4 False Beliefs that Society is Built On - Dr. Bruce Lipton

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Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. He produced breakthrough studies on the cell membrane, which revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain. His research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas.

Additional videography provided by Alex Lipton
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"When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change"
-Avatar Aang


A good start is for every family to garden or otherwise secure their own food. Things go terribly wrong when people are not involved in their own food supply.


"For even the very wise cannot see all ends". --Gandalf


More then 12 years ago I came across your work, Bruce and it changed the way I perceive life ever since. Your research shows me that living from the heart with quiet amazement is probably the best thing to do in these times. Thank you. Love.


Huge respect for Dr Bruce whose lecture and book really changed my life and who was the first person I had ever heard talk in detail about Epigenetics after my master teacher mentioned it. This video was absolutely incredible as well and I loved it


“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”
― Alan Watts


I like the fact that after skool is bringing out the best.The way they put everything in diagrams makes learning more effective and interesting.Keep doing this as we are learning a lot from this channel.


“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” ~ Niels Bohr


The explanation of Myth #3 gave me actual goosebumps because, with no prior exposure to this idea, I was just telling my mother last week that I felt like our purpose here was to tend to and protect the Earth since we are, presumably, the most prolific species here. Just wow. That's all I have to say.


I used to believe competition = cooperation to achieve greater goods, but my society taught me competition = battle to harm each other to the top.


"why is everyone quoting everyone?" —Me


*“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending...”*
*―C. S. Lewis*

I may not know you personally, but I believe in you my friend! 🙏


"Don't believe every quote you read on the internet." - Albert Einstein


As a hypnotherapist, I know what Lipton says to be true. Our experience is tempered by our subconscious beliefs and frames, which are malleable. I love his message of hope.


Absolutely spot on 1000% correct! Everyone needs to watch this and take it to heart. This is what I have been struggling with others to get them to understand. for three years now I finally found the light and to think quantum physics supports everything I believe in and have been trying to teach.


I finally found my purpose in life! I'm supposed to be a gardener. Thank you After Skool!


It’s Heaven or Hell, we make the choice every moment. You want Heaven? Love.


Shroom told me all this long before watching this video.


This is such a powerful eye opener for humanity. How long can we sustain this planet staying on the course we are now on??? Some scientists don't give us even another 50 years. As the indigenous people spoke of the generations to come as a guide to how we live now. Even simply recycling helps. Ask how badly you need new clothes. Try to cut back on eating meat every day. I have volunteered for 7 years in a nonprofit thrift store and the amount of donations we receive is mind blowing and this is in a very small town in North Carolina. Imagine all the stuff we consume. I agree with Lipton in that there is still hope for mankind to wake up for our future generations.


“Earth is a realm not a planet” ………Nichola Tesla
