Beginner’s Guide to Turntables

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0:00 Start
0:23 Intro
0:37 Beginner's Guide
1:23 The Feet
2:17 Plinth
3:20 Platter
4:22 Drive
6:28 Tone Arm
11:32 Phono Preamp
15:59 My Recommendations

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Satanic Panic Playlist:
Leg Warmers Playlist

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Recommended Streamer

Recommended Speaker List

Around $100 (These prices will fluctuate between $75 - $150)

Around $200

Around $400

Around $500

Around $600

Recommended Amp List

Under $100

Around $130

Around $250

Around $400

Recommended DACs


Рекомендации по теме

This is a great precursor to getting into vinyl, just 50 years too late for me. Back in the day we bought a record player and took what we could get. As long as the speed was correct, the needle tracked and noise came out, the party was on. Knowing what I know now, it wasn't a very precise science in my youth. I am sure a new generation of vinylafficionados will be emerging, and well informed with all this good info. Thank you as always for this valuable info, your time and effort to share this with us all. Much appreciated.


I thought that was a good review covering the basics. Randy does a excellent job explaining subjects were a person is just starting thier journey. Great job Sir!


Love my Fluance RT 85. What a great turntable for the money.


I remember my first time watching this video back in late 2022, and now I'm back again in serious to buy my first turntable.


They have upgraded vinyl it’s called cd ..
Seriously it can be fun and very frustrating. To get the best it needs lots of t l c . When I was young that’s all there was oh radio too . 8 track cassette I remember them also .
Great explanation Randy and good luck to all newbies to vinyl .


One *key* thing that all phono preamps have to do - is the RIAA equalization curve. The Recording Industry Association of America EQ is a standard that is used for all records - because the physical nature of music is that the bass frequencies would cause the groove on the record to be too large. The groove would have to take up a lot of space on the surface, and the length of time of the music would be a lot shorter.

So - the RIAA standard cuts the volume of the lowest bass (20Hz) by 20dB.

And the treble frequencies in the record groove would be too small - the stylus would have a hard time tracking them, and they would wear out too quickly. So the RIAA standard increases the highest treble (20kHz aka 20, 000Hz) by 20dB.

The phono preamp has to apply the opposite EQ curve - it has to increase bass at 20Hz by 20dB and cut the treble at 20kHz by 20dB. This is why using 2 phono preamps would be bad; as was mentioned.


I invested in a fluance turn table. I couldn’t be happier.


Excellent video with clarity & wit.


Randy the best buy in a budget turntable at the moment is definitely the Rega P1 green grade. I have just bought one for £199 which includes a Rega carbon cartridge. These use very slight seconds for the plinth or colours and finishes that are not current. I was lucky to get mine with the P3 gloss red plinth and matching better bearing. The current P3 is a Matt finish. For £30 more you can get the plus version with built in phono amp. These usually retail at £380. Rega states that they are not making anything out of these, they are only selling them to save on waste. You also get the lifetime warranty. I can honestly say that this is an absolute bargain and it sounds great. Another budget turntable that I can also personally recommend at £250 is Audio Technicas AT120XUSB which I bought for my son. Another great bargain and it sounds remarkably good for the price.


All this is great information, and why I love my CD's.


Great getting started guide Randy!
I recently upgraded from a Pioneer PL-990 (light piece of chinese plastic, but at least it's not a Crosley 😅) to at Audio Technica AT-LP5 with a AT-VM95E, a turntable with room to grow in the years going forward. I convinced a salesman to sell me the showroom model for $120, because it was missing the headshell and cartridge. Bought a new AT-VM95E including the AT-HS6 headshell for $95 when I got home ... quite pleased with that purchase, kinda feel like I stole it from the store though 🤣


The absolute best channel I have seen on YouTube


I‘m a lucky guy…a german distribution offer a Rega Planar 1 with the glas platter the Planar 2 and adjustable antiscating for the same price like the original Planar 1 (even 20€ cheaper)…so i had to get this immediately 😍


Good coverage of entry level turntables and what goes into their design.


The tried and tested Technics 1200/10 mk2/3/5 or even the never 1200 mk7 at a push are my favorites but that's because I used to dj and cant stand having just one deck,

bonus for me being my classic tascam 'super analogue' mixer has balanced xlr outputs.


Randy well presented video.
An Isolation shelf for the turntable to sit on that has adjustable spikes to level the kit.


Rega Planar 1 super easy to set up and great build quality!


Phono preamps are a little more complicated than just increasing signal level. (sorry if my explanation is a bit off) When the record is made there is a special 'curve'' or equalization made to the signal that is set to a standard decided by the organization, Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). It's normally referred to as the RIAA CURVE. It's the phono preamp's job to correctly compensate for that applied curve. Some phone preamps do a better job on balancing that curve than others. See the Wiki article on it.


Helpful video. I have a Technics I am very happy with and love vinyl but still have a bunch to learn. Specifically on changing cartridges and styli and calibration.


I am currently using a Pro-Ject Debut turntable with upgraded Ortofon 2M Black cartridge and separate phono preamp. The sound quality is excellent and serves me well until I’m ready to budget for a higher end system.