How to connect from Windows 10 Hyper-v manager to Standalone Hyper-V server

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The video shows how to connect from windows 10 Hyper-V manager to Standalone Hyper-V role installed on Windows Server 2016 / 2019 or Hyper-V server 2016 / 2019.
Normally if you will try to connect from windows 10 Hyper-V manager to standalone Hyper-V server you will get an error claim that you have to check if the virtual machine management service running or if you authorized to connect to the server.
So my suggestion before you start with this video is:
1. Verify your both windows 10 and windows server are fully updated by windows update
2. Since the server is standalone, it doesn't recognize your local user on the laptop. one option is to add your credentials to the server using Windows Credentials Manager (access through control panel) and another option is to tick the "Connect as another user" while you enter the server name / ip address in the pop-up box when connecting through Hyper-V, then set the user.
3. verify no third-party software like anti-virus block this connection
If you checked all those points and you still receiving error while trying to connect to the server, please follow this video step by step guide.
The commands you will have to run during the guide:
Server side (PowerShell commands):
1. Enable-PSRemoting
2 Enable-WSManCredSSP -role server (Click y while required)
3. ipconfig /all OR hostname (to get the server host name)
Windows 10 side (PowerShell commands and GPO editing)
1. set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value "hvtest1" (change hvtest1 to your server hostname)
2. Enable-WSManCredSSP -role client -DelegateComputer "hvetst1" (change hvtest1 to your server hostname)
3. Group policy editing (allow delegating fresh credentials with NTLM-only server authentication
Adi Mahluf
Normally if you will try to connect from windows 10 Hyper-V manager to standalone Hyper-V server you will get an error claim that you have to check if the virtual machine management service running or if you authorized to connect to the server.
So my suggestion before you start with this video is:
1. Verify your both windows 10 and windows server are fully updated by windows update
2. Since the server is standalone, it doesn't recognize your local user on the laptop. one option is to add your credentials to the server using Windows Credentials Manager (access through control panel) and another option is to tick the "Connect as another user" while you enter the server name / ip address in the pop-up box when connecting through Hyper-V, then set the user.
3. verify no third-party software like anti-virus block this connection
If you checked all those points and you still receiving error while trying to connect to the server, please follow this video step by step guide.
The commands you will have to run during the guide:
Server side (PowerShell commands):
1. Enable-PSRemoting
2 Enable-WSManCredSSP -role server (Click y while required)
3. ipconfig /all OR hostname (to get the server host name)
Windows 10 side (PowerShell commands and GPO editing)
1. set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value "hvtest1" (change hvtest1 to your server hostname)
2. Enable-WSManCredSSP -role client -DelegateComputer "hvetst1" (change hvtest1 to your server hostname)
3. Group policy editing (allow delegating fresh credentials with NTLM-only server authentication
Adi Mahluf