#89 Building our improved compost toilet

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0:00 Recap
0:24 Intro
1:28 Design
2:52 Clearing the area
3:59 Leveling
5:31 Building the platform
8:49 Frame
12:02 Roof
14:09 Window
14:35 Sidings
16:12 Second hand shopping
18:23 Door and finish sidings
19:37 Inside box
23:06 Precious plastic seat
24:35 New poop system
28:20 1st week tryout
30:06 Lids for buckets
31:36 2nd week tryout
33:01 New sink
35:55 Light
37:29 Finishing details
38:58 End results
40:13 Outro
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If you have ideas and suggestions on the toilet drop them here. Useful long term information for us and others!


If you can find a coffee roaster in your area, the skins from the roasted beans, called coffee chaff, is great for composting human waste. Maybe you are lucky and there is a roaster in your area. It composts down very hot, breaking things down more quickly. It also is a waste product from roasting. The smell from the chaff helps cover the smell of the waste really well too. Good luck!!


In my personal experience, the absolute key to making a composting toilet system work well is to separate the urine from the feces. Why? 1) It keeps the feces dryer in the bucket, reducing smell significantly. If you mix urine and feces, you need ridiculous amounts of absorbent material, in your case sawdust, if you want to keep it dry. If you separate the urine, you can still add some absorbent material, but don't need much at all. 2) The bucket can be emptied maybe a third as often, will be much lighter and a *lot* nicer to handle. 3) If you want to, you can collect the urine to use as fertiliser 4) Composting the feces will in my experience be almost impossible if you don't separate out the urine either because A) you don't mix in absorbent material and then what you have in the bucket will be a liquid slush, or B) you do mix in a lot of absorbent material and it will therefore be hard to compost because you'll have too much of the absorbent. Sawdust in itself will basically not compost and if you have too much of it in relation to the feces you'll just have a dry cake. So, is it difficult to separate out the urine? Not at all. By a kit for it, for example a Separett. Works like a charm.


Nice build!

A suggestion to improve the smell inside the hut is to have a pipe from the poop void that goes above the roof. This will redirect the rising hot (and smelly) air outside of the hut


38:38 you should add a longer handle for the water container so that you can operate it with your forearms. That when you’ve washed your hands the bacteria from your hands before the wash don’t get on your hands and the system would be more hygienic and less risk e.coli or other diseases


When you finish the roof, It'd be cool if you connect the water runoff to the water used for washing your hands


Nice new toilet and compost area. I would suggest covering the hay bales to prevent them from getting to wet and start rotting before real use.


Jaime, absolute beast of a dude who takes on some of the more complicated builds within the camp.

Emli, "wake me when you need me"


I LOVE the design of the poop system! Could I suggest that maybe you put a flyscreen over the toilet window so it can be left open without too many little pests entering?


Future Proof for safety 25:38 saw off the tops of the sides of the steps to prevent future injury from falls, I work in hospitals and let me tell you falling on stuff is more common then you think. best wishes <3


Tip for taking care of smell from the bucket and the compost; sprinkle quicklime or woodash on every 3rd to 5th visit instead of sawdust. The quicklime desolves the feses and woodash contains natural lye that helps break down the feces faster.


Separation of liquids and solids prevent the compost toilet from smelling.
Ask the sawmill if they can give you their sawdust for free.


Excellent work on this design. One suggestion: I would have put the base of the sawdust box on a slope towards the inside so gravity does the work on pushing the sawdust to the user once what is inside has been used up


Kevin’s inventivity/creativity is above average - I’m a fan.


Great build.

I wanna say I’m so grateful that everyone ‘presents’ their videos in English. I’d be so lost trying to keep up with all the many languages everyone speaks. With utmost respect, thanks.


You need toilets with a focus on premaculture. Every communal I've seen pretty much has a system. On the Kristin Dirksen YouTube channel, they visited a community in Oregon that had an entire system for a converted apartment building. Urine and poo are kept separate.


I love how y'all are past your bare necessities phase and your really putting time and effort into making it look nice too


Hi, A couple of things.
1) Surprised you did not decide to make a building with two cubicles.
2) It looks like you will need a larger pallet composting area
3) If clearing more space means fewer mimosa it is win win.


the makeshift lathe was so cool and the little mushroom handle is so cute !


The makeshift lathe at 23:10 was a fun surprise😄Great to see you guys come up with simple yet ingenious solutions to such problems
