Our scariest day of van life. (winter in Yellowstone)

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Vlog 761 | #Yellowstone, #Wyoming, USA | State 25/50 | Filmed March 11, 2021


👩🏻‍💻 Kara’s Behind the Scenes Guide to Editing a Vlog:



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Here's a few tips from someone who lives in Wisconsin: 1. Throw your hazards on in that kind of weather so the person behind you can see you and know something is up. 2. SLOW DOWN!!! Slow way way down. Like a crawling speed. 3. Use the driver ahead of you as a guide to know where the road is. 4. If you are tall enough and it's safe enough, open up your window and slap your windshield wiper against the windshield. That will help to get some of the ice off. 5. In crappy weather like that, always have bags of kitty litter with you. If you ever get stuck in the snow the kitty litter is great traction and it weighs down your vehicle. 6. Pile ups are a real concern when driving in that bad of weather. If possible, turn down the radio and keep the windows open so you can hear for screeching tires or cars crashing. It'll give you a little bit of time to take action instead of having a pileup sneak up on you.
Stay safe and safe travels! If you are traveling in the midwest currently, just know we usually get that one NASTY snow storm in April. After that one ugly snow storm, than it's officially spring.


As a disabled person watching all of your videos let’s me live vicariously through you guys. So very thankful I came across your page a few months ago. Please keep visiting as much as possible for those of us can not anymore!


As a born and raised Minnesotan, respect to Nate for handling that black ice so well in the van and not pulling off on the side of the highway. Did the right thing to keep moving till you could pull off safely🤙🏻👍🏻 Take note friends


That reminds me so much of our crash in snow when I was 9 months pregnant. My husband just remained really calm and said ‘I can’t brake’ and we just slid down a hill and braced for the crash. Thank goodness we managed to turn and have our stop braced by a large bush/tree. Still the scariest moment of my life. I really felt your emotions, Kara.


We all need a Kara in an emergency situation. The support she was giving Nate to keep him calm in the moment just comes so natural to her. Glad you're both okay :)


Another thing I noticed is how much you respect each other. When one is talking the other is quietly listening in the background and not interrupting. You're just the best couple on YouTube ever.


It's called "BLACK ICE" (you can't see it). I used to live in PA and this would happen a lot. I'll never forget just starting to drive and I did a 360 at a red light from it. SO SCARY! So glad you two are safe.


I love how supportive you guys are to each other. No frustrations towards each other no talking over each other. Just your unconditional love and understanding.
Y'all did great♥️


i love how the police officer just waved at them when they blew through the stop sign in front of him


You did it perfect. Slower is faster. I have lived in Wyoming my entire life. I got my CDL in 1982, and drove 18 wheelers over the road for the better part of 29 years. I still drive, more local now. That one mile on hour faster isn't worth a wreck. Good job.


The scariest black ice is when the weather is nice. Bridges are the most common areas for it. Take your foot off of the gas and ride it out.


At 3:40 when Kara said, “it was really scary”, Nate turned to her with a look of genuine concern because I think he realized she was crying 😭 I love the love you two have for each other ❤️


I swear - every time Kara cries I cry. As a Canadian I feel like we tend to laugh off those types of situations because we are raised driving in wild road conditions, but we often forget that if you don't learn to drive in the snow and ice and your vehicles aren't necessarily equipped for that weather, it can be really dangerous and super overwhelming. So glad you're both alright and made it safe and sound :) Now you'll have another adventurous story to share!


Winter driving 101 - 1st lesson: Slow Down.


So glad Kara mentioned mental health... especially after what happened with Lee (of Max & Lee vanlife). 🥺 Rest in peace, sweet girl.
Kara thank you for being you ❤️ Such a sweet moment when Nate is comforting Kara ❤️❤️


As a born and raised North Dakotan I forget that not everyone has experience driving in snowy conditions. You did well Nate.


Now i appreciate my dad. He never showed he was nervous in those conditions. Which we'd drive in all the time. I was extyping.


I've been driving in trash weather like this my entire life living on the Iowa/Minnesota border. I can't imagine how stressful this was for Nate. He did a great job. If you are not used to this type of weather conditions it can be extremely dangerous.


Nate is so kind. I would react the same as Kara and I’m glad Nate comforted her. Stay safe! 💜


Got caught in tooley fog on I5 in California at night and I 100% understand the trapped feeling. You cannot stop cause you're sure someone will hit you, you can't pull over because you can't see the shoulder, you can't do anything but continue to drive in that terrifying condition. It's an very weird kind of terror. You don't know when it will end.
