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A BEAUTIFUL Sign He Wants To COMMIT To You... In this dating advice video, I will give you one of the nine great signs he wants to be committed to you that should not be overlooked. You may see the signs he wants to be committed to you on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips, and ensure you watch the entire video.

Every woman deserves a man who will give them the commitment they truly deserve. However, some men don't want to commit to their relationships. Therefore, in this video, I will talk about men and commitment to help you better understand men and what makes a man commit.

I want you to be aware of the signs he wants you and the signs he wants to commit to you so that you can do what is truly best for your relationship. In this relationship advice, I will help you understand what makes a man commit so that you can make him commit to you. Embrace this relationship advice to understand men better and to know when he wants commitment.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Signs he wants to commit to you
- Signs he wants you
- He wants commitment
- He wants to commit to you
- Signs he wants commitment
- Does he want to commit
- Signs he wants to be with you
- Online dating
- Commitment
- Make him commit
- Relationship commitment
- What makes a man commit
- He wants to commit to you
- Men and commitment
- Understand men
- Relationship advice
- Relationship advice for women
- Dating advice
- Relationship expert
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: A BEAUTIFUL Sign He Wants To COMMIT To You

Watch this dating advice video next: When A Man Is EMOTIONALLY INVESTED In You, He Will Do THIS!


#SignsHeWantsToCommitToYou #HeWantsCommitment #Commitment #RelationshipCommitment #MakeHimCommit #OnlineDating #MenAndCommitment #RelationshipAdvice #HeWantsToCommitToYou #StephanSpeaks
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❤️ Here’s your chance to get your personal questions answered by me for FREE


Yes....when a man is interested and wants to commit....he will almost get on your nerves with time n attention...calls n text 😂😂....he will want to take you OFF the market 💯


I think when a man wants to commit to you his actions will show it!!


A true man would not allow you to be in a position to have to ask him, 'What are we?' Therefore showing you that he recognizes your worth and value.❤️


I just pray a great man comes in my life who wants something real.


*If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.*


If someone truly wants you, they will show it through actions, how effective their communication is, their vibe, body language and how they treat you. If you have to constantly ask yourself if someone is into you or not, they act hot and cold towards you, then most likely, they're not!
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


He is definitely willing to say he is your man. I know a lot a adults think titles are high school, but a man who wants to be with you is willing to be a boyfriend, fiancé, or husband. There is no confusion in my experience.


We broke it off yesterday. Had a fantastic, wonderful weekend together, I brought it up for the third time (after almost a year of talking and meeting 2 other times in person, we were LDR 4 hours ish) and he said along the lines of "lets keep moving forward, see where it goes" kind of thing. And I couldnt do it anymore. We broke it off back in August, and he came back because he missed me(same reasons, he was unsure/uneasy) and this was the third time he hesitated and I had to finally say no. I miss him terribly, but youre right. My husband would want to date me. This man had too many health issues/self esteem issues to commit.


I met a guy finally who seems very serious ! It’s a little scary but it feels right .


A man who wants to commit will if he is ready or not because if you’re not ready, you make yourself ready otherwise he’s allowing for another man to have a chance with you


This is right on time. I’ve been “dating” (and I use thy term very loosely) a man since February and it’s been nothing but confusion, chaos, hurt feelings, etc. I’m always asking, “what are we” and telling him how to treat me. I finally decided to walk away because I realized that he wasn’t serious about me, he just wanted to keep me for himself without any commitment. Over these wish washy men and can’t wait to find the one who’s willing to commit.


Someone asked a guy the question “what are we?!” He’s response was “we are the world, we are the children” 😂😂 the Michael Jackson song


I’ve been listening to you for a while Stephan while I was in an old toxic relationship, then single, and eventually met my other half who I am with now. He was serious from the get go and did every single thing you mentioned here. He gave us a title after the second date and said he wanted to only focus on us. And let’s get to know each other and grow etc. and that’s just what we did. There was no question if I was his girlfriend or not. He had no problem throwing a title on anything and I was mind blown because it was so rare to come across it! I was like is he for real? Lol but I trusted and was so happy I did! There really are men out there even in their 30’s that want to just live a peaceful life with a great partner. I’ve been blessed to the fullest and boy am I glad I got out of my own way while I was single and even when I was dating again in the sense that I really pushed myself to work on my flaws and change any bad habits I might’ve had. Hell it isn’t easy, but that along with POSITIVITY, is very attractive to a man looking to find a partner to build with.
Loved this video Stephan! It was straight to the point and solid facts!


My guy was nervous about committing too soon because he had a previous marriage that was really chaotic and toxic. But he did ask to be exclusive, he did cut off all other women, he did delete his dating app within about a month. And then he made it official. He was just trying to make sure that he could trust his own judgment but he did make it known that he was serious about me before he committed.

I did let him know that I was OK with us dating and deciding what we’re doing but I have a deadline on how long I’ll let something be in limbo. Basically if we are still just seeing each other and there’s no label after about six months, I will leave no matter how good it is. He made things official in about two but he pretty much considers us in a relationship from the day we met.


Usually when you meet someone that person is a frequency match with your own... So if you're in the energy of uncertainty doubt and confusion for example... that person that you meet is going to mirror the same traits because you're a frequency match so it helps to make sure that you are the person you desire as your counterpart aside from all the other obvious aspects...


I haven’t found one in 57 years now, all the men I run across want hook ups and friends with benefits. I’m a relationship type of women.


You’re a Good example that good men do still exist!🙌


If a man makes you feel confused,
he is wasting your time
and eroding your self esteem!

It's VERY simple:
always judge a person by their ACTIONS,
and you will never EVER be fooled by their words...

1. Know your value!!! (Do NOT doubt yourself.)
2. Take yourself and your worth seriously. You need to BE A QUEEN to be treated like one.
3. Don’t give easy access. Access to your energy should be expensive.
4. Do NOT only EXPRESS your boundaries. YOU MUST show them.
5. Always be ready to walk away.
6. Show that you are focused on actions not on words.
7. Have a healthy degree of skepticism.
8. You must be willing to say NO and you must be willing to lose the man, if needed.
9. Never EVER chase a man! A truly worthy woman, does not EVER chase a man.

Giving the same energy that you're getting
is key

and if you don't like that energy
then move on! NOW!

It can be hard
but that's when you need to choose yourself

over the damn illusion/fantasy.

A man who loves a woman will not ignore her, ever, period.


If he ignores me

I will step back

and he will lose me.

Simple. Simple.
and uncomplicated.

I don’t,
under any circumstance:
play these childish-abusive-controlling
mind games.

I will only be with a man who values and appreciates me,
and treats me as the Queen, I AM.

(Daughter of the Most Hight; King of kings!)

Because I am a beautiful and kind and divine
and sexy and wise and intelligent and magical woman:
who knows my worth.



We create each moment.

This moment contains,
through my focus,
both positive and negative...

I can put my attention on what I lack,
what I don't have,
what traumas I do have etc...

I can put my attention on the calm moment that I am in, NOW,
the food I just ate, and the fact that my body is satisfied, the shelter I do have...

(You get my idea!)

Both are here...
And now.

For the sake of fairness,
I will allow myself to cry my pains, in the moment
if/when they come/arise,

also acknowledge the beauty I still have in my life NOW.

Pain? Yes.
Suffering? Indeed.
wonderous magical divine beauty.

Blessings to you!


I totally agree. There are MANY men that want committed relationships/marriage… ive had a couple express this to me but im on the fence… been married twice already.. 😩
