Wives Submit to Your Husbands: What it REALLY Means w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, OP

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In this video, Fr. Gregory unpacks a passage of Scripture that often creates arguments: Wives Must be Submissive to Their Husbands. What does this actually mean and why is it important?



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I've always had a successfull marriage. But it got next level after I stayed home for the children, and even more after I went on a journey to try and live in my femininity. Which also meant accepting him as the leader.

It could really feel the dynamics shift and click into e place that made us both way more content


I think too many people have misunderstood "submit". If you apply for a job, you SUBMIT an application. If you get a bill in the mail, you SUBMIT payment. IMHO submit is to offer, not become a floor mat or slave. Perhaps reading the following two or three verses will make it more clear. Prayers tor all.


I like the ship analogy: husband = captain, wife = 1st mate, children = crew. Each has an important role for the ship to sail, and mutiny will cause it to sink.


I know many men that forget the part of loving your wife as Jesus loves his church and that hurts the view of the headship of the man in the relationship, it turns the relationship into a tyranny instead of a loving bond between people with different roles.


This was one of my wedding readings and I love it as a wife thank you


Impressed that Father explained Ephesians 5 without using the word "hierarchy", though he gets close at 10:50 in describing the differentiation in roles. Modern views regarding gender, democracy, and power dynamics seem to be the root of people being 'triggered' by Ephesians 5:22, but in context of the rest of Ephesians 5 and the Christology that Father Gregory describes, it's clearly the husbands that bear the greater responsibility and sacrifice. Matthew 20:26-28 descibes Christian hierarchy and power dynamics as a relationship of top-down service, as opposed to an abusive tyrannical lordship - I think that applies here in Ephesians 5. People in modern western societies seem to struggle with envisioning that sort of beneficent hierarchy, though.


Ephesians 5:21 isn’t telling husbands to submit to their wives. Interpreting it that way always muddies the waters and gives the impression that the way wives and husbands are to “submit” to each other is almost the same when it isn’t.


It seems we need a spin-off series called “Pints with Pine”


God bless you father, for being willing to take this on. Not an easy thing to take this on. I think some further discussion further elaborating may be helpful.


Thank you so much Fr Gregory Pine!
You are helping me approach with respect and understanding some of the things that have been unclear to me.

I know you have been used by God to help many others as well.
Thank you


I love this scripture and live it every day. God-Husband-Wife-Children. I love the umbrella image personally - and shows the "under the mission" aspect clearly.


Not Father's best. There's no getting around Paul's presumption of patriarchy. It is unreasonable to expect that he would call for completely overturning the social order. He is taking up the form of the Roman household code in this passage. But through it, Christian revelation shines through. Where in the Roman household code the husband has absolute authority over wife, children and servants with no duties towards them, Paul changes this form by imposing upon the husband the duty of self-sacrificial love towards the wife. It's a breakthrough towards equality under the influence of the Spirit and sets an inspired trajectory.


Thank you very much for this video. It's true that this reading comes up a lot in conversations and more often than not discussion turns into battle. Could you also explain another passage by Paul where he speaks about "women covering their heads" 1 Corinth 11? If you did a video about it, could you share a link? Thank you for all of your hard work and God bless!


Thank you for your explanation ! Could you please also explain First Corinthians 14, 34-35 ?


“Then arose between the two Spouses a holy contest, who should obey the other as superior. But She, who among the humble was the most humble, won this contest of humility; for as the man is the head of the family, She would not permit this natural order to be inverted. She desired in all things to obey her spouse saint Joseph, asking him solely for permission to help the poor, which the saint gladly gave.”

Venerable Mary of Agreda, Mystical City of God: The Conception, (Charlotte: Tan Books, 2013), pg 582.

Wives should subject themselves to their husbands as a companion, for this is the natural order. Husbands to, out of virtue, are called to serve humbly. If Saint Joseph, one of the greatest saints in heaven, was willing to humbly serve his wife then what excuse do we have for not following his example. This was also before he knew that Mary was the queen of Heaven. That being said, the husband is still the head of the family and still needs to lead. Only with virtue can their be true friendship between spouses.


Nice reading and true & fair explanation of the scripture.


Its a struggle for any religious person to answer this. As someone who is married and gives pre-Cana seminars (those getting married), we teach that there is a clear differentiation, but should not be interpreted as the man being superior to the woman. Again, the woman came from the rib of the man, therefore, in the eyes of God, equal. But in the family, like any organization, there is always a head and subordinates. If the father is God fearing and allows God’s grace to flow through him (he commits to be a good husband and father tethered to Jesus), subordination of the wife becomes so natural.


"For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man." 1Cor 11:7


You’re a brave man for taking on this subject. I can’t understand why God would place man as the head of woman. We are a fallen people and women suffer at the hands of men. Women allow themselves to become vulnerable to men, giving up careers for the sake of the family only to be berated for everything. We’re blamed for not earning enough, blamed for everything the children do, grades, behaviors, friends. Blamed for not taking care of the household while husband zones out to the television. Somebody explain to me why this is good and just? I’m not saying women would be any better lording over men. Why can’t we all be under Christ.


Duties and virtues are clear.

The practical aspects of how a man should exercise authority over a woman after being educated and live his own life under an equalitarian paradigm is the bigger problem.
