Claude Monet: A collection of 1540 paintings (HD)

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Claude Monet: A collection of 1540 paintings (HD)

Description: "Claude Oscar Monet was born in Paris on November 14, 1840. Soon after, his family moved to Le Havre, where he spent his youth. His acquaintance with Eugène Boudin lead to Monet seriously pursueing his education as a painter in 1858. Boudin and Jongkind taught Monet to always work in the field in front of his motif. The following year Monet went to Paris anyway to begin academic training.
He joined the "Akademie Suisse" and joined his later fellow painters from the Impressionist group, especially when painting together "en plen air" in the forest of Fontainebleau. Their constant struggle was to have their pictures exhibited at the official "Salon de Paris", where the conservative jury mostly declined their paintings.
Because of the lack of acceptance of his artwork, Claude Monet and his small family had to live in dire poverty for many years. In 1879 his first wife Camille, with whom he had two children, died.
Monet's art had meanwhile developed from withdrawn color paintings to form an independent Impressionist style. With his famous painting "Impression: soleil levant", Claude Monet named one of the most important genres of Avant-garde art.
Some art lovers, especially the art dealer Durand-Ruel, supported him financially. Very gradually, a market developed for his pictures. In 1883 Claude Monet managed to earn enough money to move to Giverny, west of Paris, where he managed to buy the house he had been renting in 1890. He now had a place to return to after his frequent travels and the garden of his property, which he later managed to extend, provided constant inspiration for his work at home.
In 1891 Monet painted the first of his famous series: the "meules" (haystacks) were followed by pictures of poplars and the river Seine, the cathedral of Rouen, the river Thames in London and many more. His exhibitions were great successes and Monet became a celebrated artist. In 1892 he married Alice Hoschedé, who brought more children into the family.
From the turn of the century, the water lilies on the specially designed pond in Giverny and the picturesque wooden bridge in Japanese style became Monet's favorite motifs. In 1911 Alice died. In 1916, at the age of 76, Monet started his largest project: the creation of the famous wall decoration depicting the pond with the water lillies (now in Paris). In the 1920s his eyesight deteriorated and he had to have surgery, but he still did his utmost to continue painting.
Shortly before his death on December 5, 1926 Claude Monet finished his water lilly paintings. Today Claude Monet is regarded as the most well known Impressionist artist. His late work is increasingly considered to be the precursor for the abstraction of the 20th century."


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If you are reading this, I want you to know that you are beautiful, you are loved, you are at peace and everything will be fine. Peace be with you my friend. ❤


You can feel something watching these pictures again and again


When I was a kid, I never really undestood this. But today...with so many self-proclaimed "artists" you see every day in twitter, instagram, facebook, you compare with those and look at arts from people like Monet, and t blows you away. Some of those self-proclaimed are okay, even amazing but in front of Monet's work, it's just different. On another level. Wow.


Seeing all his paintings in one YouTube video, I got swept to a different existence. No words to describe the feeling!


I’m shocked by amount of his work. How a man can paint so many paintings and so beautiful! He must be painted all his life without a break .l admire his passion and skills


To all of art genre, impressionism I love most.


Kudos no less to the passion of the one who compiled these paintings !


Gestern habe ich angeschaut paar Gemälde von Claude Monet im Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Wunderschöne Gemälde!


Claude Monet est un maître unique. Les endroits préférés pour le plein air sont les rives de la Normandie. Merci, je vous remercie.


I first saw Monet at the RI School of Design Museum in Providence in the 60's. Would take the train to Boston Museum of Fine Arts which had even more and sit there for hours looking at them, trying to understand how Monet did it. Monet is the reason I became a painter and am still painting, in my 70's, and continually look to his images for guidance. I was working on a piece just today and took a quick look at one of the Haystack Series for help. His atmosphere and light qualities are untouched by anyone else. He was also incredibly prolific. One of my first heroes. Last year my son and I were at the Chicago Art Institute. We turned a corner and there was a room full of Monets. It was like coming home. Thank you for this video. Looks amazing.


Dėkoju už nuostabiai įdomius, gerus darbus.Jums, gerb.Zakas Stasys, gero, prasmingo gyvenimo...


Thanks for posting this immersive experience of the art of Claude Monet.


I really like Monet's nature paintings. I saw them at Marmottan and other museums in Paris. And the one of his wife with a parasol, I saw that in Washington, DC.


Thank you for this. My admiration goes to Picaso, Dali, Gogh, etc... But Clod Monet just goes one level higher from those man. Thats my humbled oppinion. Just the highest level of painting.


my absolute favorite painter! ty so much for this trip into Monet's life. music is perfect!


One of my favorite artists of all times. He didn't see with his eyes, he used his soul to see. I needed this today. Beauty reminds us that life is not the sum of our worries. This made me present. Que maravillosa, gracias.♥️


Artistic pictures that time can't do anything about; it can't really take anything away from them - it can only add to their artistic beauty!
Will there (ever) be such artists and such artistic aesthetics? In the era of digital worldview?


Who'd a thunk this could be possible and viewed? Thank you youtube & wide-ranging discoveries? Actual inventory, presentation, sharing gift. I thank you from the bottom of my creative artistic passionate heart to lay eyes on such a vast collection of The Master Claude Monet.


The "goat" so beautiful! Breathtaking!


For some reason I woke up to this lovely music playing in the background. Thank you for the beautiful art and this angelic music.
