Beyond the Brink: Escalation Dominance in the U.S.-China Trade War

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The U.S.-China trade war is unprecedented in size, scope, and importance. The potential economic costs of the conflict—and any decoupling it prompts—are enormous, not only to the United States and China but to the global economy. Nearly 18 months since escalation began, the path to resolution is still unclear.

In this event, senior experts will discuss the state of U.S.-China trade relations today and roll out a major CSIS report on escalation dynamics in economic conflict. The event will draw on game theory as well as observations of real-world escalation to help policymakers manage economic conflict with China.

Speakers will be announced in the coming weeks.

This event was made possible by support from Smith Richardson Foundation and Alcoa Foundation.

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5 white persons on panel talking china. absolutely a balanced sharing of opinions. anybody thought of asking china's point of view.


A strategic plan to counter real issues means you tell the facts make realistic plans based on hard facts. By distorting facts and in denial of realistic facts won’t get a correct course of action to overcome difficulties. Lies will only lead you down a path of failures and the American people will wonder why. Please tell the American people the truth they deserve the truth. Only then they will overcome what lies ahead if and when they fall.


What a disappointment. The panel blithely dismisses tariffs as "That's just a 'we have to do something' feeling" whereas its response is...doing absolutely nothing. So no opposition to China's JV laws, support for SOEs, currency manipulation, etc. US firms on the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce are all too happy to make money in China hand over fist while incessantly whining and moaning to the US govt about theft of their IP and unfair trade practices. The panel consists of the same type of now-discredited idealists who were willing to overlook Chinese mercantilism and protectionism in the first place (because China would become more democratic, right?!?!). They seem to forget that US companies can make cheap stuff in any number of Asian countries.


china is not slowing they are just moving away from gdp as sole metric, in any sense of sustainable growth measure they are speeding up (social stability, environmental sustainability, global prestige, what we call externalities)

the trade war hasnt hurt them, it has aided in the current round of reforms

us just being played, the only way to win is to be cooperative and put childish games aside


CHINA will be just fine! Thanks for your concerns though!


Can anyone link to this report? I would love to read it.


where can we find "the game" report?


This is the first time I heard CSIS symposium. Some interesting results from this gaming exercise.


This panel should have included geopolitical experts. If trade and economy were only issues then this panel is relevant. But realizing what China has done against Japan, Australia, Korea, Vietnam and even Norway with Chinese economic power backed by military might, could America stand up to China in 10 or 20 years if we don't keep China in check geopolitically now?

When China is threatening our military power in our allies' sea and air when we are stronger, would China excercise self control when Chinese arm forces are on par or stronger than U.S. military arm forces? I am not being hawkish, just self preserving.


Where can I find a copy of the full 70 page report?


Which of the jews has lived in China, like more than 6 months accumulated?
