7 Clear Signs Someone Is Watching You

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Do you feel paranoid every once in a while, but none of the people around you seem to understand why? Do you feel like someone’s watching you, but you have no solid proof of it? Chances are, it could be a stalker. It’s normally either someone you used to know and rejected or a real criminal chasing their next victim.

It’s common for stalkers to send their victim flowers or gifts. As much as you might love the attention and flowers, it does get creepy when they keep coming and you have no idea who’s sending them. When stalkers see you get rid of their gifts — as you get nervous or angry, you’re likely to do the most natural thing and throw those flowers or chocolates in the trash — they take it to the next level. Angry at you for the unreturned love, they might start sending inappropriate gifts. Do you wanna find out some other foolproof signs that you’re being watched? Then watch our new video!

You notice a stranger near your workplace or in your neighborhood 1:01
You receive unwanted gifts 1:59
You get in trouble and then rescued 2:37
They’re spreading rumors about you 3:37
Something is wrong with your phone 4:31
You notice strange activity on your social networks 5:12
An unfamiliar number calls you all the time 6:09
What you can do 6:52

#stalking #stalkingsymptoms

- If someone walks by and hangs out under your window fairly often, it’s a good reason to be alarmed. It’s also not OK to bump into the same creepy guy at your local grocery store or notice him parked right next to your car every now and then.
- It’s common for stalkers to send their victim flowers or gifts. As much as you might love the attention and flowers, it does get creepy when they keep coming and you have no idea who’s sending them.
- We all get flat tires and run out of gas every once in a while. But when it starts happening too often, it’s another sign that you have someone after you. Stalkers use this trick to play the hero since they often have a bad case of hero syndrome.
- Stalkers, especially the aggressive kind or rejected lovers, can go to great lengths to make your life worse and spoil your reputation.
- Have you noticed weird sounds or changes of volume on your phone lines? Or maybe there’s suddenly static popping and scratching out of nowhere? All of these are clear signs of a wiretap or other listening device attached to your line by an amateur eavesdropper.
- Many cyber-stalkers never meet their victims in real life or even know their real identities. However, this doesn’t make cyber-stalking OK.
- Remember one thing — don’t ignore constant calls from unfamiliar numbers. Dropping such calls seems like the most natural thing to do, but if you want to get rid of them for good or report the stalker, don’t do it.
- Change your daily patterns. Take your morning run to a different park, try a new route to work, and get your coffee at a new coffee shop.
- In case you normally have your ears plugged with headphones and are on the phone all the time, try changing that as well. Pay more attention to the people around you.
- The stalker, if you really have one, will notice a change in your behavior and come to the conclusion that you know about them now. When that happens, they are likely to disappear from your life as they mostly fear being exposed.

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Have you ever stalked someone or been stalked yourself? Please, share your stories with us!


my grandmas neighbor who’s been her “best friend” for 15 years is stalking her. he does everything in this video. my family and i have been taking extra precautions lately and setting up cameras. pray for us y’all 😭


I always feel like somebody's watching me, I have no privacy 🎵


Remember people, the ones who despises you are the ones who watches you the most.


Stalkers are not always complete strangers.. sometimes they may live where you live, work where you work, go to school where you go to school ect.


Really the police don’t do anything unless there is a threat or until they assault you.


To my knowledge I've only had one stalker. Trust me, getting stalked is not fun


Yea, my stalker is a bill collector 🤦🏾‍♀️


To anyone who hasnt dealt with stalking it is very real and very disturbing. It is nothing to be made fun of or taken lightly. It often goes on until victim(s) is hurt or dead. The psychological damage is also very scary. Please if someone says their being stalked do not laugh or take it lightly.


People are just weirdos. That's why I stay to myself


Red Cross keeps stalking me. They act like I’m the only person in the world with B+ blood.


Everyone who is reading this bless you and your family ❤️


You notice a stranger near your workplace or in your neighborhood 1:01
You receive unwanted gifts 1:59
You get in trouble and then rescued 2:37
They’re spreading rumors about you 3:37
Something is wrong with your phone 4:31
You notice strange activity on your social networks 5:12
An unfamiliar number calls you all the time 6:09
What you can do 6:52


Yeah I’m always stalked by my jobless neighbors busy with all those unnecessary gossips😒


Who are scrolling through the comments while watching the


Thank god im not attractive enough to be stalked im pretty aware of whos around me


"Are you paranoid?"
Well I am now...


10% of these comments are about bright side

30% is about stalking stories

10% is about random phone calls

50% is to have a great day and be blessed.


*I find television very educating! Every time somebody turns it on, I go into the other room and read a book.*


Your wireless service provider cannot and will not release the realized numbers marked private or unidentifiable without a warrant which a judge will need to sign. Please do your homework!
