Why Would He Want To Rush Into A Relationship So Quickly

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I always get rushed by guys and I hate it so much. It doesn't allow to naturally develop


Big red flag rushing to get married or in a relationship


I keep coming across these types of men. It freaks me out and automatically puts me in a heightened state of anxiety. They start talking about serious stuff without even getting to know me on a deep level.


Usually guys rush into a relationship to get over ex partners most haven't fully healed after the breakup. I'm waiting until I'm healed when you rush into something most of the time when you haven't healed you carry the baggage with you into the next relationship.


As an older guy at 36, who is now in a serious relationship with a 25 year old, I had the experience not to rush her into anything when I started approaching her every day. It was brief moments of laughter and exposing who I am to her before I was able to earn her trust. Dudes that want a relationship too soon are desperate and don't have anything going for themselves outside of a 9-5.


And if he isn't cool with "Let's take it slow" be on high alert for the narcissist! I have found myself in the company of a few of those :( *Heads for the hills!*


This happens with every guy I meet. I don't even look for them, they approach me and it makes me feel on edge and extremely nervous because they always go way too fast and say they like me before they get to really know me. It makes my anxiety go through the roof and makes me extremely uncomfortable.


I met a guy we have chemistry, he is successful, and have the same idea about lifestyle but he’s rushing the relationship and it’s a total turnoff. If he paced himself I think it could work but he is smothering and that is the kiss of death for me.


He took me to his family house and friends house and told them we are together on the first date. I told him I want to learn him before we do titles. I have about 10 missed calls a day and countless text asking me to call him. I'm freaking out


yes, dated two guys and they were rushing too much and it pushed me away... they want everything to move too fast and you just met them...


I ended my relationship bc the one guy I was dating was going too fast in our relationship I didn’t like it


This guy saw me on line. We exchanged numbers all in 7 days, he asked me to be his woman, said he wanted to relocate for me, that he was in love with me, ask me to live with him and said we was getting married. That he was serious and wanted to know if I was serious too.... I’m like geez I just met you. It is a red flag and a turn off because you didn’t even get to know me. No deep conversations just surface level. I’m like hmm what is your true motive or intention.


I LOVE your straight to the point approach! You are on point with your advice.
Thank you for a male's point a view


Men do this and then change their mind so it’s best not to get too attached in the early stages.


Oh I hate that when guys do that - it freaks me out


I know this video is old but I'm going through this right now as we speak!! I just got out of a bad relationship with a guy that was extremely narcissistic and granted this other guy (that is rushing things) helped me to quickly get over my ex but I am not ready to jump from one relationship to the next and he knows that I am currently talking to other guys basically trying to really figure out what I want or need in a guy and what to watch out for but it's Nothing serious it's just light hearted fun for me but he continues to keep rushing things posting me all over his social media commenting under my posts saying he loves me, and its a lot and I've told him already how I felt and i don't wanna hurt his feelings but like you said he feels like and is thinking "oh I'm not gonna let her slip through my fingers like in the past" hes a great guy and he's very nice but I just need to him to SLOW DOWN


Hmmm i met a guy yesterday and he starting to rush it 😂 saying he has feeling for me so quickly what should I do


He rushed in relationship to get over me


Me and this guy been friends since high school for 5 years.We have been talking for 6 months so we can get to know each alot more on a deeper level.I told him that I want to take things slow but he said we still can do adult things but said he was playing about it after I asked him. Last week I was trying to get to know him better asking him some questions. He asked me am I done with the interviews then laughed at me l felt some type of way about it.Then he said he loves me and will always still have feelings for me since high school even if we don't get into a relationship. He takes me to go out to eat but we always sit in the car to eat our food he doesn't offer to go inside.He sees me at night around 8pm when it suppose to be at 5 something for us to go out some where he keeps making up excuses for not showing up on time.I make up excuses to not seeing him at night when he ask me.I had told him I wanted for us to go out more during the day.He still does the same stuff over.He even told me he want to go to the club with his guy friend. I told him you only go to the club if you're single so then I ask him why he wants to go to the club all the time for?He said to hang with his friends.Why he says he want to go to the club after he done said he loves me.He is even rushing me to have sex with him when Im not ready yet but he said he is I feel so rushed when he ask me about sex and always planning to have sex with me for the first time.I told him multiple times I want to wait when we talk on the phone alot. We haven't been on a date yet and doesn't want nobody else to have me or look at me.Then he said he was playing about the club thing.He told me he don't like using condoms because he is allergic to them.What should I do ??


I'm getting this with a girl now. After one date she asked me to be her bf . I said no . She gave me grief for days on end and I said there would be no second date. She absolutely begged me to meet her again, I did eventually and then asked me to be her bf again I said no and she gave up . Two weeks later she comes back and then we agree to be friends. I met her for a third time, went round her house and she cooked for us. I didn't touch her, didn't flirt nothing. When I stayed over I took the couch, but she got me in her bed with her . She went bathroom and came back got into bed and then I realized she was completely naked, I didn't do nothing and just slept, then she started spooning me from behind, then all of a sudden she started crying, so I got dressed and left . Now she has started asking me again if o like her etc and it's getting old now, she just won't let go
