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Morning sickness is mild nausea and vomiting whereas hyperemesis gravidarum is severe nausea and vomiting, sometimes even continual vomiting. How to deal with morning sickness during pregnancy, 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, or 3rd trimester. Severe Morning Sickness. Morning sickness remedies.

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What are your favorite remedies for morning sickness?


This is the worst feeling I have ever felt in my life. I literally feel like I’m dying every moment of every day. Some days I can’t even lift my head to drink water and not able to sit up by myself. Meds don’t seem to help and I’m lucky if I can walk to the bathroom by myself. This literally feels like hell on earth from week 4- to now almost 14 weeks.

If anyone else is dealing with this I’m sorry and my heart goes out to you. I would not wish this on anyone


Im so tired of folks downplaying this illness. I almost died ! And nobody listened to me. I was so hungry pretty much almost starved to death . Vomitting stomach acids right through the day bcz my stomach was empty . Saying its just naseau is not true. Its 2023 they can do much better in researching to help women that SUFFER through this. Its not normal to feel like you are dying while pregnant . Smh .


I had this condition for my first and second pregnancies. I couldn’t receive the help that I needed from my doctor so I called an Herbalife specialist. She referred me to rice brand syrup for its high vitamin B content. She said more than likely I was lacking in vitamin B6. I took a tablespoon of the syrup in the morning, afternoon, and night. Within two days I was able to start drinking water. Soon after I was able to eat.


My OB ignored me until i had time to be hospitalized when i kept saying something is wrong this video has gotten me one step closer to figuring out whats wrong as the hospital couldn’t


Taking Unisom together with Vitamin B6 finally gave me some relief from the nausea and vomiting. I am 12 weeks and it has been getting worse for me every single day. So happy I found your video, thank you so much you're a life saver.


It seems like it's worse when I finally get some rest or lay down.
I barely sleep an hour at a time now.
I wake up and run to the bathroom. I'm throwing up 5+ times a day throughout the day.
I don't know what to do I felt like I was being a big baby and over reacting but this is miserable.


What i do is i take magnesium,
I wake up take a bite of fruit, layback down wait a bit, eat something eastly like peanut buttr and jam sandich or a banana, then when i feel good enough i take my mulitvitamisn, i lay back down.
I lay down every time i feel Nauseas and usually that works, then about two hours later i can start walking around and doing thingss slowly. ill make dinner, but its usually all vegetables and fruits. Or carbs of some sort. I still cant get any meat down, unless its shrimp sometimes. Or something specific i crave that day but wont want it again for a while.
I cant keep smoothies down. Theyre too thick and the slightest thick texture wil make me throw up. Protein powder makes me throw up.
I feel like i look older and tired and my skin looks flabby. I really hope my appetite come back because i miss eating meat eggs and dairy.


I’m 7 weeks pregnant and can’t get out of bed I’m so sick.


My wife is in the hospital with this right now. Can not eat anything, can hardly keep water down, so they have her on an IV. Had it in her previous pregnancy too, but unfortunately lost the baby about 2 weeks after she started to feel a bit better. Holding thumbs things work out better this time. It is for sure the last time we are trying. Seems like a nightmare to go through.


I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby and 2nd time with HG. Currently 27w 5d and running out of med options... my next and possibly last option is the zophran pump. I find peppermint helps me for the mild nausea that the meds don't take completely away. Unfortunately I have developed ptsd, everytime I gag or vomit I have panic attacks


I really hope I don’t have this but I feel like what I’m feeling isn’t just morning sickness, nothing sounds good to eat not even bread or the plain stuff people talk about. I tried eating when I woke up before I got out of bed but it took me 10 mins just to get a cracker swallowed. I know I need to eat especially cuz my stomach feels so empty it’s like it’s sucking in on its own. But literally nothing sounds good and it’s hard to even swallow. It’s scaring me because I’m sure my babies not getting the nutrients it needs and I’m worried I’m gonna have to go to the hospital today if I’m not able to eat.


I have had this with almost every pregnancy but this one is probably the worst !!😢

I can’t even drink water! It comes up immediately! But I was told by a cousin it runs in the family.

I had to go to the hospital because I couldn’t keep anything down they put me on IV and put me on a medication to stop vomiting I was able to eat a burger and fries 🍟 but once it all wore off I’m back at square one. 😢😢😢

Sad because I can’t even cook the smells the noises bright lights bother me.

If is also a trigger if I’m home alone. I noticed if I’m distracted or am with my fiancé I don’t feel it as much. His presence calms me so I could really be linked to depression as well

Its not morning sickness for me because i start to vomit from morning and noon even worst in the evening I'm losing weight because i vomit what i eat and drink I'm dying . 😢


I have this right now but I an just getting gravol and it use to help but now it makes me want to and vomit. I can’t take vitamins pills nor normal water from a tap and it has to have super cold. The affected taste is what makes me throw up everything. I hate this feeling .


I am 14weeks I am sick all day ive been inactive and sometimes i cant collect my son from school my house is a total mess and my partner has to do what he can after work to keep things going. I am very overweight and i have had sickness that turned into some undignosed fits having implant. Im throwing up three to four times a day i have bloating. I can eat but drinking often is followed by vomiting. And ive lost weight odd considering my inactivity. Ive had a few days in which vomiting and bloating stopped. In my last pregancy i lost my mental health due to sickness and isolation.


My girlfriend has this. She can't hold food down.. she even throws up water. She's lost 5 pounds and they couldn't find a heartbeat on our baby but they did. I honestly can't give her any advice on this, but I do get her anything she needs. It's just scary too me


Thank you. This helps demystify this awful thing.


I'm trying to decide if I ask my doctor about this. This is my first pregnancy. I'm almost 14 weeks and still experiencing morning sickness. However, it's nowhere near as extreme as described in this video. They switched me from Zofran to Raglan, and the reglan takes longer to kick in. Usually I'm nauseated upon waking and throw up before the Reglan kicks in. I've noticed I'm less likely to throw up if I can take the medication and then immediately eat something, but that doesn't always work and even if I avoid throwing up the nausea persists throughout the day. This had not affected my good or liquid intake, weight, or hydration, so I don't know if I'm just going to have it for a little while longer or if it's this condition.


Thank you for explaining this. Very helpful.
