Religion as social control - 60 Second Adventures in Religion (1/4)

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Had Marx got his way, society would be so happy being revolutionaries, there'd be no need for religion. He'd obviously never been to a Gulag.
(Part 1 of 4)
Study R14 BA (Honours) Arts and Humanities (Religious Studies)
Study R23 BA (Honours) Social Sciences (Religious Studies)
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(Part 1 of 4)
Study R14 BA (Honours) Arts and Humanities (Religious Studies)
Study R23 BA (Honours) Social Sciences (Religious Studies)
The Open University is the world’s leading provider of flexible, high-quality online degrees and distance learning, serving students across the globe with highly respected degree qualifications, and the triple-accredited MBA. The OU teaches through its own unique method of distance learning, called ‘supported open learning’ and you do not need any formal qualifications to study with us, just commitment and a desire to find out what you are capable of.
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#OpenUniversity #religion
Religion as social control - 60 Second Adventures in Religion (1/4)
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Religion as social control
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