Who is at risk for NASH? 1st International NASH Day WebTV (3/7)

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The video is the third part of a WEBTV of 7 sequences about NASH.

Speakers: Pr Kenneth Cusi, Pr Jörn M. Schattenberg, Pr Elisabetta Bugianesi

In this third TV show, you will discover that NASH is much more than just a liver disease and that it is related to metabolic disorders – such as diabetes and obesity – and closely linked to modern lifestyles: unhealthy diets and lack of physicial activity. The diverse speaker panel will explain why some people are more at risk than others and how much exercise can help, if sufficient and sustained. Lastly, the video will follow patients associations in their mobilizations against NASH.

And the participation of Steven Ramon, and Ensemble contre la NASH (in english, Together against NASH)

Full Playlist:

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Official hashtags: #NASHDay #MacLiver
Рекомендации по теме

correct--the unrealistic "burger" was ridiculous enough, but the BREAD is a major problem for NAFLD!
