Religion as social control - 60 Second Adventures in Religion (1/4)

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Had Marx got his way, society would be so happy being revolutionaries, there'd be no need for religion. He'd obviously never been to a Gulag.

(Part 1 of 4)

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This is very questionable interpretation of Marx's theory. He didn't say that you should remove religion, in order to remove repression, but the other way around. He said that if you remove repression, than the people wouldn't need, or use religion as a crutch. Maybe than we would have truly religious people, instead of this fast-food, pay-to-pray religion we have today.


Marx didn't say that if you take away religion then the working class will suddenly become aware of their oppression and rise up. The rest of the quote is 'Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.' Marx believed that religion was a necessary expression of an oppressive socio-economic order. Its removal would not lead necessarily to a change in conditions.


Human psychological thinking and ways of hierarchy do not seem to change much through history.
Cults have so many followers and so many abuses ignored.


Some people will always believe what they want to, no matter how what you show them. Also the facts you gave are really amazing, I had no idea how vast the neuron configuration is.


Blessed are those who do not see but believe. Please, if you are an atheist, respect religions and understand what they stand for other humans. In places on Earth where science cannot reach, all people can have is religion. It is only by living so comfortably in the arms of technology and science that you atheists can so comfortably say with certainty that there is no God. But for some, God is all they have. Respect that at least, before shoving down scientific facts down their throats.


People often make closing remarks when 'ending a discussion' so it's not unnatural for someone to respond to such a request. Which is a different thing to telling someone to stop sending you messages immediately.


well said you do good deeds because they are right not because of reward


Why isn't the narrator or artist(s) credited in these shorts?


He didn't go wherever atheists go when he died, he went where everyone goes


Yes, but then Rene Descartes said that because God is perfect he is therefore good, and therefore he is not being deceived, and then Descartes pretty much didn't care anymore.


/* Your argument about Stalin was invalid too, Stalin was an atheist. */

I know Stalin was an atheist. But history records he read Nietzsche 'Will to Power' which suited both their political agendas.

There is also records of Hitler disparaging Christianity. And he also destroyed a lot of churches.

It is always the former Roman Catholic countries in Europe that go insane. Its the Protestant countries that retained rational and reason.


Aint Quantum Mechanics when trying to give a right model of universe calculate it's possibilities of it's "thesis and antithesis" and look on it in superposition rather than certain? I mean, it won't give a right answer, but rather give what it could looks like from one point to another? (sorry for my bad english)


Well you cannot deny that religion and scripture were justification for war and genocide in the past. The inquisition for example is derived from the basic truths held in the bible of
1: Only Christ is the true God, and others are false.
2: Spreading the "good word"

Your interpretation of it may be different than others. Nevertheless it was a cause of many wars anyway.


Does heaven have wifi? I gotta grind out the MW battlepass you feel? Gotta keep my streaks as well-gonna get laid once I hit 100 days with this dirty. I've put like over $100+ in the offering plate so I should be good right?


Well there are many neurons in your brain that conduct electric charge between one another. The combination of those charges creates thoughts, logic, emotion, personality, and ultimately consciousness. The number of combinations of on/off charge between your neurons is so huge that the number of all humans who have ever lived is less than 0.001% of the number of those combinations.


Please read from your eyes ' Bhagavan Swaminarayan in Sanatan Scriptures like Veds, Puranas, sahintas, Oopanishads and Bhagavat etc ' jj


Is the voice of the narrator, Mark, from the Peep Show?


However, as far I heard, there is no proof either that quantums are just very little particles that behave like wave, rather than it's something else that behave like wave or something we just can't measure. If assume that quantums are particles that just move\behave like a wave, then it's just possibilities, BUT if it's something else, and if we assume that one particle of wave hit the whole possibility at the same time, we can assume that superposition IS all the possibilities at the same time.


Marx was right about the Abrahamitic tradition and he did some pretty interesting analysis on the economic nature of the world. However, he did not provide the solution.


pretty pro religion, these bits are. Very Disturbed, I am. 
