A rare look inside America's underground nuclear missile defense system

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On a windswept road, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, members of 90th Missile Wing from Francis E. Warren Air Force Base are stationed at one of the critical locales to our nation’s defense system.
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It comforting seeing such professional and responsible young people being in charge of theses weapons.
It's also a moment to chuckle at yourself when you realize somehow you got old enough to think they all look so young!

Of course age never equated with anyone's being responsible or not!

Thank you one and all for helping protect the fragile balance we have to sustain in a global nuclear environment!


Not sure who I thought was running the defense rooms, but my first thought certainly wasn't a group of college freshmen.


Thank you to our missileers for keeping our country safe! #USA #SuperPower #AFGSC #ICBM #NuclearTriad <3 <3 <3


1:06 i like how you showing top secret codes


“These guys control 10 of out 400 nuclear missiles.” Lol i think we have a bit more than that lol


My dads best friends did this in the 60s-70s he told me stories how they would just be sitting down there bored as hell so they would just smoke a bunch of hash in the control room all day and night XD


Great respect for this vert important system 🇺🇲🕊️


Just curious to know. if these weapons is classified as a top secret then, why put in on Youtube?


It’s just one guy with a PlayStation controller?


God bless the man protecting those 'nuculer' weapons.


Dude are you serious?!?! These guys (kinda) resemble the nuke silo in the Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 intro.


That's a Brinks lock. Might as well use a zip tie.


Was that a Nigerian with a accent in control of the nukes wtf.


Man I love the beautiful United States of America!


Usa only have 400-450 activ nuke in silos 50% of us nuke's is on 14 ohio class sub right now other is on air in v2 bombers


Better than Iranian missile lauch from under deserr


The main lesson of the Ukraine war for Americans: we should shift much of the funds we currently spend on conventional forces to anti-ballistic missiles and other forms of nuclear defense. Let's get real--nukes are all Russia has against the US. If Russia’s conventional forces were twice as good as they are, they’d still be half as good as they need to be to give the US a run for its money. As for China, all signs point to its conventional forces being just as much of a paper tiger as Russia's. Realistically speaking, no country’s conventional forces pose a strategic threat to the US. Yet, against nukes the US seems content to remain helpless. The percentage of defense spending allocated to nuclear defense is so low what else can it be called other than wildly irrational and profoundly irresponsible. I’ve read that the US has fewer bunkers than either tiny Albania or tiny Switzerland. I live in Washington DC. A few minutes ago I googled where to go in case of a nuclear attack. I can find no useful answer. I just see unhelpful comments like “go to a fall-out shelter” with no info about where fall-out shelters are, what their capacities are, which ones are deepest, best fortified, etc. If nukes were really about to fly in 15 minutes, I suppose I’d run to the closest metro stop (the subway), but to where should I take it? Which direction should I head? Which metro lines would take me to an above-ground stop where death awaits? Where can one find iodine pills agains radiation sickness? I can’t find any answers. Why hasn’t the US spent five-hundred dollars to create a webpage with this kind of information. It’s as if long ago the US decided that there’s no point in even trying to survive a nuclear war given that whatever we do millions of us will die. If half of us will die, there’s no point in the other half surviving. What kind of nonsense is that?! Why do we make no effort whatsoever to save the tens of millions of American lives that could be saved? We spend astronomical amounts to develop fighter jets so advanced that fighter pilots won’t get shot down, thereby saving tens or hundreds of American lives. So why do we spend almost nothing to save tens of millions of American civilians from incineration and radiation poisoning?!
