Destroy Your Body... and YOU'LL CONTROL THE MIND

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Disclaimer: I am NOT a scholar, sheikh, imam, scientist, advisor, priest, rabbi, doctor, financial advisor… ANY OF THOSE. I’m just a guy who’s learning (just like you) and sharing what I’m learning and doing with you.
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Basically: Too much energy can lead to overthinking


"Train your body rigorously, so it does not disobey the mind" - Seneca.


Damn bro, you hit the nail in the head with the salah thing. There are times where I just don't feel like doing the 5 prayers and those are also precisely the times where I slack off and don't do any work, it is no coincidence. The movement inside salah, how you have to get down and get up again, how you keep track of time of the 5 times, those have been the unbelievable anchor to my work ethic and discipline. For so long I was on denial and kept saying to myself "meh you can work hard and skip prayer just fine" but time and time again it's proven by my work time-tracking app that those 2 have always been correllated in my daily pattern. If I don't feel like doing salah then I also won't feel like working, it's as simple as that. Prayers and work ethics ABSOLUTELY go together, you cannot have one without the other. So do your 5 prayer folks!


Wallah Im so glad I found your channel, every single video I watch it doesnt feel like your saying the same generic crap everybody copy pastes from each other. Your genuinelly speaking from learned experience and your genuine and truthfull with your words. Ive made it a rule for myself to watch every video you post, I have never come out of one of your videos and not felt like my perspective has expanded. May Allah grant you this world and the hereafter akhi, Assalamualeikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakathu


You're absolutely correct i started doing 100 pushups a day and now my destroyed body enables me to unlock my philosophical realm of mind, it made me disciplined, improved focus in my salah, i instinctively avoid sin like something is repelling sin away from me and im overall thanKfull to Allah. Yeah its understandable that some people might think whats the correlation between push ups and all these other things but here i am another living proof just like mohammed, i want to say Jazakallah khair mohammed you really help some people fix their lives by actually addressing the mistakes they've been making. Indeed the help comes through Allah's mercy to selective sincere people.


In my first year at uni, I did 200 push-ups every day for a month and the transformation was pretty crazy. Crazier was the reaction of people around me…
At first, I struggled. This welcomed mocking like
“bro it’s been 3 days no way you’re going to make it”
“That’s not going to do anything, you need to be more consistent”
When I started seeing results
“You’re not even fit you just have big triceps”
“Must be nice to have a body like that”
“I wish I had the time to do that”
Misery loves company.


MashaAllah!; I soon as I got home today after I took an intense sprint for the first time this year, It felt like I was going to faint mid way on my excursion home. As soon as I saw this right after I got home, everything mentioned is absolutely true.

You don't need to injure your body at all in order to get into a state of presence, you just need your body to submit to it's duty; and it is to provide and nourish for you Akhi not only that, It continues to make Dhikr while doing so. Which results into purity and cleanliness to come and place a rebirth to your mindset and emotions

Allah is all Knowing The most praiseworthy. May Allah reward you for your guidance today Mohammad💪📿🙏


Habibi I'm a personal trainer and what your feeling are endorphins. a lot of it is circulation, blood flow. by recruiting as much muscle fibre as possible doing multi joint movements such as deadlifts, squats, presses and etc, we can displace that energy at a quicker rate. Our bodies are made up of energy Habibi, you say right and working out is the displacement of the bodies energy. You know that feeling after you just killed it in the gym that calm that contentment, it's the centring of all the displaced energy from daily life. We as muslims on the other hand get 5 chances a day to displace that energy, Subanallah! through Salat. Have you ever rolled? you know facia? well sometimes it gets all out of place and rolling smooths the facia out causing relief. well working out does this with our energy stabilizing our frequency causing the brain to clear, your energy levels to increase and the release of that awesomeness, Endorphins


dude, that iceberg metaphor just blew my mind!
I've been researching astral projection and lucid dreaming and stuff, this 100% fits into that!!


I'm setting a similar goal - 500 a day for 30 business days, 200 a day on weekends/holidays.


I noticed when I'd workout, I'd be non-chalant, relaxed, I be like water (flowing/in state of flow), "be water my friend" - Bruce Lee.


I have also experienced this same thing, there was a time when we had to move houses a few times within one year and since I was the only male in our family in that time that was present I had to do all the work alone not once but 3 times that year, and I was still 15 years old at that time going to the gym as well and what I Realised was that whenever I would go to school in that year I was so confident and my friendship circle grew rapidly, and I was in this state of peace and tranquillity, which also brought me very close to Allah SWT in that year, some of my best memories come from that time.


2:15 woah... deep. that's just soo raaaad my dude!


This saying came to mind:
Civilise the mind but make savage the body 💪


How? do? you? find? this? Knowledge?
The part where you mentioned what sickness causes to the mind was nothing but fact.
Its weird how we all knew it, but someone else telling at our face just gave it a kick.


Sir you are changing my life thank you for all the wisdom you are sharing ❤❤


I did 200 pushups every day for around the past two months and I've been feeling really good, I got a hand injury tho recently and some days I had to take a break to recover, hopefully, I'll recover soon


I have been doing the push-ups for a few months, and I can say that what he says is true


Pull up & dip

Warm up, stretch do not skip out on mobility and flexibility then hop on the strength training

Please look after your joint tendons and ligaments condition yourself and train smart


Jzk brother Alhamdulilah for this advice
