Who Chose the Books of the New Testament?

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In this episode, Megan and Bart discuss the "origin of the canon," meaning: who chose the books that made it into the Bible, and why did they choose these 27?" They address related issues, such as:

-books, letters, and gospels that were considered authoritative by some early Christians, but were ultimately rejected on one basis or another

-early New Testament manuscripts that actually DO contain some rejected texts

-criteria that were used to determine which texts to include

-proto-orthodox church fathers and their influence

-what information early church fathers did--and did not--have to base their decisions on

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I don't know the interviewer but she's great (not just bc she reminds me of Kate Winslet). It's so delightful to hear Bart interviewed by someone as personable, clear, & intellectually nimble as Bart himself is. This was fantastic, thanks, & I'll look up more of Megan's work.


What a discovery! Bart displays so much in depth knowledge and presents it a such a folksy, yet seious, manner. Sprinkle in that infectious, cackling laugh and the viewer is left wanting to hear and learn more and more. Megan is the perfect host, knowledgeable in her own right, but directing questions on topic to just draw out the best in Bart.


I appreciate Bart making me aware of the concept of gospel Harmony and encouraging me to read the gospels sure by side and compare them. It's bizarre to realize most people basically know the story of Jesus as a 5th gospel cobbled together from the 4 canonical ones


I studied ancient history as an undergrad, and wrote an MA thesis on the New Testament canon. The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture blew my mind because I grew up in the church and had never seen a critical analysis before that.


I absolutely love this pod cast-and Barts brain and knowledge.


Megan, I think you are a fine interviewer!
You ask very good questions, and then you let Bart answer them.
You get good information out and keep the conversation moving.


Thank you for what you are doing. As a Christian I appreciate how you are clarifying what the scriptures are really saying. I don't know if you realize it but you are doing the work of the Entity you claim to not believe in. Keep up the good work. God bless


What’s really funny about the canon being decided at Nicaea myth is I actually had one of my undergraduate professors in my religious studies program insist during class that that was the case, even after I tried to correct him on the point! In fairness his specialty was in the Hebrew Bible iirc, not early Christianity, but I thought it was wild how far up that misconception had gone 😂


I came upon Elain Pagels's "The Gnostic Gospels" when I was in my early twenties. That book led me out of the darkness that I had wandered in for so long.


Can we please get an episode with Dr E revisiting his dissertation? Would love him to react on his younger self's take, plus how he arrived at his subject, & how his relationship to that subject changed as his knowledge developed?


I listened Dr Erhman speak at the Philadelphia public library many years ago. And he autographed my copy of "Misquoting Jesus" I remember asking him about Erasmus and he seemed shocked that I asked. I enjoyed listening to him speak. Very informative.


I still regret never knowing about Bart or his books when I was an undergrad and then dental student at UNC-CH in the ‘90s. I might have left Christianity much earlier. I didn’t know about him until after graduation & moving to Charlotte. At some point in the early 2000s, I got to hear him give a talk at a small church in Charlotte, but I still didn’t really understand who he was or the true scope of his work. I was already in the process of deconstruction though; reading Misquoting Jesus after that evening did speed it up. I’ve enjoyed many of his interviews, debates, podcasts, & lectures over the last 30 years.


I'm definitely looking forward to Bart's take on Epictetus. I love the stoics.


Loving this podcast, new content from Dr. Ehrman is always a pleasure, such a great combination of scholarly competence + charisma/communication skills.


By far the best podcast about early Christianity. The vast knowledge Bart display is outstanding even with seven days lead time for preparation not many Professors can come close to this insights . Excellent Bart I love this show and Thank you so much.


i'm a BIG fan of Bart Ehrman. I would love to meet him and pick his brain someday. I love coming at antiquity from a historical and critical method instead of a theologic method.


I have listened your online lectures again again and again. .. I have been learning a lot thinking a lot. Thank you so much.


Megan is perfect as The Interviewer and has a delightful soul and Mr. E is 👍🏻👌🏻 as always! Love this Podcast


I started asking this question as a teenager in the mid/late 1970s. Nobody seemed to want to talk about it. The answer always came down to: "Certain men decided how everyone else should think."


Fascinating discussion as ever - I would be intrigued to hear you both discuss Mary Magdalene - her Gospel and her rehabilitation in the last century and the effect the patriarchy of the Christian Church on her reputation and importance to the ministry of Jesus.
