CDC Study - Who Is At Risk of Severe COVID-19?

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CDC Study - Who Is At Risk of Severe COVID-19?

A large study (n = 540,667) sponsored by CDC demonstrates the risk of obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemias, diabetes, and; anxiety and fear disorders to be the conditions for hospitalizations and death. Let's review this study. We will also look at a risk calculator by British Heart Foundation.


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#drbeen #koolbeens #COVID
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This brings up an interesting hypothetical alternative which in reality will never happen and yet: What if the USA banned soft drinks, fruit drinks, pastries, candies, added sugars, high-fructose-corn syrup, etc, until the virus is over?


Those proposing that unvaccinated patients in a hospital should not get care have a terrible perspective…what if we denied care to everyone who was obese? It’s a high covid risk factor. Are we really going to deny health care to people because of the questionable life choices they make? Or we could focus on promoting vaccination (not forcing), identifying and utilizing effective treatments, and remembering the original goal of not overrunning our hospitals… this should be the major indicator as to whether or not our policies are sufficient.


Wishing u a great week. U do alot fore so many. We are forever greatfull fore ur info and facts whit out politics or propaganda just understandebl info. Thank u fore beeing a voice of reason.


Always a good source for understanding these studies. Thank you Dr. Been for imparting your knowledge so we can make decisions based on data.


In the land of best Healthcare, food supplies and information society has chosen bad food, couches and antidepressants making us the fattest most unhappy crowd in the world.


Obesity is a surrogate marker for Insulin Resistance which will capture virtually all at risk for severe outcomes depending to what extent Insulin Resistance has caused metabolic disorders aka “Commodities”.


Excellent work, we need more people like you in the world.


2:00 As a foreigner who has watched lots of American tv and movies, it seems every American is anxious and has a therapist, and therefore is probably under some form of anxiety medication. I’ve been to America once and there is no doubt obesity is very common. Therefore it stands to reason that most Covid patients are overweight and use anxiety medication.


You have to admit that one of the comorbidities being Anxiety and the Government and the Media doing everything in their power to amp up everyone's anxiety is a little humorous.


Obese individuals need more Vit. D to reach a blood level sufficient to effectively keep COVID complications lower. A 280lb person for instance needs to ingest or make twice as much Vit. D as a 140lb person for example. Vit. D is stored in fat cells.


They charge smokers more for Healthcare insurance, maybe we should charge by bmi scores as obesity causes much damage and costs.


DrBeen, always good and timely data. You won't make any friends with this topic. BIG elephant in the room.


I have a family member who was adjusting to a new diabetes monitor app while he had Covid. The two seemed to be a positive combination for getting through the time.
My dh and I recently got the J&J. We made the decision after much research and deliberation. Our risk factors were undeniable. Unfortunately, our timeline was forceably moved up because the J&J is being taken away. I deeply resented the manipulative move that forced my hand. It felt like such a violation of my free will.


Thanks so much for your post! Very insightful. Mike T from Los Angeles.


20:50 The calculation is not the risk following infection, it's the risk of getting infected + outcome. That's why postcode is important. If someone lives somewhere with low infection rate, less likely to get infected.


The sad thing is that throughout this entire pandemic, I have never once seen the CDC, the government, or any news or commercials recommending and promoting how important it is to eat a good diet and to get your exercise to get healthier. Doing these things would reduce the number of people that have the highest risk factors of being hospitalized or dying from covid. Also, with all the lockdowns and constant fear mongering, people have more anxiety disorders and fear than ever before, and now this is the second highest risk factor for death.


Any concerns that some drug companies have not disclosed their ingredients? High level of trust we have.


If hospitals were doing more harm than good.. wouldn't anxiety cause patients to present more often to hospitals and therefore have worse disease course?


Age is by far the strongest risk factor. A 90 year old has a 1000x greater risk of death than a mid-20 something. Obesity (at 1.3 greater risk according to your graphic) is a blip (comparably). The scale is exponentially different


Yes... Paranaoia and panic attacks and what looks like psychosis is a common side effect of covid... And long covid. That makes more sense. So the fear and anxiety is caused by covid... Brain inflammation in fact... Not a pre-disposition.
