Laughing Gas (Nitrous Oxide, Balloons, NOS) - Origin, Effect And Dangers - Doctor Explains

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Do you know about Nitrous oxide. This might not ring a bell, but it is the chemical name of the substance in those balloons people are inhaling during a rave: Laughing gas.
In todays video, we will explore its origin, unravel its effect on our body and discuss its impact on your health. Find the playlists here:
The origin of Nitrous Oxide:
It was first synthesized in 1772 by the English chemist Joseph Priestley. By 1799 it was the latest craze for the British upper class. By 1863 it had come into general use as an anaesthetic for surgery. And it continued to be used as a recreational drugs from a gas cylinder or tank.
How popular is it?
All together, this makes nitrous oxide the second most popular recreational drug after cannabis. In 2014 Global Drug Survey found that about 29,4% of all Americans and 38,6% of all Brits have used nitrous oxide at least once in their life.
What is Nitrous oxide?
It is commonly known as laughing gas, nitro, NOS, nangs, whippet, hippy crack, buzz bomb and balloons. It is a chemical compound, with the chemical formula N2O. At room temperature it is a colourless, non-flammable gas, with a slightly sweet scent and taste.
How does it work?
It travel through your mouth and will fill your lungs. There it is absorbed by your alveoli. From your lungs it enters the bloodstream and binds to multiple receptors in you central nervous system.
It anesthetic effects come from binding to the NMDA receptor. Nitrous oxide also binds to the GABA-receptor, which has a inhibiting effect on most brain pathways, creating a anxiety reducing and calming effect.
Nitrous oxide also leads to the stimulation of your sympathetic nervous system, contributing to a higher blood pressure, more cardiac output, a stimulated cerebral blood flow and an increased intracranial pressure.
The effects?
- The potential “positive ”short term effects are feelings of euphoria, relaxation and calmness, giggles and laughter and hallucinations. Where you hear or see things, which aren’t really there.
- It can also cause some “negative” short term effects; like a severe headache, dizziness, numbness of your body, sedation, uncoordinated movements, blurred vision, confusion, sweating, fatigue, feelings of paranoia and it can prevent you from thinking straight.
Some practical tips:
- As with anything in life, moderation is key.
- Furthermore, only use nitrous oxide from a balloon, this is safe, prevents a frostbite and helps you to dose it better.
- It is also advised to not use it alone or in a dangerous or isolated area.
- Don’t put a plastic bag over your head or impede your breathing in any way.
- Make sure the nitrous oxide does not come into contact with flames or cigarettes.
- Don’t combine it with alcohol or any other drugs.
- And don’t stand or dance while inhaling, as this might increase your risk for passing out.
- Disclaimer: this video and the comments are meant purely informational! This is not medical advice! If you are looking for medical advice always contact your own doctor. -
1: Kaar SJ, Ferris J, Waldron J, Devaney M, Ramsey J, Winstock AR. Up: The rise of nitrous oxide abuse. An international survey of contemporary nitrous oxide use. J Psychopharmacol. 2016 Apr;30(4):395-401.
2: Knuf K, Maani CV. Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous Oxide. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan.
3: van Amsterdam J, Nabben T, van den Brink W. Recreational nitrous oxide use: Prevalence and risks. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2015 Dec;73(3):790-6.
4: Talk To Frank. Nitrous oxide. Frank. 2023.
5: ADF. Nitrous oxide. ADF. 2021.
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In todays video, we will explore its origin, unravel its effect on our body and discuss its impact on your health. Find the playlists here:
The origin of Nitrous Oxide:
It was first synthesized in 1772 by the English chemist Joseph Priestley. By 1799 it was the latest craze for the British upper class. By 1863 it had come into general use as an anaesthetic for surgery. And it continued to be used as a recreational drugs from a gas cylinder or tank.
How popular is it?
All together, this makes nitrous oxide the second most popular recreational drug after cannabis. In 2014 Global Drug Survey found that about 29,4% of all Americans and 38,6% of all Brits have used nitrous oxide at least once in their life.
What is Nitrous oxide?
It is commonly known as laughing gas, nitro, NOS, nangs, whippet, hippy crack, buzz bomb and balloons. It is a chemical compound, with the chemical formula N2O. At room temperature it is a colourless, non-flammable gas, with a slightly sweet scent and taste.
How does it work?
It travel through your mouth and will fill your lungs. There it is absorbed by your alveoli. From your lungs it enters the bloodstream and binds to multiple receptors in you central nervous system.
It anesthetic effects come from binding to the NMDA receptor. Nitrous oxide also binds to the GABA-receptor, which has a inhibiting effect on most brain pathways, creating a anxiety reducing and calming effect.
Nitrous oxide also leads to the stimulation of your sympathetic nervous system, contributing to a higher blood pressure, more cardiac output, a stimulated cerebral blood flow and an increased intracranial pressure.
The effects?
- The potential “positive ”short term effects are feelings of euphoria, relaxation and calmness, giggles and laughter and hallucinations. Where you hear or see things, which aren’t really there.
- It can also cause some “negative” short term effects; like a severe headache, dizziness, numbness of your body, sedation, uncoordinated movements, blurred vision, confusion, sweating, fatigue, feelings of paranoia and it can prevent you from thinking straight.
Some practical tips:
- As with anything in life, moderation is key.
- Furthermore, only use nitrous oxide from a balloon, this is safe, prevents a frostbite and helps you to dose it better.
- It is also advised to not use it alone or in a dangerous or isolated area.
- Don’t put a plastic bag over your head or impede your breathing in any way.
- Make sure the nitrous oxide does not come into contact with flames or cigarettes.
- Don’t combine it with alcohol or any other drugs.
- And don’t stand or dance while inhaling, as this might increase your risk for passing out.
- Disclaimer: this video and the comments are meant purely informational! This is not medical advice! If you are looking for medical advice always contact your own doctor. -
1: Kaar SJ, Ferris J, Waldron J, Devaney M, Ramsey J, Winstock AR. Up: The rise of nitrous oxide abuse. An international survey of contemporary nitrous oxide use. J Psychopharmacol. 2016 Apr;30(4):395-401.
2: Knuf K, Maani CV. Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous Oxide. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan.
3: van Amsterdam J, Nabben T, van den Brink W. Recreational nitrous oxide use: Prevalence and risks. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2015 Dec;73(3):790-6.
4: Talk To Frank. Nitrous oxide. Frank. 2023.
5: ADF. Nitrous oxide. ADF. 2021.
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Follow me on Facebook: @HOWTOMEDICATE
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