me to believe that they were squared away with the landlord but today when I talked to him he told me that he told them that they couldn't stay because they want to run a business out of the place and he doesn't allow that. They have three days until the end of my lease but I'm extending it with my landlord by another month so that I have time to get my building finished that I'm moving to.
I'm located in Texas in case it matters. Anyone who knows Texas law well enough to help advise me?


How long does it take for the police to get them out? After paying the sheriff fees? And do you have to wait until the sherrif calls you to set an eviction date? Is there any way to speed up this step in the process?


Putting up a sign saying she cant wash her cloths at midnight does not void a lease f she does. You must prove in a court that she had a guest more than 10 days ( I would never restrict a tennant on having someone stay). So the pet thing a judge would ask to see the request for the deposit and would likely allow the renter an opportunity to pay that. If that fails the judge will usually give 30 days to vacate. The tenant could immediately appeal and set a court date for 60 days from then. In the meantime she can have the other person have legal mail sent to that address. If the appeal fails then the landlord would call the sheriff for eviction service. Now, when the sheriff shows up for eviction he will not evict if the other person proves they live there and his name is not on the eviction notice. Then the landlord must go back to court and get his name on the eviction and be served. Then the tenant can file for bankruptcy by the next time the sheriff arrives and again the tennant cannot be removed. There are dozens of stall tactics one can use to make it drag on and on. During this time the renter may stop paying landlord anything and would have to initiate a new court filing to try and recoupe. THATS WHY I AM NO LONGER A different states have different laws and my state isnt the best.


What if it's a friend that was to move out after they found a place but now a year later they still are there but paying half rent but I want my space back I've talked to them I've yelled at them to get out but nothing works how do I get this once a friend now a pest out of my house? I feel like physically throw him out but I'm not string enough plus that's not a good way.


I have two rentals. Where can I get a copy of a restrictive contract like I have . Thanx


ok i actually want to know if there is a way where i can legally get rid of my roommate, I have two roommate who are really being very gross, and i have told them to please clean their mess to only find the same problem again, if they dont move out on peaceful terms, is there a way i can kick them out lawfully?
here is what its happening, i am the solo renter of the apt, they are helping me with the rent but are NOT in the lease, they have not miss rent, they are just not hygienic and that's a health hazard. many occasion i think they freaking shave their private parts and leave the drainer filled with their pubes and spits. I have told them to pleas clean always in a good manner, always very passive. can someone help me? how do i make them leave without wasting my time with lawyers.


the more people u put on a lease the more problems it is at the courthouse


My grandfather would remove the water heater or furnace, you perform routine maintenance on the appliance. One time he removed the front door and frame out of the wall. But he owned a trailer park and was renting out mobile homes which is the lowest rung on the rental property ladder imaginable.


So if a person receives a notice to vacate does that mean they will have a eviction on they credit?


Add a 'No Pet Stitting' clause to your leases.


That is the best advice month to month. In the past we’ve always wanted a year lease but you also don’t want a two-year problem month to month is the best way to go. And background checks I don’t care how much it cost to get the best.😊


I need answers now.... I live and a three family home... The lady down stairs got a recording camera video audio... And the guy upstairs been a victim too.... She got the basement door lock wit her key.... I feel she using my the lease say no catS she got cats ...landlord said my garage too... My side the right.. The first floor lady keep locking it... For her....but... She took a pic of me guess from her camera system and put it on my door.... I was with my son taking him to school..His school clothes he had on lol... So she be watching me.... 7am...lard lord said no Kids at the house or staying the night...OK... I move n on the 6 of this mouth and being ask to leave 1 next... I feel her and the landlord lady our friends and they watch people then evict them but the lady downstairs really breaking the lease....her music up all the crazy but true... What do i do actually...I'm not the first everybody that move her go through the same
