Overwatch 2 EVERY HERO ULTIMATE and ABILITY!...Quick Start Guide!

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All Overwatch 2 Hero Ultimates and Abilities! Stylosa explains all Overwatch 2 heroes with quick start tips and advice!
0:00 Overwatch 2 Quick Start Hero Guide
0:07 Dva
4:11 Doomfist
7:11 Junker Queen
10:42 Orisa
13:56 Reinhardt
16:40 Roadhog
19:48 Sigma
23:07 Winston
26:49 Wrecking Ball
29:49 Zarya
43:28 Ashe
38:24 Bastion
41:27 Cassidy
44:02 Echo
46:29 Genji
49:03 Hanzo
52:17 Junkrat
54:41 Mei
57:23 Pharah
59:33 Reaper
1:01:16 Sojourn
1:03:05 Soldier 76
1:05:16 Sombra
1:08:29 Symmetra
1:10:47 Torbjourn
1:12:54 Tracer
1:15:18 Widowmaker
1:17:41 Ana
1:21:13 Baptiste
1:24:20 Brigitte
1:27:48 Kiriko
1:30:57 Lucio
1:34:18 Mercy
1:37:34 Moira
1:41:40 Zenyatta

#overwatch2 #overwatch

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I love how the video is designed for new players. It’s gonna help all the people who are getting into the game for the first time.


I love Stylosa’s little giggle, especially when he knows he’s made a mistake or nerds out on a technical concept. The dude seems like a really great sport and is probably really fun to play with


Some useful info for some heroes I think Sty should have said in the video

Ana - when using scope your bullets have tracers but when hip firing they don’t

Zenyatta - have no footsteps since he is floating which can surprise some players

Brigitte - jumping in conjunction with shield bash it increases your range (best for getting back to fights faster)

Reaper - using wraith form reloads your weapons great when fighting tanks or surprising low enemies

Reinhardt - when using barrier you can press a button to free look (aim for vision without moving barrier around I don’t remember which but a tooltip should appear)

Hope this helps anyone who might be interested
There are probably tons of other small details but these are the ones I noticed weren’t mentioned that are valuable to know feel free to add any of you got some tips I or sty didn’t mention :)


i’m a OW1 veteran but this is a fantastic video! i seriously wish other content creators would make videos like this for other games, it opens the door up for so many new players


I love how with the first hero he goes over, combo Remech with D.Va and Zarya, both tanks when he said there is only one tank. Just shows how strange and taking use to it will be for older Overwatch players


Stylosa is here for the people ❤️ The minute OW2 lanches is the minute he provides to his crowd and makes sure we are ready to game and game well. Rock on Sty!


Hopefully Blizzard can add hero specific tutorials soon. I think that would be a tremendous help for new players.


Even though I'm far from being new to Overwatch, I still appreciate the work that went into this!


Fun fact for Orisa's Ult. It also can serve as an area denial tool. You can legitimately run up to the point and just pop it, and either force them off the point or kill everyone on the point. It's so useful, and with an Ana boost and healer keeping you up, it can easily lead to a team kill. Coming from experience.


Not all heroes wear capes.. all around well made and informative. Great video I just sent it to a buddy who’s about to pick up the game


You gained a sub mate. I’m a new player and this guide is really really helpful. I know it’s not a complete breakdown of the characters, but still it helps a lot.. thank you again for being a new player friendly channel! Cheers!


I love that the very first example of a combo that you give includes ults from two different tanks. This is going to take some getting used to LOL


Man, I remember watching the old guide videos for OW1 when Stylosa was UnitLostGaming, now about 5 years later and I'm watching his vids again for the new OW sequel. Thanks for your hard work, Stylosa! And I hope you're doing well!


A useful tip for Genji: Dragonblade’s second swing is slower but if you swing once and dash it cancels the second swing and you can do the first again, just increases the damage you do in a short time. Also you can cancel the sheathe animation by wall climbin


hey sty there is a problem with the timestamps for Zarya heading into DPS. Zarya ends and Ashe begins at 34:29, ends and Bastion begins at 38:25, ends and Cassidy begins 41:26


I've been out of the loop for months, time to see what's new. Good to be back in, my friend.


This is genuinely so helpful, I last played overwatch a few years ago and this makes me feel super excited to get back in! 🧡


I love when Stylosa giggles like a giddy goblin in the Roadhog part haha


Jesus sty, you truly are the mvp of ow. Love you man


Personally, I feel this video shows exactly why FTUE is needed for people totally and utterly new to Overwatch. Whenever I jump into a new game and can't understand any of the characters it doesn't take much for me to give up on the game. It'll be interesting to see how fast and how often a brand new player unlocks heroes but I think it's vital as OW has a ton of nuances to each hero.
