Game Freak RUINED These Pokemon... Let's BUFF Them!

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I feel like a lot of Mega Pokémon got abilities that deserve to be transplanted onto the base mon in some way because they have either nothing of note or hot garbage


“megas don’t seem to be coming back anytime soon” lol, that’s funny to hear after pokemon day


Its kinda goofy, but giving Camerupt water absorb would be really fun. As a camel, it being good at taking on and storing water makes thematic sense, and turns a 4x weakness into an immunity, making a slow fire/ground semi-viable. Also, give Lumineon tail glow, because i would love to see that irrelevant fish blow everything apart on rain teams


Still waiting for the moment they give my boy flygon the respect he deserves


Give. Durant/Escavalier. Mirror Armor. Its soooo thematically fitting and would allow them to not instantly become useless vs Intimidate


Most of these just need an evolution that addresses the awful stats... Ursaluna for example is a perfect glowup for Ursaring


I always wanted Ariados to have an ability called spider’s den that sets up sticky web when switched in. That would make it useful lol


As someone whose favorite pokemon is Banette, the thumbnail alone brings me joy


I wish they'd continue doing the base stat buffs that they did in gen 6/7. Masquerain went from irredeemable shitmon to slightly usable after the increases it got to its special attack and speed.
I think ariados in particular could benefit from having some more hp, since it has surprise factor in learning rage powder, despite not really looking like the kind of mon that usually gets rage powder. It would also be cool if it had more than 40 base speed, so it could actually benefit from the like 10 different speed-reducing moves it learns.


Noctowl, Jynx, Arbok, Chimecho and Ariados are always the top five for me when it comes to buffs. Though I always just go "Give them an Evolution" or trying to give at least 50bst added


GameFreak: gives Swords Dance to Dugtrio in gen 9 to let it have a niche in singles
Wugtrio: is for me too?


The idea of Charizard getting Drought over Solar Power is both hilarious and like really cool to me. Charizard was the one Sun setter in OU who could actually afford to be offensively oriented, and I think he’d be really interesting if they did that. While we’re at it, give Mega Launcher to Blastoise.


I'd honestly thought Ariados would learn First Impression for an amazing STAB move. If a dragon can learn it why can't a poisonous spider.


Banette, Electivire and Magmortar are the main ones I want to see buffed. Aside from them needing stat buffs, they really need better abilities than ones that block Sleep status.


One buff I would want is for Turtonator’s signature move, Shell Trap, to have the ability to self activate from a teammate. Not huge, but I feel you could do some fun stuff with that like Bulldoze into a Weakness Policy for a massive Shell Trap blast.


TL;DR - Buff Wigglytuff, Meganium, Ampharos, Aggron, Flygon, Roserade, Drapion, Electivire, Magmortar, Dusknoir, Scolipede, Golurk, Golisopod, Grapploct, and Tinkaton

Here are the most game-changing ideal buffs in my brain (and some more minor buffs):
Wigglytuff - Let’s start by replacing Frisk with Fur Coat (this is the kicker right off the bat), whiling also increase it’s Sp. Atk (85 > 95), and Sp. Def (50 > 70) to support said ability, and finally give it STABs Boomburst and Moonblast

Meganium - What’s left to be said about Meganium that hasn’t already been said? Change it’s HA to either Flower Veil or Triage, increase it’s movepool with Pollen Puff, Earth Power, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Clam Mind, and Wish, and finally increase it’s Sp. Atk (82 > 92)

Ampharos - We all know how painfully mediocre Ampharos is, especially without it’s mega so I have a couple of ideas. Give it Electric Surge (and with it comes Rising Voltage) so we can have a Electric Terrain setter that isn’t Pincurchin or Tapu Koko, also give Energy Ball and Flash Cannon for some coverage, maybe give it Milk Drink for reliable recovery, and finally just give it Tail Glow already

Aggron - Aggron always struggles, even in regional formats. Half of the reason is coming from it’s /Rock typing but I have work around this, just replace Heavy Metal with Filter/Solid Rock (same thing), and the other half is because of it’s statspread let’s fix that too. Take 25 points from it’s Sp. Atk (60 > 35), move those points to it’s Sp. Def (60 > 80) and HP (70 > 75), and finally increase it’s Atk (110 > 120) and give it Accelerock/Bullet Punch if not both, maybe Shift Gear too or buff Solid Rock itself (to reduced 4x weaknesses by 1.5x or 2/4) if all that isn’t enough. Now it should be a solid pick in regional dex formats at the very least.

Flygon - a.k.a. poor man’s Garchomp and always have been, let’s fix that. Let’s start by making it a special attacker (80 > 100), special ground mons are sparse after all. It always only has Levitate and only that but I have two ideas, Sand Rush which would give sand teams a whole new dimension and Tinted Lens which people have been asking for. Also maybe give it Quiver Dance too

Roserade - Most of the time it’s a poor man’s Venusaur and even then couldn’t do much on it’s own especially after it lost it’s best Technician tool Hidden Power Fire/Ice, lets fix that. By just giving it Chilling Water (also buff that move from 50 BP > 60 BP), Vacuum Wave, and Draining Kiss. Also make Mega Drain 60 BP like it was in LGPE.

Drapion - Increase it’s HP (70 > 80) and replace Keen Eye lol with Tough Claws, and give it Sucker Punch, that’s all I got

Electivire - We’re giving these two the Gallade treatment by giving it Iron Fist (and also buffing said ability from 1.2x to 1.3x if not 1.4x), whiling also giving it Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Bulk Up, Knock Off, and maybe even Power Whip and High Horsepower
-even if it’s still worse than Pawmot cause Pawmot is strictly better-

Magmortar - Same idea as above but with Mega Launcher alongside Armor Cannon, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, and Dragon Pulse to support said ability with Earth Power and Vacuum Wave as bonuses.

Dusknoir - Let’s try setting it apart from Dusclops. Take 20 points from it’s Sp. Atk (65 > 45) and then split it for HP (45 > 55) and Atk (100 > 110) respectively, give it Drain Punch and Knock Off which why doesn’t it get those already, and most importantly Strength Sap…….just plz don’t give that last one to Dusclops or we’ll riot.

Scolipede- it could use a bit more depth with First Impression and Gunk Shot for better STABs, High Horsepower for single target Ground move, and Fell Stinger for shits and giggles. That’s all tho.

Golurk - What it needs more than anything is more bulk. 89/80/80 to 99/90/90 bulk should do the trick for future regional dex formats.

Golisopod - Just give it Shell Armor at the very least, maybe Wave Crash and U-Turn/Flip Turn and it’s good to go

Grapploct - Again much like Roserade it has little to nothing to abuse Technician with on top of being worse than so many other mono-Fighting types, let’s fix that. Give it Mach Punch and Aqua Jet (if not Jet Punch) for priority, Flip Turn for pivoting, Knock Off and Poison Jab for coverage, Recover for you know, and here’s the kicker Storm Throw (you thought Wicked Blow and Flower Trick are scary? How about Technician boosted Storm Throw)
-and plz make it Fighting/Water so that it can actually switch in, plz-

Tinkaton - Hear me out, make a Thick Club hammer equivalent for Tinkaton. Even if 1.2x if not 1.3x instead of the usual 1.5x.


Banette's mega stone is on the moon where Enel went, I asked Oda trust 😤


WEAVILE should not lose Inner Focus when it evolves!!


I love Banette he's by far one of my favorite pokemon, I'd be the happiest VGC player ever if he was a viable pick nowadays


If you find a way to buff Spidops to "viability" without a straight buff to every stat then the Spider Operations Nation will respect you until the end times
