BTEC PE - Principles of Training

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#btecpe #principlesoftraining #fitt

BTEC First in Sport
Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise

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Principles of Training

Whenever you start to plan a training program there are several principles you need to consider.

The FITT Principle

This stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

Frequency relates to the amount of times a week that you train.

Intensity is how hard you train.

Time is how long you train for.

Type is the method of training selected for an athlete.

Additional Principles

Progressive Overload
During training you need overload the body and ensure that the planned session is challenging enough to enable a progression in fitness. If the correct intensity is not targeted, then no improvement of fitness will occur.

The training selected needs to be relevant to the needs of the performer.
A competitive 100m swimmer will do lots of swimming training with the inclusion of some additional strength and flexibility training in the gym. It would not be relevant for them to include long distance cycling or running.

Individual Differences
The training program should be designed for the individual and should take several factors into account.
The fitness starting point of the athlete should determine what methods are chosen as well as how FITT is used. Previous injuries, time and access to equipment/facilities will also influence how the coach plans out the training sessions.

Adaptation and Rest and Recovery
This is when the body adapts or chances to the different demands it is placed under. This is will follow the training session and occurs during the rest and recovery phase.
It is important for athletes to get sufficient rest and recovery time so that the body can adapt and renew the broken down tissues. If the body does not get adequate recovery time, which can also include quality sleep, then the targeted fitness components will not make progress. This can also lead to injury.

If you stop training or the exercise intensity is not high enough, then you are likely to lose any aerobic, strength or speed fitness that you have built up.
In order to avoid this, you should aim to be consist with the frequency and intensity of training sessions.

In order to spark interest and avoid boredom with athletes, the coach should provide a variety of different training activities or sessions. By doing this it will help motivate the athlete and may produce more successful training results.
Cricket, rounders and baseball players will often use a variety of different balls to practice their throwing and catching. Long, triple and high jumpers will train on different surfaces such as a Tartan athletics track, grass or sand.

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Рекомендации по теме

thx i have my test in about 5 minutes and this is probally going to help


This is great for revision, thank you


My school is using this video in his website lolz


Shout out to Mrs Evens from Penyrheol Comprehensive "Get your head in the Anaerobic zone"
