Secrets To ATTRACT Your Ex Back (only use for good)

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In this video, I'm gonna be reacting to an article that claims you can use the law of attraction to attract your ex back. So I'm gonna go through this article. I'm gonna show you what may be true, what maybe not be true, what is healthy, what might not be healthy and exactly how you can actually go about this process, if it's really your true deep down desire.

Now, first off, I'm just on Google and there's an article on how to use the law of attraction to get your ex back. And right when I'm going down, what I see, when I'm going down I see that of it's talking about the basic rules of the law of attraction, but then it talks about that of using positive affirmations.

So it says that using affirmations like one thing you might do is you might put the name of your ex and I are meant to be together. So if this person, if their name was Brad, you would say, Brad and I are meant to be together.

Or you would say, I am getting back together with Brad. Or you would say, I truly love and respect Brad. Or you would say, I'm getting back with Brad sooner than expected. You would say, I am grateful for having Brad name of your ex, in your life.

I feel connected to Brad on a deep level. These are all affirmations you could say to get Brad back. Now, while at a certain level, we do experience in life a reflection of what we believe to be true, one of the things that happens is if we are one, putting someone on a pedestal and we are telling ourselves and we are affirming to ourselves, energetically, these affirmations, normally what ends up happening is by affirming these affirmations, we're actually emphasizing that that person is not here now.

That's the first thing. So even though you're saying the words, Brad and I are meant for each other, first off you might also be creating there with that affirmation, you might be creating this story in your mind that we are meant for each other, which then you're putting importance on it working out and you're sending them all this energy.

Like don't you know Brad, we're meant to be together. We're one with each other. We're the other halves to each other's soul. And by having that level of energy that you're projecting out, it is repelling Brad.

Brad maybe would come around and would actually like be engaged with you again. Maybe that engaged, but you know, like be interested again. If the energy were pulled back, so one of the things you wanna do is you actually wanna pull your energy back.

You wanna put the energy that you were projecting at them. You wanna bring it back inside of your body and you wanna focus it on your own life. You want to focus it on with your friends and your own purpose.

You wanna focus on like, doing your own inner work, your own inner worthiness. Because when you are projecting it outwards, you're diffusing your own energy. And one of the things that really creates a lot of resistance is the stories we tell ourself about the person that is the object of our desire.

So if you're desiring Brad and you're saying these affirmations like we're meant to be together, Brad and I are meant to be together, what you're doing is you're creating a lot of importance. You're creating this story that is also based on scarcity. Think of that.

If you are in abundance, you would more so be like you might have this unconditional love for Brad, but you also understand that Brad has his own decisions to make. And if Brad doesn't choose you, you have the sense of self-worth and self validation to know that you will still find somebody that you have a very deep connection with.

Do you see the difference there? When we put someone on a pedestal and we tell ourselves a story that this is the one person meant for us, we create scarcity. We're in scarcity. We're not actually letting go. And I would say that the most powerful thing you could do is to actually let them go.

Now, when I say, let them go, you may even think, okay, I'm gonna let them go because I'm gonna get them back. The thing is is if you're letting them go, to get them back, it doesn't really work. It can, but it doesn't really.

You wanna let them go because it's what's best for them. If they come back, they may choose to come back, but you let them go, not because you they're gonna come back 'cause that's called manipulation. You let them go because it's what's healthiest.

It's what the situation calls for itself right now. It's what's obviously is like the path of least resistance in the moment. And sometimes the reason we're avoiding letting someone go is because we're avoiding, going into the emotions that are coming up.

It's almost like, well, if I can just hook them back in and get them back then I won't feel this pain this abandonment.
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Instead of doing techniques specifically for you ex or SP, I would highly recommend to do things for YOU and your independent self, life and future. Without even thinking about that person. And then, if you want to actively do LOA techniques, then go general and manifest for "your perfect partner", a unspecified perfect person for you. And I can swear that either a) your ex or SP comes back or b) a new person will come into your life that is so much more suitable for you, that you will not care about the old SP/ex anymore anyway. Trust me, I did this, twice. 😊💖 It works! 😊


I used the law of assumption… where you assume you are who you desire to be and you affirm what it is they love about you. When I left I focused on all of the good things about myself and the story in my mind felt so natural. A month later he was back… you can not do this feeling needy or codependent. Please have boundaries and yes make yourself the point of attention.


I think I want my ex back but I'm reality I don't want him, I want to be loved and accepted for who I am, I want to have fun times, and good conversation.


I say lets work on attracting the timeline in which we embody our higher self! 🤗🌸


Stop trying to force relationships focus on improving yourself and your life and your soulmate will inevitably fall into place. Life is about so much more than finding a partner. Working on self love for example is rewarding too, at least you’ll stop trying to chase people that don’t value your presence


I love the "your own frame, " concept, so helpful.


This is actually such an important message! Yes, I am keeping my own energy 🙏🏻 Thanks for the reminder.


Remarkable person reading this.. It’s going to get better; all it is a season of opportunity to grow and be better than before. Challenging times are meant to strengthen us, not to break us. Success doesn’t define to what happened to us; it is how we choose to deal with our circumstances. The more you grow and develop as an incredible person as you are, the more things will change for the better. Forgive more (for you), be grateful for even the smallest things (we have it way better than someone else), choose love over ego, choose humility over ego (humility is strength), and finally, invest into new skills so that your future self will thank you. Our lives will change forever the more we grow. Be thankful for the challenges for we know something greater is coming. Love you always - Nathalie ✨❤️


Instead working on the inner work and let universe bring you the person that matches your energy and vibration, it’s less exhausting and also not put your happiness in someone’s hand. I tried both ways to try to hold on to my relationship. The most and less painful way to do is to work on ourselves. I learned it the hard way but long term is better and more healthier


Cool video, I'm still struggling with the end of my 7-year relationship. My significant other, who I considered to be the love of my life, left me a month ago, and I can't seem to shake the constant thoughts of her. Despite my efforts to bring her back into my life, nothing has worked, and I feel frustrated and hopeless. I've tried to move on, but my heart still longs for her, and I don't see myself with anyone else. I apologize for sharing this here, but I just can't seem to stop missing her.


If you want this person that badly it should be shouting to yourself how little you care about yourself. As much as you want "brad" it is just saying how torturous it is to be in your own skin alone.


2 things helped let go of my ex in a major way. Finding I am my own soul mate, and so is everyone. Therefor there's no rush I'm always with my soulmate at all times.
If you start caring about yourself in all ways, you'll find how little you truly feel the need for others and there is just so much more flow within yourself, and then all of a sudden, it is about giving love to others not taking love. It's amazing really.

Thanks to Aaron I understand all this on a deeper level.


Can you please make a guided meditation video for pulling back energy


Thank you for your content. Keeps me encouraged to bring the energy back because sometimes it's so hard not to.


Why Brad😂😂😂? It is just your comic nature that makes it so funny.


The thing is that, i have valor, i really can be with anyone else, but i want her. I don't want to work to attract someone else, or go dating from the begining, its so exhausting nowadays, everybody is full of games and trying to manipulate each other, at least her i know and reflecting on the relationship i know what to do or not to do.


Thank you, Aaron! Thanks to you i turned the page, the understanding that this person made me suffer and I don't want to suffer again came. I am worthy of being loved. I don't want him back, no.


This is one of your best videos. You can not let go if you are doing visualizing, doing affirmations etc. They are still in your life if you constantly think about them. About Brad - it's funny but one morning I was at a park and there was a guy that looked like he was passed out in his car - we decided to call the police in case he was dead or something. He probably was just sleeping but we named him Brad . We kept wondering - we hope you are alright Brad - hope you're not mad at us Brad for calling the police....Hey Brad - how are you doing. I don't know why we picked the name Brad but might be the same reason you did


I am now confused, why do I feel as if you are contradicting yourself. In that meditation video about love you included affirmations and now you're saying that these affirmations are a sign that you lack something in your life???


Constantly looking at things that remind you of your ex is not going to help you to get over them. You must discipline yourself not to do these things as this will help you to heal and move on from the hurt and pain.
💙YouTuber That Helps People Overcome Toxic Relationships


We often tend to criticize Society for good reasons, but we have to recognize we did create an environment when miracles happens. I'm talking about the fact that an actual stranger nowadays can help you. I don't agee with everything you say or share every belief you have but, and is a huge but, you delivered so many wise words that are giving me so many insight i can work with. And i'm truly grateful for that.
Thanks man, appreciated.
